Research Catalyst

The Research Catalyst Associate Dean serves a liaison and champion of research efforts across the college. The Research Catalyst Associate Dean provides leadership on college level strategic research initiatives and priorities including the college research action plan. It is anticipated this interim role will last up to a year and then reevaluated at that time.

  • Responsibilities of the Interim Research Catalyst Associate Dean Include:

    • Reports to the Dean of the Bagwell College of Education.
    • Actively promotes colleagues in scholarly activities and seeking external funding.
    • Engages the work of teams of scholars involved in interdisciplinary research activities and initiatives.
    • Serves as a scholarly liaison to support students and faculty throughout their research studies.
    • Establishes partnerships with local, national, and international entities with the aim of disseminating and leveraging Bagwell College research expertise and resources.
    • Facilitates the generation of research products to disseminate the work done by students and faculty.
    • Represents the Bagwell College of Education on KSU’s Research Advisory Council.
    • Leverages the Interactive Research Methods Lab to promote faculty scholarly activities including supporting external stakeholder engagement.
    • Collaborates with the BCOE Research Consortium Committee to enhance faculty connectivity regarding research endeavors.
    • Other duties as deemed necessary.

    You can contact Dr. Iván M. Jorrín Abellán (BCOE Research Catalyst Interim Associate Dean) at or at​


Research Resources



  • KSU's Library has developed this fantastic resource to help faculty in the grant seeking process. You will find the following resources among others:

    • Pivot: A tool for discovering funding opportunities and supporting collaboration in the research development field. Learn about Pivot.
    • Grant Resource Center (GRC): GRC provides grant funding opportunity search tools and general information on agencies and funding trends. Fill out a Funding Search Form from their Funding Resources tab to have one of their experts assist you in finding funding. Check out the Funded Proposal Library for examples. Please note that KSU has an institutional account with the Grants Resource Center. Please email for username and password. 
    • KSU Office of Research Funding Opportunities and Notices website: The Office of Research provides regular updates on its website regarding upcoming funding opportunities. 


BCOE Research Action Plan (2020-2023)


Bagwell College of Education Indirect Cost Return Policy


Self-paced resources & Workshops


Past Official Calls & Initiatives

  • Education as Liberation: Examining Black Teachers’ Resistance Against Legislative Silencing

    • Drs. Smith, Harris, Flaggs, Guillory, and Aldridge have been awarded the Creation of Research Teams in BCOE Grant for their proposal, "Education as Liberation: Examining Black Teachers' Resistance Against Legislative Silencing." The team aims to gain a deeper understanding of liberatory and humanizing pedagogies of Black teachers in a context where the demand for content standards-driven pedagogy is prioritized, to privilege the voices of Black teachers in a context where the "divisive concepts" debates often ignore what all students need, and to add to and problematize current research on what liberatory and humanizing pedagogies look like.


    The Trilingual Research Team 

    • Drs. Choi, Angay-Crowder, Gazioglu, and Espinosa have been awarded the Creation of Research Teams in BCOE Grant for their proposal, "The Trilingual Research Team: Voices from Trilingual Families in the United States." Taking a justice-oriented perspective, this team is committed to advancing the knowledge about trilingual language and literacy practices in households across the United States. Their research aims to address the critical gap in the categorization of trilingual families' language and literacy practices and will delve into the development and nature of trilingual competencies by diverse families. The creation of this team will provide an opportunity for collaboration in advancing the literature on trilingual families and their literacy practices, language development, and maintenance.


    Maker Math 2.0: Teaching Digital Fabrication through the Design, Creation, Application, and Sharing of StandardsBased Math Manipulatives

    • Drs. Harron, Jin, Hillen, Thomas, and Mr. Ziegler have been awarded the Creation of Research Teams in BCOE Grant for their proposal, "Maker Math 2.0: Teaching Digital Fabrication through the Design, Creation, Application, and Sharing of Standards-Based Math Manipulatives." The team involves three Bagwell faculty, one Coles College of Business faculty, and one doctoral student from Georgia State University. The team's project will provide in-service K12 mathematics teachers with professional development on how to design and create personalized math manipulatives using 3D printing technology while providing them with support to design curricula and ongoing design support.


