Link tags: xhtml2




A fascinating examination by Hixie of web technologies that may have technically been “better” than HTML, but still found themselves subsumed into the simpler, more straightforward, good ol’ hypertext markup language.

The follow-on comments are definitely worth a read too.

Thoughts on the whole XHTML/HTML5 affair | Morethanseven

I think Gareth is reading my mind. Get out my mind, Gareth!

Archive of W3C News in 2009

It looks like XHTML2 is going to get mothballed at the end of this year.

The Future of Code

Steven Pemberton, one of my favourite long-term thinkers, talks about programming, markup and XForms.

Eric's Archived Thoughts: The Missing Link

An excellent passionate call to action by Eric explaining why the href attribute should be freed from the shackles of the anchor element.