E. Erdem Özbek
Türkish Language and Literature
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Papers by E. Erdem Özbek
In this study, a comparative analysis has been made on the use of the suffix {+KI} in Tuvan, one of the South Siberian Turkic languages, with Old Turkic and Turkish. The suffix {+KI}, which is named as mixed suffix, pronominal suffix, relative suffix, possessive pronoun etc. in the sources, is one of the productive and common suffixes of Turkic. The main function of the suffix is to create the words in the function of adjective or pronoun from nominals with the meanings of presence, representation, possession. The suffix draws attention with its unique usage features since Old Turkic. It can be both used after nominals in the meaning of time or location and after the nominals marked by case suffixes and from this aspect it stands between formatives and inflectional suffixes. Because of these usage features the place of this suffix among other suffixes is discussed in the sources. The uses of the suffix among historical or contemporary Turkic languages have similar and different aspects. For this reason, this analysis has been made comparatively. In order to show the diachronic development of the suffix in Tuvan, a comparison was made with Old Turkic and in order to show the equivalents of the examined features in Turkish, a comparison was made with Turkish. The general features of the suffix in Tuvan are included in the sources but it has been seen that there are some aspects that are not emphasized. In this study, it is aimed to show the usage features of the suffix as a whole from various aspects and to reveal the features specific to Tuvan comparatively. The study is made under the following headings: the phonetic features of the suffix, usage/affixation features and functions of the suffix, the lexicalization status of the words marked by this suffix and its morpho-syntactic features. The general results of the examination are as follows: The words marked with this suffix are at a more advanced stage in Tuvan in terms of lexicalization. While the suffix is usued productively and provide temporary relations between nominals in Turkish, it is used generally in formulaic constructions in Tuvan. A common feature of this suffix in Turkic is to be used after locative suffix productively but this usage is not productive in Tuvan. In the study, the reasons for this are analyzed. In Tuvan, the suffix {+KI} shows additional grammatical features such as forming ordinal numbers and creating other compound suffixes.
Milk and dairy products have a significant place in Turkic culture depending on the importance of the animal husbandry. As a result of this, a rich vocabulary on this subject has emerged in Turkic language. These vocabulary elements have also been transferred to other languages. Especially “yoghurt” has taken place in many languages as a borrowing from Turkic languages. When we look at the history of the Turkic language, it is seen that the word yogurt can be followed with texts from Old Turkic. The word, whose first examples are found in Old Uyghur Turkic texts, lives in many modern Turkish languages with various phonetic differences. In some Turkic languages, the word yogurt is not used, instead other words are used. Considering the distribution of the word in Turkic languages, it is stated in the sources that it is an element specific to Oghuz Turkic. In this study, the etymology of the word yogurt, which has an important place in Turkish culture, has been tried to be explained considering previous studies. After the introduction, firstly the use of the word in historical and contemporary Turkic languages is shown, then the section about the structure and etymology of the word is given. As a result of the examination, it is seen that the word was related to the verb yogur- “to knead”; the reasons for this have been tried to be explained morphologically and semantically.
In this study, pronominal verbs and their derivatives in Tuvan are examined and it is aimed to represent the words in this category in Tuvan as a whole. The material of the study is classified according to sharing the common root or stem, analysed morphologically and semantically. In the study, these verbs are classified into three groups in terms of their structures: derivations of ınča, mınča, kanča; derivations of interrogative pronoun čü/čüü; derivations through {+LA-}. In each section, structural aspects of these words are discussed and their usages are represented by sample sentences. According to the findings of the study, it is concluded that the verbs, whose structures are not clear at first sight, in the first group are formed by fusion of the words ınča, mınča, kanča and kıl-; second group is formed by fusion of the words čü/čüü and bol- The forms derived from these verbs are typical samples of grammaticalization and lexicalization in Tuvan.
