noun as in smell, aroma
verb as in detect, smell
Example Sentences
There is hardly a vantage point in the city from which flames or plumes of smoke are not visible, nowhere the scent of burning memories can’t reach.
If we could find reliable ways to extract the information inherent in scent, there are so many ways this could be useful.
Some of the trees will be turned into chippings that can be used by the spectacled bears, which enjoy the pine scent, and the rhinos, which enjoy foraging through them.
I have been sickened by the lingering scent of buffalo cauliflower bites at Alamo Drafthouse far too often for my liking.
These Mediterranean native flowers have a scent that keeps giving, even if you strip all the little buds off the upright stalks and put them in a container.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.