I don’t often get the chance to listen to many podcasts but when I do, there are a few that I have waiting in my iPod:
- Mark Kermode’s film reviews from BBC Radio 2,
- In Our TIme with Melvyn Bragg from BBC Radio 4, which even has its own wiki-driven fansite,
- The Guardian’s science podcast featuring regular appearances from Bobbie and
- WNYC’s Radiolab—probably my favourite. If you haven’t heard it yet, do yourself a favour and listen back through the archives of mindblowingly good past episodes.
A recent addition to the podcast parade comes courtesy of Messrs. Hicks and Oxton. Broadcasting from their RAF base, they produce The Rissington Podcast—Gardener’s Question Time for the Web
. The podcast also sports a brand new website that positively drips with delight. Go ahead and resize the browser window… admire that header, gasp at that footer.
See, this one of the reasons why I’m such a fan of liquid layouts. Not only do they feel inherently more “webby”, more in-tune with the medium, they also offer more capacity to delight. I know they’re harder to build. Fixed width layouts are certainly the easier option. But just as safe design won’t ever offend or excite, safe layouts won’t have quite the same propensity for delivering that warm glow of satisfaction that comes with having a website flow to fit the dimensions of your browser window. See also: Unstoppable Robot Ninja. Gorgeous.
But back to podcasts… I’m almost done with the dConstruct 2007 podcast—just one more talk left to put up. The presentations were ably recorded on the day by Drew. Speaking of whom, it’s that time of the year again: 24 Ways is back. Drew opens up the first window on the advent calendar with a piece on transparent PNGs in IE6. Expect another 23 high-quality articles to follow.