    The Doctoral Agora: Supporting Minority Doctoral Students

    • Drs. Edwards, Brantley-Dias, Vasquez, Flaggs, and Ms. Walton have been awarded the Creation of Research Teams in BCOE Grant for their proposal, "The Doctoral Agora: Supporting Minority Doctoral Students." The team consists of four Bagwell faculty and one Cobb County School District teacher. The team aims to develop strategies that assist with increasing the participation of minority groups in doctoral programs, synthesize effective practices and attributes of interventions for minority doctoral students that foster positive identity formation, and provide opportunities for doctoral students to improve their academic writing, presentation skills, and publication experience.
  • The 2022 Special Research Initiative aims at supporting innovative interdisciplinary research studies on topics involving strategic partners in the community (i.e. school districts, NGOs, etc). The 2022 awardees are: 

    • Drs. Jayoung Choi and Tuba Angay-Crowder Theorizing university-school district partnerships and STEM instruction in a Korean-English dual language bilingual education program
    • Dr. Yi Jin | An Integrative Review of Professional Development Models/Partnerships for PK-12 In-Service Teachers to Effectively Integrate Technology into Their Instructions.
    • Dr. Nihal Khote | Cultivating Academic Literacies with English Learners & their ESOL Teachers
    • Dr. Soon Lee | Automated Discourse Analysis System (ADAS) for K-12 Science Classrooms using AI Reinforcement Learning Algorithm
    • Drs. Marrielle Myers, Lateefah Id-Deen, Jillian Ford and Chandra Floyd | From Surviving to Thriving: Supporting #BlackTeachersMatter Alumni During Induction
  • Cyclical Graduate Program Improvements

    • Drs. Megan Adams, Rachel Gaines, Anete Vasquez, and Corrie Tuttle have been awarded the Creation of Research Teams in BCOE Grant for their proposal Cyclical Graduate Program Improvements. The research team involves three current students and one graduate of BCOE doctoral programs along with three faculty members to investigate induction teaching needs. The research team models “Students as partners” and “flattened hierarchy,” which will allows a dialogic partnership in research and program improvement. The team aims to promote cyclical graduate program improvements through their innovative research collaboration.

    Black Women School Leaders Research Collective

    • Drs. Sheryl Croft, Chinasa Elue, Brandi Hinnant-Crawford, Miyoshi Juergensen, and Tamela Thomas have been awarded the Creation of Research Teams in BCOE Grant for their proposal Black Women School Leaders Research Collective. Taking a mixed-methods approach, this team seeks to explore how Black women situate the totality of their experiences, beliefs, and perceptions within their roles as leaders in various educational organizations. Focusing on leaders from diverse backgrounds, this research team aims to amplify the voices of Black women school leaders, prioritize the issues important to them, and explore professional applications across diverse educational communities. The creation of this team will provide an opportunity to bridge the multiple intersections of their work and support further contributions to the body of literature on Black women school leaders.

    Teacher Emotions, Stress, Coping & Attrition (TESCA)

    • Drs. Rachel E. Gaines, Mei-Lin Chang, and Kristen C. Mosley have been awarded the Creation of Research Teams in BCOE Grant for their proposal Teacher Emotions, Stress, Coping & Attrition (TESCA). Their team is seeking to identify ways to reduce teacher burnout and attrition by conducting and disseminating mixed methods research on individual and contextual factors that affect teacher emotions, stress, and coping. Their study aims to address two critical gaps, including understanding how the structures inherent to schools are a source of stress and exhaustion, and how stakeholders can effectively communicate the importance of enacting change to protect against burnout and mitigate stress and emotional exhaustion. 

