We present results of the first paleoseismic study of the Yammoûneh fault, the main on-land segment of the Levant fault system within the Lebanese restraining bend. A trench was excavated in the Yammoûneh paleolake, where the fault cuts... more
The organic-rich Lower Jurassic Gordondale shales of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin are characterized by vertical anisotropy related to the extensive horizontal laminated fabric common in shales. The laminae result in differences in... more
GALDIT is a Vulnerability Indexing (VI) methodology that uses ranges, ratings and weights developed as a preliminary decision support tool to predict groundwater areas prone to Sea Water Intrusion (SWI). It has been only applied on porous... more
Most countermeasures to mitigate saltwater intrusion in coastal, karstic or fractured aquifers are hindered by anisotropy, high transmissivities and complex dynamics. A coupled strategy is introduced here as a localized remedy to protect... more
- by Wisam Khadra
Coastal aquifer management has recently emerged as a main scope in groundwater hydrology, especially in arid and semi-arid zones. About two thirds of the human population are currently gathered close to shorelines relying on coastal... more