The inland farming of penaeid shrimp in low-salinity waters is now de facto in many regions of the world, yet there is little information pertaining to the suitability of waters with various ionic compositions for shrimp culture. In the... more
Shrimp culture in inland low-salinity well water is a growing industry in many regions of the world, including the southern United States of America. Although shrimp culture techniques in waters of marine origin are well established, they... more
Juvenile bluegills Lepomis macrochirus were reared at four densities in indoor aquaria to evaluate the effects of stocking density on growth, survival, condition, and feed efficiency. Fish (mean weight, 1.76 g) were stocked into 100-L... more
- by Imad Saoud
Siganus rivulatus is increasing in countries on the Eastern Mediterranean, Red Sea and Arabian Gulf. However, information on environmental tolerances and requirements for optimal growth are scarce. In the present work, the temperature... more
- by Imad Saoud
Shrimp farmers using inland low-salinity waters in west Alabama have traditionally used agricultural fertilizers (K-MagÒ, muriate of potash) to raise pond water levels of potassium (K) and magnesium (Mg) to improve the rearing medium for... more
- by Imad Saoud
Mediterranean, Red Sea, and Arabian Gulf nations. However, culture protocols for commercial production are incomplete. In this work, we evaluated the benefits of size sorting S. rivulatus juveniles before stocking. Two experiments were... more
- by Imad Saoud
Redclaw aquaculture has developed at a rapid pace during the past few years, yet no specialized diet for the species has been developed. The present study was designed to evaluate whether soybean-based diets containing either ¢shmeal... more
- by Imad Saoud
White sea bream Diplodus sargus is a valued table fish in the Mediterranean region and elsewhere (Black Sea and Eastern Atlantic), and is a candidate aquaculture species in various countries. Understanding dietary protein requirements and... more
Anaesthetics are used in aquaculture and fisheries to facilitate routine procedures, such as capture, handling, transportation, tagging, grading and measurements that can often cause injury or induce physiological stress. Two experiments... more
- by Imad Saoud
The redclaw crayfish, Cherax quadricarinatus, is a freshwater decapod crustacean displaying a number of physical, biological, and commercial attributes that make it suitable for commercial aquaculture. Interest in redclaw crayfish, both... more
- by Imad Saoud
Nanoparticles (NPs) can be ingested by organisms, and NPs with antimicrobial properties may disrupt beneficial endogenous microbial communities and affect organism health. Zebrafish were fed diets containing Cu-NPs or Ag-NPs (500 mg kg À1... more
- by Imad Saoud
Inland saline groundwater is abundant in various areas of the world but is not suitable for traditional agriculture irrigation and is also not suitable for marine aquaculture mainly because of potassium deficiencies. In the present work,... more
- by Imad Saoud
Commercial crustacean fisheries are dwindling while demand is growing. Aquaculture is expected to meet supply requirements, thus better egg production and hatchery management are required if the industry is to keep growing. In addition to... more
- by Imad Saoud
The aim of the present study was to observe the antagonistic relationship of the probiotic Pediococcus acidilactici and the pathogen Vibrio (Listonella) anguillarum in the intestine of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) by using an ex... more
- by Imad Saoud