Link tags: upload



Lena @ Things Of Interest

The format of a Wikipedia page is used as the chilling delivery mechanism for this piece of speculative fiction. The distancing effect heightens the horror.

One Time File

Drag and drop a file up to 400MB and share the URL without a log-in (the URLs are using What Three Words).

How To Make A Drag-and-Drop File Uploader With Vanilla JavaScript — Smashing Magazine

A step-by-step guide to implementing drag’n’drop, and image previews with the Filereader API. No libraries or frameworks were harmed in the making of this article.

Photo upload and progressive enhancement for FixMyStreet / mySociety

Matthew describes a very nice bit of progressive enhancement for drag’n’drop file uploads (similar to the CSS Tricks article I linked to recently).

It uses the Dropzone JS which looks like it aligns nicely with the progressive enhancement approach.

Drag and Drop File Uploading | CSS-Tricks

This is a terrific example of progressive enhancement in action: going from a simple file input to a lovely interactive drag’n’drop interface.

The code uses jQuery but it could be easily adapted to vanilla JavaScript, and anyway, it’s not so much the code that matters, it’s the approach.

[this is aaronland] upload.js

A really handy bit of code from Aaron for building a robust file uploader. A way to make your web-based photo sharing more Instagrammy-clever.

Home - Transloadit

A very handy looking API that turns file uploading (and conversion) into a service.

DSC_2672_1 on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

This photograph is the 3,000,000,000th to be uploaded to Flickr.


vidnik - Google Code

A handy Mac app from Google that allows you to record from your iSight and upload directly to YouTube.


This looks like it could be a fun simple little service: upload MP3s to make an online mix tape ...that's it.

Styling File Inputs with CSS and the DOM //

A clever little technique by Shaun for faux-styling file input elements using a mixture of CSS and JavaScript.