Keywords: Turkic, Tuvan, binomaials, binomial expressions, hendiadyoin, reduplication
Öz: İkilemeler/ikili sözler, Türk dilinin söz varlığında eski devirlerden beri görülen söz öbekleridir. Özellikle Eski Uygur Türkçesi bu açıdan zenginlik taşır. Çağdaş Türk lehçelerinden de Tuva Türkçesi bu söz varlığı ögeleri bakımından dikkat çekici özellikler gösterir. Bu araştırmada “ikileme” terimi ve kapsamı tartışılmış; Tuva Türkçesi örneğinde ikilemelerin/ikili sözlerin semantik özellikleri incelenmiştir. “İkilemeler” şimdiye kadar çeşitli açılardan pek çok çalışmaya konu edilmiştir. Bununla birlikte, terim sorunundan başlayarak konunun üzerinde durulması gereken yönleri bulunmaktadır. Türkiye’de bu konuda yapılmış çalışmalarda söz konusu yapıların ikileme, ikizleme, yineleme, tekrar, hendiadyoin, koşma gibi terimlerle işaretlendikleri görülmektedir. Bunlardan ikileme, en yaygınlaşmış ve genel kabul görmüş olan terimdir. İkileme sözcüğünün sözlüklerdeki tanımına bakıldığında, konunun “tekrar” kavramıyla iç içe geçmiş olduğu anlaşılmaktadır. Ancak, çeşitli anlam ilişkileriyle bir araya gelen eş görevli iki sözcüğün oluşturduğu söz öbekleri, tekrardan ayrı bir dil olgusuna işaret etmektedir. Ayrıca, Türkiye’de yapılan yayınlarda, bu yapıların uluslararası literatürdeki karşılığı için kullanılan terimlerde de tam bir örtüşme olmadığı görülmektedir. Bu bağlamda en çok kullanılan terimler hendiadyoin ve reduplication terimleridir. Ancak söz konusu terimler,esasında bu yapılardan ayrı dil olgularını ifade etmektedir. İncelememizin ikinci ve üçüncü bölümlerinde, alanda kullanılan terimlerin ve bunların kapsamlarının tartışması yapılmış; söz konusu yapıların ikili sözler (binomials/binomial expressions) olarak adlandırılması tercih edilmiştir. İkili sözler, genel olarak, çeşitli anlam ilişkileriyle bir araya gelen aynı türden ve eş görevli iki sözcüğün oluşturduğu söz öbekleri şeklinde tanımlanabilir. Ardından, bu teorik zeminde Tuva Tükçesi örneğinde ikili sözlerin semantik özellikleri incelenmiştir. İkili sözleri oluşturan sözcükler, çeşitli anlam ilişkileriyle bir araya gelmektedir. Bu nedenle incelemede ikili sözlerin semantik özellikleri üzerinde durulmuştur. İnceleme materyali, Tuva Türkçesine ait sözlüklerde madde başı olan sözler arasından derlenmiş; oluşturulan örneklem esasında bu sözler ayrıntılı bir semantik sınıflandırmaya tabi tutulmuştur. Buna göre; parça-bütün ilişkisi, aynı kavram ya da anlam alanına ait olma, yakın anlamlılık, zıt anlamlılık ilişkilerinin öne çıktığı tespit edilmiştir. Bu yapıların bütününe bakıldığında ise birlikte bir bütünü ya da kavramı ifade etme ihtiyacının öne çıktığı anlaşılmaktadır. İkili sözler, hem dil içi gelişmeler hem de başka diller veya lehçelerle ilişkiler bakımından da karakteristik özellikler gösterir. Bu bağlamda ikili yapıyı oluşturan sözcüklerin leksik ve etimolojik özellikleri de konunun üzerinde durulması gereken diğer bir yönüdür. Bu nedenle, incelemenin dördüncü bölümünde, ikili yapıyı oluşturan sözcüklerin leksik ve etimolojik özellikleri üzerinde de durulmuştur. Kökenlerine göre bakıldığında, Tuva Türkçesindeki ikili sözlerin bünyesinde en çok Moğolca alıntılar görülmektedir. Leksik bakımdan, Türk dilinin diğer sahalarında da görülebildiği gibi, Tuva Türkçesindeki bazı ikili sözlerin bünyesinde de tek başına kullanımı olmayan sözcükler bulunabilmektedir. Bunlar, başka lehçe ya da dillerden alıntı sözcükler olabilmektedir. Bu tür yapılarda da yabancı alıntı olarak en çok Moğolca sözcükler tespit edilmiştir.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Türk dili, Tuva Türkçesi, ikileme, ikili sözler, hendiadyoin, tekrar, yineleme
