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APRS object 9M2/KT021 - show graphs
Source callsign: ON6ZQ
Comment: SOTA
Location: 5°47.87' N 102°18.28' E - locator OJ15DT61NL - show map
11.5 km Southeast bearing 135° from Pulai Chondong, Kelantan, Malaysia [?]
16.4 km Southeast bearing 144° from Kampong Pangkal Kalong, Kelantan, Malaysia
38.0 km South bearing 169° from Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia
106.1 km Northwest bearing 299° from Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu, Malaysia
Last position: 2025-03-18 14:53:55 UTC (3d 9h9m ago)
2025-03-18 22:53:55 +08 local time at Pulai Chondong, Malaysia [?]
Last path: ON6ZQ>APN100 via TCPIP*,qAC,FIRST
Positions stored: 1
Others sourced by ON6ZQ: 2E0DIJ 2E0FGX/P 2E0IHM/P 2E0IKA 2E0IUY/P 2E0IXM/P 2E0JDQ 2E0JFJ 2E0JFJ/P 2E0JWA/P 2E0KXC 2E0LDF/P 2E0NYQ/P 2E0OMX 2E0RVZ/P 2E0SEY/P 2E0TFF 2E0VCA/P 2E0VJT/P 2E0XGO/P 2E1GPR 2E1GPR/P 2I0IJN 2I0IJN/P 2M0BIA/P 2M0ENR/P 2M0IIG/P 2M0JFJ/P 2M0NYQ/P 2M0NZB 2M0NZB/P 2M0OSB 2M0RVZ 2M0RVZ/P 2M0TFF 2M0WNA 2M0WNA/P 2M1GPR/P 2W0IIV/P 2W0ILQ 2W0ILQ/P 2W0IWM 2W0JFJ 2W0JFJ/P 2W0JWA/P 2W0NYQ/P 2W0OMX 2W0VJT/P 2W0XTK 2W1RTB 3Z7Z/P 3Z9V 3Z9VI/P 4O/DJ2TG 4O/IC-001 4O/IC-006 4O/IC-012 4O/IC-014 4O/IC-031 4O/IC-035 4O/IC-036 4O/IC-041 4O/IC-049 4O/IC-061 4O/IC-062 4O/IC-068 4O/IC-080 4O/IN3EHQ 4O/IV3NGF 4O/JC-002 4O/JC-004 4O/JC-005 4O/JC-009 4O/JC-013 4O/JC-014 4O/JC-016 4O/JC-018 4O/JC-030 4O/JC-031 4O/JC-033 4O/JC-034 4O/JC-037 4O/JC-042 4O/JC-048 4O/JC-049 4O/JC-050 4O/JC-055 4O/JC-056 4O/JC-057 4O/JC-058 4O/JC-059 4O/JC-060 4O/JC-062 4O/JC-063 4O/JC-065 4O/JC-066 4O/JC-067 4O/JC-071 4O/JC-074 4O/JC-075 4O/JC-076 4O/JC-077 4O/JC-079 4O/JC-080 4O/JC-083 4O/JC-084 4O/JC-085 4O/JC-086 4O/JC-087 4O/JC-088 4O/JC-089 4O/JC-090 4O/JC-091 4O/JC-092 4O/JC-093 4O/JC-094 4O/JC-095 4O/JC-096 4O/JC-097 4O/JC-098 4O/JC-100 4O/S57NJM 4O/SQ9JTR 4O/VK3BCM 4O/YU5MNO 4O/ZC-001 4O/ZC-002 4O/ZC-004 4O/ZC-009 4O/ZC-013 4O/ZC-014 4O/ZC-048 4O/ZC-053 4O/ZC-056 4O/ZC-063 4O/ZC-065 4O/ZC-072 4O/ZC-083 4O/ZC-095 4O/ZC-096 4O/ZC-108 4O/ZC-114 4O/ZC-117 4O/ZC-118 