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vi風のキーバインディングを備えるMac OS X向けテキストエディタ「Vico」の開発チームは7月8日、Vicoをオープンソースとして公開する方針を発表した。オープンソースとして公開することでコミュニティによる開発を促進したいという。 VicoはMac OS Xで動作するテキストエディタ。vi風のキーバインディングをサポートし、ホームポジションからなるべく指を離すことなく、効率的な作業が行えるという。HTMLやPHP、Ruby、JavaScriptといった一般的な言語をサポートするほか、容易に新しい言語サポートを追加できる。リモートサーバー上にあるファイルをSFTPで取得して編集する機能や画面分割機能、Nu言語によるスクリプティング機能なども搭載する。 これまでVicoはクローズドな形で開発されていたが、開発が停滞していることからVico開発チームはオープンソース化することを決めたという
Posted by samzenpus on Wednesday November 02, 2011 @04:55PM from the they-grow-up-so-fast dept. quanticle writes "20 years ago today, Bram Moolenaar released vim to the public. From the article:'The Vim text editor was first released to the public on November 2, 1991—exactly 20 years ago today. Although it was originally designed as a vi clone for the Amiga, it was soon ported to other platforms a
Vim Text Objects: The Definitive Guide Jared Carroll · October 17th, 2011 To edit efficiently in Vim, you have to edit beyond individual characters. Instead, edit by word, sentence, and paragraph. In Vim, these higher-level contexts are called text objects. Vim provides text objects for both plaintext and common programming language constructs. You can also define new text objects using Vim script
This is Joey (I know, ugly dude, right?) Joey DO YOU? If so, would you be interested in participating in an online, live streamed conference with other Vim geeks? Is this something you'd want to join and/or help out with organizing? Some ideas: Vim 101 sessions for those new or interested in Vim Sessions on various Vim techniques for beginner/intermediate alike Workflow sessions showing what a da
Contents Intro Basic Editing and Debugging Code Folding Window Splits Snippets Task lists Revision History Syntax Highlighting and Validation Pep8 Tab Completion and Documentation Code Navigation Buffers Fuzzy Text File Search File Browser Refactoring and Go to definition Searching Integration with Git Test Integration django nose py.test Virtualenv Django Random Tips TL;DR: $ git clone https://gi
VOoM (Vim Outliner of Markups) is a plugin for Vim that emulates a two-pane text outliner. Home page: GitHub mirror: Screenshots and an animation: Bug reports, questions, requests: Supplementary Materials:
Posted on September 20th, 2010. I'm a programmer. I work with text files for 6-12 hours every weekday so I care about the text editor I use. If switching to a different editor can increase my efficiency by even 10% it would save a good chunk of my time and let me get back to making cool things. I don't buy the "you're thinking 90% of the time and only typing 10% of the time, so your editor doesn't
Two tools I find very useful when navigating large C code-bases with Vim are ctags and cscope. ctags allows easily jumping to tags - function, macro and variable definitions. The excellent taglist plugin of Vim uses it to create an IDE-like listing of all the tags of your buffer in a separate mini-window. It's also required for the implementation of omni-completion in Vim (kind-of intellisense). c
Welcome to vian, a vi-clone that lets you edit and save to your Google Docs account.You can view the demonstration video to see the basic features.I started this as a free-time project and made the decision to release it in one month no matter what state it was in. You're seeing the result of that. All included functions work, but many are missing. Bugs in Firefox aren't worked around.The good new
Vimium is a browser extension which provides keyboard shortcuts for navigation and control in the spirit of the Vim editor. Watch this video to get a feel for how it works: Features Navigate the web without touching the mouse. Use a clever highlighting method to click on links. Customize your keyboard shortcuts. View an in-page help dialog to see your personalized shortcuts. Install Install for yo
これまでvimスクリプトをインストールするには、vim onlineでダウンロードして、書いてあるインストール手順に従って、時にはそのまま、時にはzipを解凍して.vim(windowsならvimfiles)に自前でコピーするのが一般的でした。おそらく自動化されている方もいるかもしれませんが、特有のスクリプト専用の更新ツールくらいかと思います。 Perlを知っている方ならばCPAN、rubyを知っている方ならばgemにあたる物がvimには無かったんです。 配布物が統一されていない為、無理だろうな...とも思ってました。 が、そこに登場したのがVimana(Vim script manager)です。 Vimana(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation Vimana(3) NAME Vimana - Vim
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