In Tuvan, kiji, ulus and chuve are lexemes mean “person”, “people” and “thing” respectively. Besides their lexical meanings, the use of these words in different positions is an interesting feature of Tuvan. In this study, the use of these words in the structure of the predicate (or in dependent clauses) or at the end of the sentences is examined. In the structure of the predicate, in general, it attracts the attention at first glance that kiji is used for singular person, ulus is used for plural people and chuve is specially used for third person, in addition to this, some characteristic features are also seen except this generalization. And, the use of these words in the predicate structure is not only limited with the function of demonstrating person. They also function in the meaning of emphasis, evidentially, confirmation etc. as similar to particles or clitics and sometimes match up with copular system. From the diachronic perspective, it is seen that while these words were used as meaningful elements in their positions, they lost their meanings over time and as a result they became auxiliary elements. In this respect, the present position of these words stands as a grammaticalization case. It is also seen that these words are in Ø/neutral position in some uses. In our study we tried to demonstrate these usages of these words with examples.
Divan Lugat at-Turk is one of the remarkable monuments of Turkic with the data providing information about Turkic dialects. In his work, Mahmud al-Kasgari gave detailed information about Oghuzs too. One of the notes about the Oghuzs’ language in the books is that they use only one element of a hendiadyoin while the other Turkic communities use the complete form. One example about this topic is as follows: Oghuzs say only kardı instead of the hendiadyoin kattı kardı unlike other Turkic communities. Today, both the verbs kat- and kar- live in Turkish and its dialects and these words are sometimes used synonymously. In Anatolian dialects, it is seen that the verb kat- has a similar semantical context with the usage of the hendiadyoin kat- kar- in the Divan Lugat at-Turk and also with the historical and modern meaning of the verb kar-. Hamur kat-, an expression in Anatolian dialects, represents this case clearly. The same usage is found in Azerbaijan Turkish and its dialects too. In this study, it is aimed to demonstrate that the verb kat- in this expression developed from the hendiadyoin kat- kar- through ellipsis. Additionally, it is aimed to contribute to Derleme Sözlüğü since the usage of the verb is not mentioned in this dictionary.
Abstract: Onomatopoeia is generally defined as the words reflect the sounds in the nature imitatively. Turkic has a wide vocabulary and word formation process in this area. Onomatopoeic words have typical features in terms of their meanings and forms in Tuvan language as well. With regard to their meanings, it is seen that these words have a wide scope including various appearances and situations along with sounds. Therefore, in this study, onomatopoeic words in Tuvan have been analysed in those three groups: "words imitating sounds", "words imitating appearances and actions" and "words imitating emotions and situations". After classifying them according to their meanings, we examined them in terms of phonetic and morphological features in each section. Finally, usage features of onomatopoeic words in sentence have been mentioned.
which consist of formulaic structures in them. From these expressions, elliptical words and epithets have been examined in terms of linguistics in this study. Elipsis are formed by deleting a part of a word, phrase or sentence and the remaining elements of the expression stand for the whole meaning of the structure. Examples of ellipsis given in this study belong to syntactic level. Elliptical words may lexicalize over time, depending on their use frequencies. Epithets are formulaic words that describe the heros or various creatures and objects in folkloric texts. Epithets are seen in Turkic epics widely and they are characteristic stylistic features of Tuvan epics as well. These formulaic expressions spesific to oral tradition may also lexicalize by formulization. Some epithets and elliptical structures in the epics analysed in this study are also found in the literary texts and thus, these words have a place in Tuvan dictioanries too. In this context, it is seen that these elements which arise from the vocabulary of epics are transferred to literary language too. Accordingly, our analysis is done comparatively between oral literature and literary language.
