Link tags: tantek



Take Back Your Web - Tantek Çelik on Vimeo

Tantek’s barnstorming closing talk from Beyond Tellerrand. This is well worth 30 minutes of your time.

Own your domain. Own your content. Own your social connections. Own your reading experience. IndieWeb services, tools, and standards enable you to take back your web.

“If it’s not curlable, it’s not on the web.” by Tantek Çelik

It was fun spelunking with Tantek, digging into some digital archeology in an attempt to track down a post by Ben Ward that I remembered reading years ago.

Blinking Fever - Tantek

A heartbreaking tale of companionship, memory and loss.

How URL started as UDI — a brief conversation with @timberners_lee @W3C #TPAC - Tantek

Tantek shares a fascinating history lesson from Tim Berners-Lee on how the IETF had him change his original nomenclature of UDI—Universal Document Identifier—to what we now use today: URL—Uniform Resource Locator.

On Silos vs an Open Social Web by Tantek

Tantek steps back and offers some practical approaches to reclaiming a more open web from the increasingly tight clutches of the big dominant roach motels.

Notice that he wrote this on his own domain, not on Branch, Medium, Google+, Facebook, or any other black hole.

Why you should say HTML classes, CSS class selectors, or CSS pseudo-classes, but not CSS classes - Tantek

I love that Tantek is as pedantic as I am …although I don’t think “pedantic” is exactly the right word.

Cole Valley Cell Tower Authorization Approved By Planning Commission - Tantek

Tantek’s adventure in participatory civic governance.

New W3C HTML5 Logo: Looks Ok But Inconsistent, Fire W3C Communications Person Who Led Messaging - Tantek

Tantek is as disappointed as I am with the buzzword-compliant definition of HTML5 being pushed by the W3C.

Instead of providing precision and clarity, they’ve muddied the definition of HTML5 further with yet another “here’s our bucket of things we like which we’re going to call ‘HTML5’” message.

Mozilla hires open-standards guru Celik | The Social - CNET News

Tantek is working with Mozilla now. I expect great things will come of this.

You've got too much e-mail - Los Angeles Times

Tantek is quoted ("EMAIL shall henceforth be known as EFAIL") in this LA Times article on the tyranny of email.

Creating Proprietary Content is Like 'Writing in Sand' | Compiler from

Tantek talks about the importance of open media for the longevity of data.

Tantek's Thoughts — 2007 April: Vlogging lesson 1 - from Canon SD400 AVI to vlogpost

I keep meaning to post more videos to my blog and seeing as Tantek has the camera as I do, I'm making a note of what he does.

Deathwatch: Three Technorati Monsters escape - Valleywag

Valleywag is using my picture of LOLtek to illustrate a post about the recent resignations at Technorati. Ouch!

iChat Buddy List to hCards

A handy little AppleScript by Tantek that turns your iChat buddy list into an XHTML file with an unordered list of hCards.