4O/ZC-126 4O/ZC-127 4O/ZC-128 4X/NI-010 4X/SI-009 4X/SI-010 4X/SQ9MDN 5B/CY-001 5B/CY-003 5B/CY-004 5B/CY-005 5B/CY-006 5B/CY-007 5B/CY-008 5B/CY-012 5B/CY-013 5B/CY-014 5B/CY-015 5B/CY-017 5B/CY-022 5B/CY-028 5B/CY-029 5B/CY-030 5B/CY-035 5B/CY-037 5B/CY-039 5B/CY-042 5B/CY-044 5B/CY-045 5B/CY-046 5B/CY-047 5B/CY-048 5B/DL6GCA 5B/F8CZI 5B/G4ONL 5B/HB9FPM 5B/HB9HCS 5B/HB9JOE 5B/M0EFI 5B/S55DX 5B/SP3LRS 5B/SP9WZS 5B4AQX/P 6K0FM 6K5EHN 6K5ENG/P 6K5XZE 6K5XZE/2 6K5XZE/4 6K5XZE/P 7K1BAE/1 7L1CAK/1 7L1CAK/7 7L1GOE/1 7L1WCX/0 7L1WCX/1 7L1WCX/7 7M2EDE/1 7M4QZE/0 7M4QZE/1 7M4QZE/1. 7M4QZE/7 7N1FRE 7N1FRE/0 7N1FRE/1 7N1FRE/7 7N1ICA/1 7N1ICA/2 7N3CNW/7 7N3FUR 8J9VLP/9 8P/BB-001 8P9BW/P 9A/DD1LD 9A/DF1AI 9A/DH-002 9A/DH-003 9A/DH-005 9A/DH-006 9A/DH-017 9A/DH-036 9A/DH-041 9A/DH-047 9A/DH-050 9A/DH-052 9A/DH-054 9A/DH-056 9A/DH-061 9A/DH-062 9A/DH-070 9A/DH-071 9A/DH-072 9A/DH-078 9A/DH-081 9A/DH-082 9A/DH-097 9A/DH-119 9A/DH-150 9A/DH-155 9A/DH-163 9A/DJ2TG 9A/DL4MHA 9A/DM1DF 9A/E73VU 9A/E77Z/P 9A/G0KYS 9A/G4JXP 9A/GH-010 9A/GH-077 9A/GH-116 9A/GH-121 9A/GH-123 9A/GH-129 9A/GH-134 9A/GH-140 9A/GH-148 9A/GH-160 9A/GH-163 9A/GH-190 9A/GH-198 9A/GH-200 9A/GH-207 9A/GH-208 9A/GH-212 9A/HB9FPM 9A/HB9JOE 9A/HF9HF 9A/IV3NGF 9A/OE3VBU 9A/OE5ARN 9A/OE5JFE 9A/OE6MRX 9A/OK2OP 9A/OM1AEG 9A/OM1BD 9A/PH-012 9A/PH-026 9A/PH-029 9A/PH-033 9A/PH-039 9A/PH-040 9A/PH-041 9A/PH-043 9A/PH-045 9A/PH-049 9A/PH-050 9A/PH-055 9A/S51TX 9A/S52AU 9A/S53XX 9A/S53YL 9A/S55VN 9A/S55X/P 9A/S56LXN 9A/S56VHA 9A/S57AX 9A/S57D/P 9A/S57MS 9A/S58MT 9A/SP3LRS 9A/SP9LPK 9A/SP9MPZ 9A/SP9VET 9A/VK3BCM 9A/WV0X 9A/YO5IA 9A/YO5MCM 9A/ZH-001 9A/ZH-002 9A/ZH-004 9A/ZH-006 9A/ZH-007 9A/ZH-008 9A/ZH-009 9A/ZH-014 9A/ZH-018 9A/ZH-019 9A/ZH-021 9A/ZH-022 9A/ZH-024 9A/ZH-028 9A/ZH-042 9A1WFF 9A2GA/P 9A2NB/P 9A3BKF/P 9A3DZK 9A3GVD/P 9A3R/P 9A3ROK/P 9A3ROK/R 9A3ST 9A3ST/P 9A3SWR 9A4MX/P 9A5YY 9A6CW 9A6ZE/P 9A7AM/P 9A8BM 9A8RA/P 9H/DL3RBF 9H/GO-001 9H/HB9FPM 9H/HB9JOE 9H/MA-001 9H4RH/P 9M2/JO001 9M2/JO013 9M2/JO017 9M2/JO024 9M2/JO026 9M2/JO032 9M2/KD003 9M2/KD004 9M2/KD007 9M2/KD013 9M2/KD018 9M2/KD019 9M2/KD023 9M2/KD025 