Keywords: Tuvan language, Tuvan epics, ellipsis, epithet, vocabulary,
Key words: Tuvan, gerund, verb, adverb, postposition, grammaticalization, lexicalization.
Türk dilinde zarf-fiil ekleri sözcükler üzerinde kalıplaşarak yeni sözlük ve gramer birimleri meydana getirebilmektedir. {–A} zarf-fiil eki de bu eklerden biridir. Pek çok Türk lehçesinde olduğu gibi Tuvacada da bu ekin kalıplaşmasıyla oluşmuş zarf ve edat görevli sözcükler bulunmaktadır. Bu sözcükler, söz konusu eki düşürmüş olarak da Tuvacada yaygın olarak görülmekte, bu yönüyle karakteristik bir durum sergilemektedir. Aynı şekilde, aslında bir ettirgenlik eki olan {–DIr}, üzerindeki {–A} zarf-fiil ekinin düşmesiyle bir zarf yapım eki olarak da kullanılır olmuştur. Bu makalede, Tuvacada {–A} zarf-fiil ekini düşürmüş bu sözcükler yapı, anlam ve kullanım özellikleri yönüyle incelenmiş, sözlükselleşme ve gramerleşme bakımından değerlendirilmiştir.
Anahtar sözler: Tuvaca, zarf-fiil, fiil, zarf, edat, gramerleşme, sözlükselleşme.
ABSTRACT: Tuvans, one of the Turkic communities of the southern Siberia, have a rich oral tradition. Tuvan people started to use their own language as a written language in 1930. In this study, the words that are used in Tuvan epics but do not exist in dictionaries which represent the vocabulary of Tuvan written language have been analysed. Thereby, it is aimed to reveal these words which can not be found in dictionaries. In addition, the relationship between Tuvan folk literature and written language is also elaborated. In the introduction of the study, a general information about Tuvan epics and relevant publications is given and method of the study is explained. Then, the relationship between vocabulary of these oral narratives and written language is mentioned. Finally, the words from epics are overviewed and then they are explained in alphabetical order. The analysis has been made by comparing the vocabulary in the epics with the written language dictionaries. There is a close relationship between the Tuvan written language and the vocabulary of folk literature. Oral literature has been used as an important resource in the formation process of written language. Therefore, the relationship between the two is deemed worthy of examination. As a result of the examination, it is seen that a significant part of those words which could not be found in dictionaries are based on Tuva-Mongol language contacts. And some of the words are based on borrowings from other Turkic dialects. Depending on the nature of these texts conveyed in the oral tradition, archaicism is another fundamental reason for not existing in dictionaries.
Keywords: Tuvan Language, Tuvan epics, vocabulary, oral tradition, written language.
İhsan Oktay Anar, son dönem Türk romanının dikkat çeken, çok okunan
yazarlarındandır. Yazarın romanları, kurgu ve anlatım teknikleri bakımından geleneksel
anlatılardan izler taşır. Bu durum, yazarın dilinde sözlü geleneğe ait birtakım özellikleri
ortaya çıkarmıştır. Bu çalışmada, sözlü gelenekten gelen özelliklerin, yazarın dili
üzerindeki etkisi incelenmiştir. İncelemede ilk olarak romanların eski anlatı
gelenekleriyle ilişkisine değinilmiş, ardından eserler bu bağlamda cümle kuruluşları ve
çeşitli ifadeler bakımından değerlendirilmiştir. Yazarın romanları, cümle dışı öğelerin,
açıklayıcı ifadelerin, sıfat tamlamalarının kullanımı ve dil bilgisi kurallarına uymayan
kullanımlar yönüyle incelenmiş, tespit edilen özelliklerin “sözlü kültür” ile ilişkili
olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır.
