adjective as in continual, unceasing
Strongest matches
boundless, ceaseless, constant, continuous, endless, eternal, incessant, interminable, nonstop, perpetual, relentless, timeless, unbroken, uninterrupted, unremitting
Weak matches
Example Sentences
On the one hand, you knew you were going to be physically captive for an unbroken 70 or so minutes that could feel like a never-ending marathon.
This time of year, it feels like the late British musician is always playing in a never-ending loop in our minds because of the song "Last Christmas" when he was with Wham!
With the onslaught of anti-LGBTQ+ legislation across the country, "it really is, it seems, some days a never-ending wave of hatred that gets thrown at us," Graham said.
Where Herbert fits exactly in the pecking order is the topic of never-ending debates on radio shows, television segments and podcasts.
One is in knowing that all this has happened before, a hint toward fans cycling back to the start of it all for a never-ending rewatch.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.