9M2/KD026 9M2/KD027 9M2/KD032 9M2/KD034 9M2/KD035 9M2/KD036 9M2/KD037 9M2/KL001 9M2/KL002 9M2/KL003 9M2/KT013 9M2/KT019 9M2/KT020 9M2/KT023 9M2/KT025 9M2/KT026 9M2/ME003 9M2/ME004 9M2/NS001 9M2/NS002 9M2/NS006 9M2/NS009 9M2/NS012 9M2/NS013 9M2/NS020 9M2/NS023 9M2/PH005 9M2/PH009 9M2/PH014 9M2/PH015 9M2/PH016 9M2/PH017 9M2/PH020 9M2/PH021 9M2/PH022 9M2/PH028 9M2/PH030 9M2/PH044 9M2/PH045 9M2/PH065 9M2/PH068 9M2/PH079 9M2/PH081 9M2/PH087 9M2/PK024 9M2/PK026 9M2/PK029 9M2/PK031 9M2/PK032 9M2/PK034 9M2/PK035 9M2/PK037 9M2/PK040 9M2/PK041 9M2/PK043 9M2/PK044 9M2/PK048 9M2/PK051 9M2/PK053 9M2/PK054 9M2/PK055 9M2/PK056 9M2/PK059 9M2/PP001 9M2/PP003 9M2/PP004 9M2/PP005 9M2/PP006 9M2/PP007 9M2/PP008 9M2/PP009 9M2/PP010 9M2/PS003 9M2/PS004 9M2/PS005 9M2/SE002 9M2/SE005 9M2/SE006 9M2/SE009 9M2/SE010 9M2/SE015 9M2/SE016 9M2/SE017 9M2/SE019 9M2/SE020 9M2/SE021 9M2/SE022 9M2/SE023 9M2/SE024 9M2/SE025 9M2/SE026 9M2/SE028 9M2/TR019 9M2/TR023 9M2/TR024 9M2/TR027 9M2/TR031 9M2/TR032 9M2/TR034 9M2/TR036 9M2/TR041 9M2/TR042 9M2NAL 9V/SG-001 9V1BV/P A5/HF9HF A6/AJ-001 A6/FU-001 A6/FU-012 A6/RK-001 A6/RK-004 A6/RK-005 A6/SH-011 A6/SH-015 AA0BV AA0HC AA1F AA1RB AA3TZ AA3TZ/VE3 AA6XA AA6XA/VE6 AA7OY AA9WJ AB1WX AB6D AB8CI AC0AV AC1JR AC1NM AC1PH AC1QM AC1SI AC1Z
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This page shows real-time information collected from the Automatic Position Reporting System Internet network (APRS-IS). APRS is used by amateur (ham) radio operators to transmit real-time position information, weather data, telemetry and messages over the radio. A vehicle equipped with a GPS receiver, a VHF transmitter or HF transceiver and a small computer device called a tracker transmits it's location, speed and course in a small data packet, which is then received by a nearby iGate receiving site which forwards the packet on the Internet. Systems connected to the Internet can send information on the APRS-IS without a radio transmitter, or collect and display information transmitted anywhere in the world.
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