Ihsan Oktay Anar is one of the remarkable and popular authors of Turkish
novel’s last period. His novels have impressions from traditional narratives in terms of
fiction and narrative techniques. This aspect reveals some features which is belong to
oral traditon in author’s language. In this study, the effects of the features coming from
oral tradition on author’s language are anlalysed. In the study, firstly, relation between
his novels and old narrative traditions is mentioned and then, in this context his novels
are examined in terms of sentence constructions and various expressions. Author’s
novels are examined in terms of using non-sentence parts, appositive parts, adjectival
constructions and anomalous usings in grammar rules, as a result it is decided that all
the features which are identified in the study are related to oral culture.
Key Words:
Ihsan Oktay Anar, oral culture, postmodernism, language.
Books by E. Erdem Özbek
In this study, a comparative analysis has been made on the use of the suffix {+KI} in Tuvan, one of the South Siberian Turkic languages, with Old Turkic and Turkish. The suffix {+KI}, which is named as mixed suffix, pronominal suffix, relative suffix, possessive pronoun etc. in the sources, is one of the productive and common suffixes of Turkic. The main function of the suffix is to create the words in the function of adjective or pronoun from nominals with the meanings of presence, representation, possession. The suffix draws attention with its unique usage features since Old Turkic. It can be both used after nominals in the meaning of time or location and after the nominals marked by case suffixes and from this aspect it stands between formatives and inflectional suffixes. Because of these usage features the place of this suffix among other suffixes is discussed in the sources. The uses of the suffix among historical or contemporary Turkic languages have similar and different aspects. For this reason, this analysis has been made comparatively. In order to show the diachronic development of the suffix in Tuvan, a comparison was made with Old Turkic and in order to show the equivalents of the examined features in Turkish, a comparison was made with Turkish. The general features of the suffix in Tuvan are included in the sources but it has been seen that there are some aspects that are not emphasized. In this study, it is aimed to show the usage features of the suffix as a whole from various aspects and to reveal the features specific to Tuvan comparatively. The study is made under the following headings: the phonetic features of the suffix, usage/affixation features and functions of the suffix, the lexicalization status of the words marked by this suffix and its morpho-syntactic features. The general results of the examination are as follows: The words marked with this suffix are at a more advanced stage in Tuvan in terms of lexicalization. While the suffix is usued productively and provide temporary relations between nominals in Turkish, it is used generally in formulaic constructions in Tuvan. A common feature of this suffix in Turkic is to be used after locative suffix productively but this usage is not productive in Tuvan. In the study, the reasons for this are analyzed. In Tuvan, the suffix {+KI} shows additional grammatical features such as forming ordinal numbers and creating other compound suffixes.
Milk and dairy products have a significant place in Turkic culture depending on the importance of the animal husbandry. As a result of this, a rich vocabulary on this subject has emerged in Turkic language. These vocabulary elements have also been transferred to other languages. Especially “yoghurt” has taken place in many languages as a borrowing from Turkic languages. When we look at the history of the Turkic language, it is seen that the word yogurt can be followed with texts from Old Turkic. The word, whose first examples are found in Old Uyghur Turkic texts, lives in many modern Turkish languages with various phonetic differences. In some Turkic languages, the word yogurt is not used, instead other words are used. Considering the distribution of the word in Turkic languages, it is stated in the sources that it is an element specific to Oghuz Turkic. In this study, the etymology of the word yogurt, which has an important place in Turkish culture, has been tried to be explained considering previous studies. After the introduction, firstly the use of the word in historical and contemporary Turkic languages is shown, then the section about the structure and etymology of the word is given. As a result of the examination, it is seen that the word was related to the verb yogur- “to knead”; the reasons for this have been tried to be explained morphologically and semantically.
