iPhone 16e
Ruby LSP The Ruby LSP is an implementation of the language server protocol for Ruby, used to improve rich features in editors. It is a part of a wider goal to provide a state-of-the-art experience to Ruby developers using modern standards for cross-editor features, documentation and debugging. Want to discuss Ruby developer experience? Consider joining the public Ruby DX Slack workspace. Table of
Fast & Performant React Native List No more blank cells Swap from FlatList in seconds. Get instant performance. Similar props. Instant performance. Even with the similar props as the React Native FlatList, FlashList recycles components under the hood to maximize performance. <FlashList renderItem={({ item }) => { return <TweetCell item={item} />; }} estimatedItemSize={50} data={tweets} />;
Liquid includes many logical and comparison operators. You can use operators to create logic with control flow tags. Basic operators
As a team that greatly benefits from open-source software, these are the projects that we have contributed back to the community. Learn more about Shopify's approach to Open Source.
BasicsDraggable is a modular drag & drop library, allowing you to start small and build up with the features you need. At its most basic, Draggable gives you drag & drop functionality, fast DOM reordering, accessible markup, and a bundle of events to grab on to. SwappableThe classic switcheroo. Drag one element over another and watch them trade places in the DOM. The ideal functionality for when l
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Ruby Style Guide Ruby is the main language at Shopify. We are primarily a Ruby shop and we are probably one of the largest out there. Ruby is the go-to language for new web projects and scripting. We expect all developers at Shopify to have at least a passing understanding of Ruby. It's a great language. It will make you a better developer no matter what you work in day to day. What follows is a l
identity_cache IdentityCache is a blob level caching solution to plug into ActiveRecord. Don't #find, #fetch! IdentityCache Opt in read through ActiveRecord caching used in production and extracted from Shopify. IdentityCache lets you specify how you want to cache your model objects, at the model level, and adds a number of convenience methods for accessing those objects through the cache. Memcach
Heads-up: Dashing still works great, but is no longer maintained. Read up about it over here. You can also use the fork of the project. Dashing is a Sinatra based framework that lets you build beautiful dashboards. Check out a demo over here. Here's another one, optimized for 1080p screens. Key features: Use premade widgets, or fully create your own with scss, html, and coffeescript. Widgets harne
It’s about state. LLDB is the current state of the art for iOS debugging, but it’s clunky and cumbersome and doesn’t work well with objects. The Super Debugger (superdb) lets you debug in new ways lldb can’t: it allows you to send messages to the objects in your app, without the need to stop on breakpoints. Use the powerful Shell on your Mac to inspect your objects, see changes instantly, and spee
Safe, customer-facing template language for flexible web apps. Download View on GitHub Liquid is an open-source template language created by Shopify and written in Ruby. It is the backbone of Shopify themes and is used to load dynamic content on storefronts. Liquid has been in production use at Shopify since 2006 and is now used by many other hosted web applications. Used by
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