Link tags: plush



DNA molecule plush on Think Geek

Brilliant little magnetic cuddly nucleobases from Jun. You get all four bases to combine to your heart’s content: cytosine, guanine, adenine, thymine — take that, Pokémon.

Biochemies :: DNA Molecule Plush Dolls

With magnetic hydrogen bonds!

ChiGarden » Blog Archive » Tutorial - Making the IE Voodoo Doll

Step by step instructions for making your own Internet Explorer voodoo doll to stick pins into.

The Particle Zoo: Subatomic Particle Softies

Handmade subatomic particle plushies from the standard model of physics ...and beyond!

Stuffed Robot - Handmade Plush Robots

Plush robots. For the robot-lover in your life. You know; Ethan, Jina ...every other geek you know.