In this study, pronominal verbs and their derivatives in Tuvan are examined and it is aimed to represent the words in this category in Tuvan as a whole. The material of the study is classified according to sharing the common root or stem, analysed morphologically and semantically. In the study, these verbs are classified into three groups in terms of their structures: derivations of ınča, mınča, kanča; derivations of interrogative pronoun čü/čüü; derivations through {+LA-}. In each section, structural aspects of these words are discussed and their usages are represented by sample sentences. According to the findings of the study, it is concluded that the verbs, whose structures are not clear at first sight, in the first group are formed by fusion of the words ınča, mınča, kanča and kıl-; second group is formed by fusion of the words čü/čüü and bol- The forms derived from these verbs are typical samples of grammaticalization and lexicalization in Tuvan.
Keywords: Turkic, Tuvan, binomaials, binomial expressions, hendiadyoin, reduplication
Öz: İkilemeler/ikili sözler, Türk dilinin söz varlığında eski devirlerden beri görülen söz öbekleridir. Özellikle Eski Uygur Türkçesi bu açıdan zenginlik taşır. Çağdaş Türk lehçelerinden de Tuva Türkçesi bu söz varlığı ögeleri bakımından dikkat çekici özellikler gösterir. Bu araştırmada “ikileme” terimi ve kapsamı tartışılmış; Tuva Türkçesi örneğinde ikilemelerin/ikili sözlerin semantik özellikleri incelenmiştir. “İkilemeler” şimdiye kadar çeşitli açılardan pek çok çalışmaya konu edilmiştir. Bununla birlikte, terim sorunundan başlayarak konunun üzerinde durulması gereken yönleri bulunmaktadır. Türkiye’de bu konuda yapılmış çalışmalarda söz konusu yapıların ikileme, ikizleme, yineleme, tekrar, hendiadyoin, koşma gibi terimlerle işaretlendikleri görülmektedir. Bunlardan ikileme, en yaygınlaşmış ve genel kabul görmüş olan terimdir. İkileme sözcüğünün sözlüklerdeki tanımına bakıldığında, konunun “tekrar” kavramıyla iç içe geçmiş olduğu anlaşılmaktadır. Ancak, çeşitli anlam ilişkileriyle bir araya gelen eş görevli iki sözcüğün oluşturduğu söz öbekleri, tekrardan ayrı bir dil olgusuna işaret etmektedir. Ayrıca, Türkiye’de yapılan yayınlarda, bu yapıların uluslararası literatürdeki karşılığı için kullanılan terimlerde de tam bir örtüşme olmadığı görülmektedir. Bu bağlamda en çok kullanılan terimler hendiadyoin ve reduplication terimleridir. Ancak söz konusu terimler,esasında bu yapılardan ayrı dil olgularını ifade etmektedir. İncelememizin ikinci ve üçüncü bölümlerinde, alanda kullanılan terimlerin ve bunların kapsamlarının tartışması yapılmış; söz konusu yapıların ikili sözler (binomials/binomial expressions) olarak adlandırılması tercih edilmiştir. İkili sözler, genel olarak, çeşitli anlam ilişkileriyle bir araya gelen aynı türden ve eş görevli iki sözcüğün oluşturduğu söz öbekleri şeklinde tanımlanabilir. Ardından, bu teorik zeminde Tuva Tükçesi örneğinde ikili sözlerin semantik özellikleri incelenmiştir. İkili sözleri oluşturan sözcükler, çeşitli anlam ilişkileriyle bir araya gelmektedir. Bu nedenle incelemede ikili sözlerin semantik özellikleri üzerinde durulmuştur. İnceleme materyali, Tuva Türkçesine ait sözlüklerde madde başı olan sözler arasından derlenmiş; oluşturulan örneklem esasında bu sözler ayrıntılı bir semantik sınıflandırmaya tabi tutulmuştur. Buna göre; parça-bütün ilişkisi, aynı kavram ya da anlam alanına ait olma, yakın anlamlılık, zıt anlamlılık ilişkilerinin öne çıktığı tespit edilmiştir. Bu yapıların bütününe bakıldığında ise birlikte bir bütünü ya da kavramı ifade etme ihtiyacının öne çıktığı anlaşılmaktadır. İkili sözler, hem dil içi gelişmeler hem de başka diller veya lehçelerle ilişkiler bakımından da karakteristik özellikler gösterir. Bu bağlamda ikili yapıyı oluşturan sözcüklerin leksik ve etimolojik özellikleri de konunun üzerinde durulması gereken diğer bir yönüdür. Bu nedenle, incelemenin dördüncü bölümünde, ikili yapıyı oluşturan sözcüklerin leksik ve etimolojik özellikleri üzerinde de durulmuştur. Kökenlerine göre bakıldığında, Tuva Türkçesindeki ikili sözlerin bünyesinde en çok Moğolca alıntılar görülmektedir. Leksik bakımdan, Türk dilinin diğer sahalarında da görülebildiği gibi, Tuva Türkçesindeki bazı ikili sözlerin bünyesinde de tek başına kullanımı olmayan sözcükler bulunabilmektedir. Bunlar, başka lehçe ya da dillerden alıntı sözcükler olabilmektedir. Bu tür yapılarda da yabancı alıntı olarak en çok Moğolca sözcükler tespit edilmiştir.