Link tags: bdi



The Law of Least Power and Defunct StackOverflow Answers - Web Directions

I love John’s long-zoom look at web development. Step back far enough and you can start to see the cycles repeating.

Underneath all of these patterns and practices and frameworks and libraries are core technologies. And underlying principles.

These are foundations – technological, and of practice – that we ignore, overlook, or flaunt at our peril.

Tantek Çelik - The once and future IndieWeb - YouTube

Tantek’s great talk on the Indie Web from Web Directions Code in Melbourne earlier this year.

Tantek Çelik - The once and future IndieWeb

>> blog » html5′s new bdi element

An excellent explanation from Richard of the bdi element (bi-directional isolate) for handling a mixture of left to right and right to left languages in HTML5.

Web Directions: East 08

I'm going to Japan in November to talk about Ajax. I am very excited about this.

Web Directions North » Blog Archive » Web Directions North open for business

Registration is now open for Web Directions North in Vancouver in February. Come for the geeky presentations, stay for the skiing.

Web Directions North | February 6 - 10, 2007

I'm going to Vancouver in February. w00t! This conference looks like it's going to kick arse.