    The Higher Education and Student Affairs (HESA) Research Team

    • Drs. Jennifer Wells, Nicholas Clegorne, Chinasa Elue, and Cara Ray have been awarded the Creation of Research Teams in BCOE Grant for their proposal The Higher Education and Student Affairs (HESA) Research Team. Their team has proposed a longitudinal study looking at the professional preparation of students in the new fully online HESA master’s degree concentration. Using mixed methods, they aim to answer the following questions: a) What drives individuals to the profession?; b) What keeps them in the profession?; and c) What are the successes, challenges, and barriers experienced by students? Longitudinal data will be collected during students time in the program and after in their next full-time professional role.
    • Dr. Erin Adams has been selected as a recipient for the BCOE Research Grant to understand the nature of economic and financial literacy lessons created and sold on the online educational marketplace platform Teachers Pay Teachers (TPT). This research aims to develop a better understanding of which financial literacy topics are popular and highly ranked, and learn how pre-service and in-service teachers make sense of these TPT economic and financial literacy lessons.
    • Drs. Theresa Alviar-Martin and Sohyun An have been selected as a recipient for the BCOE Research Grant to conduct a qualitative study of Asian American Voices for Education (AAVE), a grassroots organization advocating for curriculum reform in the state of Georgia. The aims of their project are to attend to the stories of individuals of AAVE through narrative inquiry and to examine the case of AAVE as an organization advocating for curriculum reform.
    • Drs. Nicholas A. Clegorne and Albert Jimenez have been selected as a recipient for the BCOE Research Grant to support their mixed-methods case study to understand how leaders and teachers problem-solving styles, perceptions of curricular control, and job satisfaction contribute to their experience with curricular leadership. The goal of their study is to inform a coaching framework for instructional leadership in order to provide more effective instructional leadership and mentoring, across roles in schools.
    • Dr. Nihal V. Khote has been selected as a recipient for the BCOE Research Grant to conduct research to determine how using systemic functional linguistics as a teaching approach can support English learners in meeting state, local, and community goals. Through this work, he aims to help teachers challenge the notion that the most effective way to prepare “at-risk” students is through drill and practice test preparation by demonstrating that content is learned through language and language is acquired through content learning simultaneously.
    • Dr. Jinhee Kim has been selected as a recipient for the BCOE Research Grant to examine how the ideal image of home would be presented in the PreK-K curriculum, how teachers would address home as children’s space to live, and how it would influence children experiencing homelessness. Her primary data will include individual interviews of teachers in PreK-K grades and teaching materials used by teachers. 
  • Purpose: The Bagwell College of Education developed and approved in Fall 2020 the BCOE Research Action Plan (2020-2023)[1] (RAP). This plan is an attempt to operationalize the objectives included in the four areas of interest described in the research section of the BCOE R2 Roadmap to Success: a) Faculty Research/Scholarship/Creativity; b) Faculty/Student Research;  c) Collaborative/ Interdisciplinary/Partnership Research; d) Innovations, Possibilities Aligned with the undergraduate and graduate task forces .
    This competitive call aims at incentivizing the creation and establishment of formal research teams in the BCOE to work around key topics in education and contribute to the college research endeavors.
    Eligibility: Any full-time teaching faculty, tenure track, lecturer/senior lecturer, non-tenure track professorial ranked faculty, or clinical faculty is eligible. The application process is open to all BCOE faculty members.

    Award Amount and commitment: Four research teams of up to 3-5[1] members will be funded with $2,000 each. Research teams will be given GRA allocation preference in the FY22 GRA/GTA allocation process.
    Each recipient team will commit to: a) produce before the end of the Spring 2021 semester, a three-page strategic plan summarizing the expected work to be done as a team until Fall 2023, and; b) submit a grant proposal for external funding, or submit a manuscript for publication before the end of Spring 2022. 

    Research teams could use the funds of the award to: a) cover registration fees for conferences that further the development of the research team; b) purchase books related to the topic/s the research team will be working on; c) purchase resources, small equipment, or materials to facilitate the creation/development of the research team, and; d) cover the expenses of a research retreat to facilitate the establishment of the research team and the development of an strategic plan.

