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With Babel now supporting async/await out of the box, and ES2016 (or ES7) just around the corner, more and more people are realizing how awesome this pattern is for writing asynchronous code, using synchronous code structure. This is a good thing™, and ought to improve code quality a whole lot. However, what a lot of people may have missed is that the entire foundation for async/await is promises.
An example of what we are building, this technique allows us to avoid using a more complex backend service to create thumbnail screenshots of our webpages.Avoiding the use of a back-end serviceOur team was building a website editor. This editor parsed a template file and broke it down into reusable components, which could then be reused in any other portion of the website. In our initial version,
Jan 25, 2016. We are excited to announce the release of Scala.js 0.6.6! It has been a long while since the last release, almost 5 months already. That was too long, and we apologize. In the future, we hope never to let more than 2 months elapse between consecutive releases. Besides bug fixes, this release brings several major improvements: js.TupleN, a JS equivalent of Scala tuples Support for JUn
Pressure.js Pressure is a JavaScript library that makes dealing with Apple's Force Touch and 3D Touch simple. Force Touch for new Macs and 3D Touch for the new iPhone 6s and 6s Plus, all bundled under one roof with a simple API that makes working with them painless. Pressure gives you a handle on browsers that do and don't support Force or 3D touch so you can plan for the users experince if they d
Redactor is a powerful and streamlined text editor for the web Ultra-modern, AI-powered text editor with robust API capabilities, a wide range of settings, good documentation, and tons of integration examples. <h1>Exploring the Infinite 🙂</h1> <p>Space, the final frontier, stretches infinitely beyond the confines of Earth, a vast expanse of darkness speckled with stars, planets, and <b>galaxies</
新年一発目のブログは腰が重いがゆえに、いざ書き出すと長くなる悪い癖──ですが、今年も継続アウトプット頑張っていきます。よろしくお願いします! ──昨年9月に、書籍『たのしいインフラの歩き方』を発売させていただきましたが、数ヶ月が経って年も変わったので、執筆話の発生からどのような経緯があったのかなどについて、まとめてみます。一冊しか書いていないのでアレかもですが、私のように職業ライターではない、本職がエンジニアの方の初執筆や、会社内における調整などの参考にしていただければと思います。 目次 執筆話の発生 会社との調整 執筆契約と〆切 著作権 印税 執筆作業 編集 告知 発売後 執筆について 執筆話の発生 初動 ブログに設置してある、問い合わせフォームからメールがきました。技術評論社の編集者と名乗る方から、ITインフラについての書籍を執筆してみませんか、という内容です。 メールの『執筆』という
With things like TypeScript and Flow becoming more popular, I'd really like to find a way to incorporate type annotations into ESTree in some sort of common way so we can start creating tooling around it. In particular, we're getting more requests in ESLint to be able to write rules around type annotations, but without having this is information in a predictable place, it's really hard to do that