Link tags: fuck



My experience at Modern Frontends Live |

I appreciate Hidde’s reluctance to participate in anything that looks like a pile-on, but in this case, it’s important to call out the bad behaviour so it doesn’t happen again.

The specific issues I’ve put in this post cross the line between honest mistakes and bad behaviour. They cross the line, because they consistute fraud (the livestream) and because they impact attendees, sponsors and speakers. The front-end community doesn’t deserve this, and I’m worried for people new to the industry, who get may assume this is normal or ok. It’s not normal.

Modern Frontends

More on that shitshow of an event that Jo wrote about, this time from Cassie.

My experience of Modern Frontends Conference - DEV Community 👩‍💻👨‍💻

I’ve heard from multiple people about how much of a shitshow this event was. Worth remembering in case they try to pull the same shit again.


This is possibly the most horrifying piece of JavaScript ever written. The license is good too.

From the Mailbag | Regretsy

Of all the fuckwittery that PayPal have engaged in (and that’s a lot), this one really takes the biscuit.

Rather than have the violin returned to me, PayPal made the buyer DESTROY the violin in order to get his money back.

neologasm: antfucker

I'm being credited with hauling this wonderful phrase over from the original Dutch. // Fuck.

I know it's childish but I think this may be my favourite 404 page ever.

FUCK this website

I don't think the end of Catcher In The Rye will have quite the same impact after browsing through the signs on display here. This is big and it is clever.

What the F***?

I saw Steven Pinker give a talk recently and he spent a fair amount of time talking about swearing. He has written up that part of the talk into an article for the New Republic.