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I stumbled across this and it got me thinking … Update I’ve updated the Textile formatter on the site and the code for this entry is now displaying correctly. The previous version was swalling the == operators in the code. Lisp 1.5 Programmer’s Manual I stumbled across this in Bill Clementson’s blog and remembered using the Lisp 1.5 Prgrammers manual from the college years. I have strong memories
Several people have been having RubyGems issues. Deleting Your RubyGems Cache Several people have been reporting problems where RubyGems doesn’t find a gem on RubyForge, or gives other strange errors. It seems there was a gem on RubyForge that gave the Gem indexing software some headaches. And as a result, the gem index was corrupted. If you downloaded the corrupt index, then you may be experienci
Jim Weirich Consultant / Compuware jim@weirichhouse.org Slides Available at: http://onestepback.org/articles/10things
Dependency Injection: Vitally Important or Totally Irrelevant?
The Big Assumption … Ruby classes are just like Java classes Therefore the tradeoffs we learned from Java Apply to Ruby code as well This is WRONG!
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