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Alaska Code of Judicial Conduct
National Judicial Ethics Issues
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National Center for State Courts
Current office hours are Monday-Friday 11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. excluding State holidays, but may occasionally vary due to limited staffing. Appointments may be made outside of these hours.
To reach the Commission directly, please leave a message at 907-272-1033 and staff working remotely will try to respond within one business day. If you are requesting a Complaint Packet, please provide the spelling of your name and a good mailing address. The Commission continues to accept complaints via e-mail, if signed, to
Marla Greenstein, Executive Director
The Alaska Commission on Judicial Conduct
Alaska's Commission on Judicial Conduct was created by amendment to the state constitution in 1968. The Commission is composed of three state court judges, three attorneys who have practiced law in the state for at least ten years, and three members of the public. This group of nine individuals from differing backgrounds and geographical areas addresses problems of judicial conduct and disability. Complaints alleging judicial misconduct can be filed by any member of the public.
Recent Commission Actions
Disciplinary Matter Involving Fallon, 544 P.3d 626 (Alaska 2024)
The Commission Members
Public Members
Public members can be contacted through the commission office.
Attorney Members
Bill Satterberg
Fairbanks, Alaska
(Term expires March 1, 2028)
Attorney members can be contacted through the commission office.
Judge Members
Alaska Superior Court
Box 114100
Juneau, Alaska 99811
(Term expires February 1, 2027)
Alaska Superior Court
101 Lacey Street
Fairbanks, Alaska 99701
(Term expires February 1, 2027)
Alaska Superior Court
825 W. 4th Avenue
Anchorage, Alaska 99501
(Term expires February 1, 2028)
The Commission's Role and Function
Judicial Officers Who Come Under the Commission's Authority
Alaska's Commission on Judicial Conduct oversees the conduct of justices of the Alaska Supreme Court, judges of the state court of appeals, state superior court judges, and state district court judges. The Commission cannot handle complaints against magistrates, masters, attorneys or federal judicial officers.
Complaints against state magistrates and masters are handled by the presiding superior court judge for their respective judicial district:
First Judicial District
Honorable Amy G. Mead
Alaska Superior Court
BOX 114100
Juneau, Alaska 99811
Second Judicial District
Honorable Paul A. Roetman
Alaska Superior Court
Box 317
Kotzebue, Alaska 99752-0317
Third Judicial District
Honorable Thomas A. Matthews
Alaska Superior Court
825 West 4th Avenue
Anchorage, Alaska 99501-2004
Fourth Judicial District
Honorable Brent E. Bennett
Alaska Superior Court
101 Lacey Street
Fairbanks, Alaska 99701
Complaints against attorneys can be directed to:
Phil Shanahan, Bar Counsel
Alaska Bar Association
Box 100279
Anchorage, Alaska 99510
Complaints against federal judges in Alaska are handled by:
Assistant Circuit Executive
P.O. Box 193939
San Francisco, California 94119-3939
Telephone (415) 556-6100
Complaints against administrative law judges in Alaska are handled by:
Chief Administrative Law Judge
Office of Administrative Hearings
Department of Administration
550 West Seventh Avenue
Suite 1940
Anchorage, Alaska 99501
Types of Complaints the Commission Can Address ("Jurisdictional")
1. Misconduct
Perhaps the broadest category of conduct complaints against judges falls under the term "misconduct." Judicial misconduct has very specific meaning under the Code of Judicial Conduct. The Code of Judicial Conduct generally governs the activities of judges both on and off the bench. It is a comprehensive statement of appropriate judicial behavior and has been adopted by the Alaska Supreme Court as part of the Rules of Court. Judicial misconduct can be divided into several categories.
(a) Improper Courtroom Behavior
Often complaints against judges allege improper behavior in the courtroom during a trial. Allegations of improper courtroom behavior may include: improper consideration and treatment of attorneys, witnesses, and others in the hearing; improper physical conduct; or persistent failure to dispose of business promptly and responsibly.
Examples of improper courtroom behavior include: racist or sexist comments by a judge, sleeping or drunkenness on the bench. Judges can also be disciplined for administrative failures such as taking an excessive amount of time to make a decision.
(b) Improper or Illegal Influence
Judges must be independent from all outside influences that may affect their abilities to be fair and impartial. Consequently, judges are restricted as to the types of activities in which they can participate. At a minimum, judges cannot allow family, social or political relationships to influence any judicial decision. Judges also should not hear a matter in which the judge has a personal interest in the outcome. Extreme examples of improper influence would include the giving or receiving of gifts, bribes, loans or favors. To help assure judicial independence, judges are required to file financial disclosure statements with the court and other financial statements with the Alaska Public Offices Commission.
(c) Impropriety Off the Bench
Judges are required to live an exemplary life off the bench, as well. Consequently, the Commission has the authority and responsibility to look at judges' activities outside of the courtroom. Complaints dealing with off the bench conduct might allege: misappropriation or misuse of public employees, property or funds; improper speech or associations; interference with a pending or impending lawsuit; lewd or corrupt personal life; or use of the judicial position to extort or embezzle funds. Clearly, off the bench conduct includes a wide range of behavior from merely inappropriate actions to criminal violations.
(d) Other Improper Activities
Judges are also subject to restrictions in other aspects of their positions. These include prohibitions against: conducting proceedings or discussions involving one party to a legal dispute; interfering with the attorney-client relationship; bias; improper campaign activities; abusing the prestige of the judicial office; obstructing justice; and criminal behavior.
2. Physical or Mental Disability
Apart from allegations of misconduct in office, the Commission also has the authority and responsibility to address allegations of judges' physical and mental disabilities. Disabilities may include: alcohol or drug abuse; senility; serious physical illness; or mental illness.
The Commission can require medical examinations as part of its investigation and also can recommend counseling when appropriate.
Complaints the Commission Cannot Address ("Nonjurisdictional")
The Commission has no authority to address questions of law, which are the most common complaints the Commission receives. Frequently, complaints allege dissatisfaction with decisions that judges make in their judicial capacity. For example, individuals often complain of wrong child custody awards or sentences that judges impose in criminal cases. The Commission may not enter into cases or reverse judicial decisions. That role belongs to the appellate courts.
Commission Complaint Form
***Note: This complaint form is not necessary, however any complaint needs to be in writing with a signature. Complaints can be mailed or faxed to: Alaska Commission on Judicial Conduct, 510 L Street, Suite 585, Anchorage, Alaska 99501; fax: (907) 272-9309. Complaints can also be scanned and e-mailed to