Link tags: terror



What’s wrong with big data? | New Humanist

The view that more information uncritically produces better decisions is visibly at odds with our contemporary situation.

A superb piece of research and writing by James, skewering the technological determinism that underlies the current faith in “big data.” At best, this misplaced trust is inaccurate; at worst, it is deadly.

To the algorithmic imagination, the practice of journalism and the practice of terrorism appear to be functionally identical.

The Killing Machines by Mark Bowden in The Atlantic

How to think about drones—an in-depth and fairly balanced article by Mark Bowden on drone strikes and the politics behind them.

In the long run, careful adherence to the law matters more than eliminating another bad actor. Greater prudence and transparency are not just morally and legally essential, they are in our long-term interest, because the strikes themselves feed the anti-drone narrative, and inspire the kind of random, small-scale terror attacks that are bin Laden’s despicable legacy.

Bruce Schneier: Are photographers really a threat? | Technology | The Guardian

An excellent article that explodes the ludicrous myth that terrorists like to go around taking pictures of potential targets so therefore photographers are dangerous.

BBC NEWS | Magazine | Innocent photographer or terrorist?

The police in the UK seem to have problems distinguishing between "tourists" and "terrorists". East mistake to make, I guess.

"Terrorist Buster" Logo — Central Intelligence Agency

No, this is not a joke. This really is the DCI Counterterrorist Center "Terrorist Buster" logo. Un. Be. Lievable.

do i look like a terrorist? on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Brighton's Lomokev narrowly avoids a 30 day jail stretch without trial... a fellow commuter thought his beard looked suspicious and reported him to the police.

do i look like a terrorist?

Battersea Power Station and Grosvenor Bridge on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Dave Gorman tells of being stopped under the Prevention of Terrorism Act while taking pictures of Battersea Power Station. It's all very civilised. One of the coppers uses Flickr herself.

Battersea Power Station and Grosvenor Bridge

Oakland Tribune - Op-Ed

Send your battered old copy of 1984 to the Oakland Tribune. When they get 537 copies, they will be sent to every member of the House of Representatives and Senate.

Stop & Search form for a photographer in Brighton

He took a picture of a building. Note the tick next to terrorism.


Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | Suspicious behaviour on the tube

A truly frightening description of what can happen to any person in Britain today.

BBC NEWS | In Depth | london explosions

BBC coverage of the bomb blasts in London

Flickr: The London Bomb Blasts Pool

A photo pool of pictures relating to the bomb blasts in London today.

Install_26_5_09 1

Bomb blasts plunge London into chaos from Guardian Unlimited: Newsblog

The Guardian blog is keeping a running update on events in London.

7 July 2005 London bombings - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A Wikipedia entry on today's bombings is proving to be a valuable resource.