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To create new wiki account, please join us on #znc at Libera.Chat and ask admins to create a wiki account for you. You can say thanks to spambots for this inconvenience. Welcome to the ZNC wiki where you may find and publish information about ZNC, an advanced IRC bouncer that is left connected so an IRC client can disconnect/reconnect without losing the chat session. Feel free to update pages whic
Limechatのサーバー設定をいじってる時に、ふとSSL Optionが気になった。tiarra+stoneでやってみるかーと思ってyum search stoneしたところ、見つからない。ソースから入れるかなと思い、openssl-develを入れようとyum search sslしたところ、最下行に znc.x86_64 : Advanced IRC bouncerとかいうのを発見。これらしい。 SSL Support Encryption for both the listen port and connecting to IRC servers. If your system has OpenSSL, ZNC automatically supports SSL connections.公式に、↑と書いてあった。せっかくなのでこっちを入れてみることにする。 Installはyum
ngIRCd: Next Generation IRC Daemon“… serving white hat 6667!” ngIRCd is a free, portable and lightweight Internet Relay Chat (IRC) server for small or private networks, developed under the GNU General Public License (GPL). The server is quite easy to configure and runs as a single-node server or can be part of a network of ngIRCd servers in a LAN or across the internet. It optionally supports the