Historical Dictionary of Science Fiction
A fascinating crowdsourced project. You can read the backstory in this article in Wired magazine.
A fascinating crowdsourced project. You can read the backstory in this article in Wired magazine.
Improve your word power:
Using ‘very’ + adjective makes your writing stale. This dictionary finds you a less dull, alternative word. It’ll help make your writing more convincing and engaging.
This is a rather lovely idea—technical terms explained with analogies.
I just finished writing something about HTTPS and now I wish I had used this.
Hexadecimal colours and their corresponding dictionary definitions. Cute.
This could be a handy: a client-side spellchecker. The dictionary files are a bit big of course—maybe local storage could help.
It's The Meaning Of Liff all over again. Creating and rating neologisms.
British English slang dictionary with translations into American English.
Put all those years of reading science fiction to use. Help track down first usage of sci-fi terms.
The word w00t has been voted Merriam-Webster word of the year 2007. Slow year.
Happy Cog redesigns Dictionary.com and its siblings.