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Design Principles For The Web - Jeremy Keith - YouTube

Here’s the video of the talk I gave at Web Dev Conf in Bristol recently. I think you can tell that I had fun—it was a good audience!

Design Principles For The Web - Jeremy Keith

Any Site can be a Progressive Web App

Here are the slides and links from the talk I just gave at the Delta V conference. I had ten minutes, but to be honest, just saying the name of the talk tells you everything.

Client-side MVC’s major bug -

I’ve said it before: if your client-side MVC framework does not support server-side rendering, that is a bug. It cripples performance.

Front end and back end - QuirksBlog


The difference between back-enders and front-enders is that the first work in only one environment, while the second have to work with myriad of environments that may hold unpleasant surprises.


I feel that the subconscious assumption that a complex JavaScript-driven web site or web app will run in only one monolithic environment is the root cause of many problems front-enders see in back-end-driven web-based projects.

The problem with Angular - QuirksBlog

I have doubts about Angular 1.x’s suitability for modern web development. If one is uncharitably inclined, one could describe it as a front-end framework by non-front-enders for non-front-enders.


I like the thinking behind this isomorphic JavaScript library: start with the (Node.js) server and then take over on the client side after the initial page load.

Implement Server-Side Rendering for SEO · Issue #9938 · emberjs/ember.js

The motivation seems entirely misplaced to me (SEO? Really?) but never mind: the end result could be the holy grail of JavaScript MVC frameworks — code that runs on the server and the client. That would get you the reach and initial rendering speed of progressive enhancement, combined with the power of client-side application logic once the page has loaded.

Watch this space.

Researching the Performance costs of JavaScript MVC Frameworks

The Filament Group run the numbers on how long it takes browsers to parse the JavaScript of popular MVC frameworks: Backbone, Angular, and Ember. The results—especially on mobile browsers—are not encouraging.

Notes on remixing Noon, generative text and Markov chains

Jeff Noon and Markov chains—a heavenly match by Dan.

The Pinboard Investment Co-Prosperity Cloud

VC funding that actually makes sense, from the always-sensible Maciej Cegłowski.

CSSquirrel : Comic

This is me battling the zombies of the linkrot apocalypse. With a squirrel.

Chris Shiflett: Save the Internet with rev="canonical"

Chris Shiflett gets behind the rev="canonical" movement. This thing is really gaining momentum.

RevCanonical’s Blog

rev="canonical" has a posse.

SitePoint » 4 Easy-to-Use Microformat Tools to Beef Up Your Site

A rundown of microformat-extracting tools. "Ultimately, microformats are a bit like plumbing. They don’t do very much on their own, but if you make use of the data they provide, you can quickly and easily create useful functionality your visitors …

The no-framework PHP MVC framework - Rasmus' Toys Page

The creator of PHP offers an antidote to the profusion of frameworks out there.