Link tags: structures



Information Architecture First Principles | Jorge Arango

  • People only understand things relative to things they already understand
  • People only understand things in context
  • People rely on patterns and consistency
  • People seek to minimize cognitive load
  • People have varying levels of expertise and familiarity
  • People are goal-oriented
  • People often don’t know what they’re looking for
  • Information is more useful when it’s actionable

Beyond the Frame | Untangling Non-Linearity

A fascinating look at the connections between hypertext and film editing. I’m a sucker for any article that cites both Ted Nelson and Walter Murch.

Space Elevators: How a sci-fi dream could be built today

Surveying the current practical and theoretical factors for and against space elevators (including partial elevators—skyhooks!).

A Black Cloud of Computation

SETI—the Search for Extra Terrestrial Information processing:

What we get is a computational device surrounding the Asymptotic Giant Branch star that is roughly the size of our Solar System.

Rotating Space Station Numbers

Ever wondered what would happen if you threw a ball inside an orbital habitat? Well, wonder no more!

You can adjust the parameters of the space station, or choose from some pre-prepared examples: an O’Neill cylinder, a Stanford torus, a Bernal sphere, Rama, a Culture orbital

Brighton Guide

Fascinating snippets of information about some of the most interesting buildings in Brighton.

(The website was made by Lydia and Tash as a project for Code First: Girls)

The Sea Forts - a set on Flickr

A collection of photographs of the otherworldly sea forts that were built in the Thames Estuary during World War Two and later used by pirate radio stations.

Red Sands