    Award Criteria: The following are the criteria that will be used for the awards.

    • Sustained record of scholarship of the members of the proposed team
    • Balance between senior and junior faculty within the proposed team
    • Inclusion of a collaborator researcher external to the BCOE
    • Previous collaborations that support the creation of the group

    Application Procedures:

    • A Cover Sheet including:
      • Title of this award (Call for the Creation of Research Teams in the BCOE);
      • Names, rank and title(s), department/s, of the members of the proposed research team;
      • Name for the proposed research team, and;
    • Short bio of no more than 200 words of each of the members of the proposed research team;
    • A current curriculum vitae of each of the members of the proposed research team
    • A one-page rationale justifying the creation of the research team, and;
    • All materials must be compiled into a single pdf document.

    Application Deadline: March 26, 2021 by 11:59 PM
    Submit the Application Packet to:
    Evaluation Procedures: A committee will be formed to evaluate nominations. The committee will include the BCOE Research Catalyst, the chair of the Research Consortium, and representatives for each department in the Research Consortium Committee.

  • Research Team: Belonging: Beyond Fitting In

    • Dr. Ann Bennett
    • Dr. Darolyn Flaggs
    • Dr. Alison Hedrick (external to BCOE)
    • Dr. Amy Hillen
    • Dr. Belinda Edwards
    • Dr. Wendy Sanchez

    Research Team: STEM for Justice

    • Dr. Belinda P. Edwards
    • Dr. Michael Dias
    • Dr. Laurie Brantley-Dias
    • Dr. Tiffany Roman
    • Dr.: Mars Berwanger (external to BCOE)
    • Dr. Amanda Barrett (external to BCOE)

    Research Team: Personalized Learning Research

    • Dr. Dabae Lee
    • Dr. Laurie Dias
    • Dr. Yeol Huh (external to BCOE)

    Research Team: CT for Teacher Education Research Team

    • Dr. Yi Jin
    • Dr. Jason Harron
    • Dr. Selena He (external to BCOE)
  • The BCOE Student Scholars Expo is an event to showcase undergraduate and graduate students’ scholarship conducted at KSU during the past academic year. It constitutes a college-level version of KSU’s Symposium of Student Scholars. The Fall 2021 inaugural edition of the BCOE Student Scholars Expo was held on November 12, 2021. The event was hybrid, and students/faculty had the option of presenting face-to-face in the BCOE Building or online using Microsoft Teams.

    2021 BCOE Student Scholars Expo Prize Recipients:

    • Alexandria Alexander was selected as a recipient for the "Top 10-minute undergraduate presentation" ($200 prize-Bookstore gift card) for her presentation titled: Nigerian Educational System And What Influences It Has On Young Children.
    • Denia Carbajal was selected as a recipient for the "Top 5-minute undergraduate presentation" ($125 prize-Bookstore gift card) for her presentation titled: Questioning Data.
    • Dr. Angela L. Mack was selected as a recipient for the "Top 10-minute graduate presentation"($225 prize-Bookstore gift card) for her presentation titled: Cultivating Culturally Responsive Elementary Teachers in a Suburban Title I School
    • Dr. Tiffany Post was selected as a recipient for the "First runner-up, 10-minute graduate presentation" ($125 prize-Bookstore gift card) for her presentation titled: 1:1 Technology Models: Perceptions of Teachers on BYOT and School-Issued Devices.
    • Jessica Cooper was selected as a recipient for the "Top 5-minute graduate presentation"($175 prize-Bookstore gift card) for her presentation titled: Differentiation, COVID-19 pandemic, hybrid learning, lab-based activities, self-study, chemistry education.
    • Nicholas Moore was selected as a recipient for the "First runner-up, 5-minute graduate presentation" ($100 prize-Bookstore gift card) for his presentation titled: Building Community Through Culturally Responsive Morning Meetings.


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