The most convenient way to define snippets for YASnippet is to put them in a directory arranged by the mode and use yas/load-directory to load them. However, this might slow down the Emacs startup speed if you have many snippets. You can use yas/define-snippets to define a bunch of snippets for a perticular mode. But this is hard to maintain! So, there's a better way: define your snippets in direc
This is the second part in the Understanding CSS positioning series, which will focus on float and more advanced display properties. Float is one of the most often used CSS property in current day stylesheets, and this article will show that there are quite some more display properties than just block and inline. We’ve already covered those properties in part 1, so if you haven’t read it yet, star
Without a doubt, positioning, or the layout, is the hardest part of CSS. Not only because it ever so often varies between browsers, but also because CSS has a lot of ways to position an element, all with various (dis) advantages. This series of articles will thrive to explain the possibilities you have in positioning. It doesn’t only cover positioning, but also properties that define layout such a
Without wanting to stray too deeply in Simon and Stuart’s technical CSS territory, I thought this was worth noting. For all it’s many advantages, sometimes it’s the little things that CSS layout makes difficult that really get to you. Clearing floated elements is a good example. The Problem: One of the simplest and most common layout structures involves the placing of a small, set-width DIV — perh