by Gina Trapani After I wiped my hard drive clean and reinstalled Windows XP last week, I booted up into an pristine, default operating system - that felt a lot like a hotel room just before I rolled my luggage in, tossed my jacket on the couch, unmade the bed and set my toothbrush next to the sink. I had no idea how many changes I'd made to Windows to fit my preferences over the years until they
Key Binds Define hotkeys for the mouse and keyboard, remap keys or buttons and autocorrect-like replacements. Creating simple hotkeys has never been easier; you can do it in just a few lines or less! What is AutoHotkey AutoHotkey is a free, open-source scripting language for Windows that allows users to easily create small to complex scripts for all kinds of tasks such as: form fillers, auto-click
What's unique about this software? It provides Windows NT4.0/2000/XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/Server 2003/2008/2008 R2/2012/2012 R2 with full access to Linux Ext2 volumes (read access and write access). This may be useful if you have installed both Windows and Linux as a dual boot environment on your computer. The "Ext2 Installable File System for Windows" software is freeware. If you currently have Windows
Freeware: Completely free for personal or commercial use. However if you want to redistribute Wink, please get permission from the author. Cross-Platform: Available for Windows and Linux. Audio: Record and use your voice in your tutorials. Input formats: Capture screenshots or use existing images. Output formats: MPEG-4 video (for web), PDF (for printable manuals), PostScript, HTML or images. Mult
「Googleデスクトップ5」の日本語版を含む各国語版がリリースされた。4月26日、Googleデスクトップの公式ブログで発表になった。Webサイトからダウンロードできる。 Googleデスクトップ 5では、Windowsの壁紙とサイドバーが溶け込むようにデザインを工夫した。デスクトップ検索では、検索したドキュメントの中身をプレビューする機能を搭載。このほか、ファイルを移動した場合でも、これまでより素早くインデックスを更新するようになったという。 Windows 2000 SP3以降/XP SP2以降/Vistaに対応。利用にはInternet Explorer 5.5以降もしくはFirefox 1.5以降のWebブラウザが必要だ。 関連記事 Google Desktop 5がβ公開 デザインやユーザーインタフェースが改良され、セキュリティ機能が加わった。 Google、「半透明サイドバー
Ditto is an extension to the standard windows clipboard. It saves each item placed on the clipboard allowing you access to any of those items at a later time. Ditto allows you to save any type of information that can be put on the clipboard, text, images, html, custom formats, ..... Easy to use interface Search and paste previous copy entries Keep multiple computer's clipboards in sync Data is enc