adjective as in former
adjective as in past
adverb as in anciently
adverb as in formerly
Strongest matches
Strong match
adverb as in once
Strong match
adverb as in previously
noun as in past
Strongest match
Strong matches
noun as in time out of mind
Example Sentences
Lying about long-ago history may seem like an easier lift since the people being lied about are dead and can't defend the truth.
The 40-plus years of his post-presidential era went unremarked upon, with the long-ago breakthrough in the mountains of Maryland the primary focus.
Multiple witnesses had died since the crime took place, and many struggled to recount the long-ago events, the prosecutor said.
And indeed, a quarter century after deciding to commit my life to movies, reality is not as rosy as that long-ago dream.
Even that small outpost is miles from the desert where a dozen paleontologists are hiking, looking for signs of long-ago life.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.