adjective as in very many; enormous
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“Undersigned” only works because the choices don’t feel like an arbitrary thought experiment; that is, it’s not a game of accepting, say, untold billions by giving up a pet or a limb.
When he took office in 2007, Pierson was skeptical of reform advocates, such as the Innocence Project, that claimed there were untold numbers of people wrongly locked up in prisons around the country.
As it turned out, their dreams of untold riches were theoretical at best.
Ten years later, Syria’s civil war, with its untold numbers of dead, serves as a bleak example of possibility and hope crushed by conflict and chaos.
"He abused young boys in school, home and other public spaces. We now know that Dunleavy’s abuse has even involved multiple children within the same family, causing untold, lasting psychological damage," she added.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.