once only
adverb as in once
Strong match
Example Sentences
Mistakes such as those flipped the game on its head for Centennial, which was once only down 9-7 after defensive back Dean Gibson — a sophomore filling in for beat-up running backs Malachi Roby and Braylin Drake — stormed for a 51-yard touchdown run and a 16-yard touchdown scramble with 6:53 remaining in the second quarter.
While the game changed the sport itself — skaters have mastered combinations of tricks once only possible in the game — part of the legacy of “THPS” is introducing music, punk and otherwise, to many young kids, Hawk said.
In the 1980s, it became the first country to deregulate its gambling industry, making it possible for slot machines - once only permitted inside casinos - to expand into licensed pubs and clubs.
The children need to get a new BRP visa, which lets you re-enter the UK once only, from Warsaw - a process handled by the Home Office - and then apply for the replacement visas once they are back in the UK.
They are signs of hope and renewal where there was once only trauma and despair.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.