Link tags: fontlinking



Fonts Live

Ascender is selling (and hosting) webfonts now.

Google Font Directory

Google-hosted free-as-in-beer webfonts.

FontDeck: Exclusive Sneak Peek | Design Shack

Get a glimpse behind Fontdeck's curtain.

Times Skimmer by The New York Times

Beautifully done with HTML5 and font linking.

Web fonts test

Test cases for font-linking.

High Performance Web Sites :: @font-face and performance

Steve Souders does the research and reveals the sad truth about the effect font-linking has on performance.


A quick, slick primer on font linking.

@font-face in Depth

A good look at choosing fonts for font linking.

Bulletproof @font-face syntax « Paul Irish

Getting font-linking to work in all browsers.

Font in your face | Nimbupani Designs

A good, clear-headed summation of font linking.

Web fonts. Where are we? Will web fonts ever be a reality? | i love typography, the typography and fonts blog

A great round-up on the current state of web typography following TypeCon 2009.

How to create EOT files without Microsoft WEFT — Edward O’Connor

@font-face for all — Ted shows how to convert TTF files to EOT using the command line. | @font-face central

Another font-linking service is on the way.

beautiful fonts with @font-face at

A good description of how font linking works.

Nice Web Type Suggests: Graublau Sans with Lucida sanserif

A great example of @font-face in action: comparing Graublau Sans Web with with Lucida Grande.

Facing up to Fonts | Slides and notes

The slides from Richard's superb Skillswap presentation.