Link tags: tagging



On Transient Slash Pages • Robb Knight

This is a great idea that I’m going to file away for later:

I like the idea of redirecting /now to the latest post tagged as now so one could see the latest version of what I’m doing now.

Simon Collison | Stream on

Writing has been essential for focus, planning, catharsis, anger management, etc. Get it down, get it out. Writing is hard, but it’s also therapy: give order to a pile of thoughts to understand them better and move on.

I concur! Though it’s worth adding that it feels qualitatively different (and better!) to do this on your own site rather than contributing to someone else’s silo, like Twitter or Facebook.

Did I Make a Mistake Selling to Yahoo?

For once, Betteridge’s law of headlines is refuted.

This is a fascinating insight into the heady days of 2005 when Yahoo was the cool company snapping up all the best products like Flickr, Upcoming, and It all goes downhill from there.

There’s no mention of the surprising coda.

Can These Pornographers End ‘MILFs,’ ‘Teens,’ and ‘Thugs’? | The Nation

A fascinating look at an attempt to redefine the taxonomy of online porn.

Porn is part of the ecosystem that tells us what sex and sexuality are. Porn terms are, to use Foucault’s language, part of a network of technologies creating truths about our sexuality.

Reminds of the heady days of 2005, when it was all about tagging and folksonomies.

The project, at its most ambitious, seeks to create a new feedback loop of porn watched and made, unmoored from the vagaries of old, bad, lazy categories.

Fan Is A Tool-Using Animal—dConstruct Conference Talk

Maciej has published the transcript of his magnificent (and hilarious) talk from dConstruct 2013.

The trouble with font classifications | Clagnut § Design thinking · Typography

Richard would like your help. Take a few minutes to run through a card-sorting exercise to help classify fonts in a more meaningful way.

Museums and the Web 2010 – Machine Tags: Theory, Working Code and Gotchas (and Robots!)

Slides from a presentation on machine tags by Aaron Straup Cope. I highly recommend downloading the PDF for the bounty of links listed under "Reading List."

Flickr: Photos from Powerhouse Museum Collection

The Powerhouse Museum in Sydney—who have been doing some great stuff with public tagging already—have joined the Library of Congress in putting their photographic collection online for crowdsourced tagging.

Artesian Bore, East Moree

Home of the Geotag Icon Project

An attempt to create a standardised icon for geotagged content, much like the standardised icon for RSS.

Flickr: The Commons

Here's a fantastic collaboration with the Library of Congress. We are being asked to collectively tag historic pictures with no known copyright restrictions. Wonderful idea! Are you watching, British Library?

Photos taken in Brighton on Flickr!

Flickr Places. This is what George announced at dConstruct. It's enthralling: interestingness mashed up with geotagging.

I work on the web.

Tim Lucas is using machine tagging to aggregate Flickr pics from the "I work on the web" meme started by Lisa Herrod.


A new project from Idea Codes (Emily Chang and Max Kiesler): a tag cloud for Twitter.

Flickr: adactio's photos tagged with lastfm:event=97947

Yes, there is a reason why I'm using this machine tag. Watch the next release of for machine tagging goodness on events.

Flickr: Flickr API

Machine tags will now be available through the Flickr API (that's triple tags to you and me). - Home

An experiment in social tagging of art museum collections

Powerhouse Museum | Sydney Australia

Fantastic collection of user-tagged content at the Powerhouse Museum in Sydney.

Twitter / Rev Dan Catt: 10,000,059 geotagged photo,...

Via Reverend Dan Catt on Twitter comes word of over 10,100,000 getagged photos. Mazel tov!

Flickr Services: Flickr API: flickr.tags.getHotList

This new method in the Flickr API could be used to create some fun zeitgeist-driven mashups.

Thingtagging: Pictures of objects

Matt Bidulph is mashing up thinglinks and Flickr tags to create a Flickr/thinglink intimacy.