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Türk dili, Tuva Türkçesi, ikileme, ikili sözler, hendiadyoin, tekrar, yineleme
In Tuvan, kiji, ulus and chuve are lexemes mean “person”, “people” and “thing” respectively. Besides their lexical meanings, the use of these words in different positions is an interesting feature of Tuvan. In this study, the use of these words in the structure of the predicate (or in dependent clauses) or at the end of the sentences is examined. In the structure of the predicate, in general, it attracts the attention at first glance that kiji is used for singular person, ulus is used for plural people and chuve is specially used for third person, in addition to this, some characteristic features are also seen except this generalization. And, the use of these words in the predicate structure is not only limited with the function of demonstrating person. They also function in the meaning of emphasis, evidentially, confirmation etc. as similar to particles or clitics and sometimes match up with copular system. From the diachronic perspective, it is seen that while these words were used as meaningful elements in their positions, they lost their meanings over time and as a result they became auxiliary elements. In this respect, the present position of these words stands as a grammaticalization case. It is also seen that these words are in Ø/neutral position in some uses. In our study we tried to demonstrate these usages of these words with examples.
Divan Lugat at-Turk is one of the remarkable monuments of Turkic with the data providing information about Turkic dialects. In his work, Mahmud al-Kasgari gave detailed information about Oghuzs too. One of the notes about the Oghuzs’ language in the books is that they use only one element of a hendiadyoin while the other Turkic communities use the complete form. One example about this topic is as follows: Oghuzs say only kardı instead of the hendiadyoin kattı kardı unlike other Turkic communities. Today, both the verbs kat- and kar- live in Turkish and its dialects and these words are sometimes used synonymously. In Anatolian dialects, it is seen that the verb kat- has a similar semantical context with the usage of the hendiadyoin kat- kar- in the Divan Lugat at-Turk and also with the historical and modern meaning of the verb kar-. Hamur kat-, an expression in Anatolian dialects, represents this case clearly. The same usage is found in Azerbaijan Turkish and its dialects too. In this study, it is aimed to demonstrate that the verb kat- in this expression developed from the hendiadyoin kat- kar- through ellipsis. Additionally, it is aimed to contribute to Derleme Sözlüğü since the usage of the verb is not mentioned in this dictionary.
Abstract: Onomatopoeia is generally defined as the words reflect the sounds in the nature imitatively. Turkic has a wide vocabulary and word formation process in this area. Onomatopoeic words have typical features in terms of their meanings and forms in Tuvan language as well. With regard to their meanings, it is seen that these words have a wide scope including various appearances and situations along with sounds. Therefore, in this study, onomatopoeic words in Tuvan have been analysed in those three groups: "words imitating sounds", "words imitating appearances and actions" and "words imitating emotions and situations". After classifying them according to their meanings, we examined them in terms of phonetic and morphological features in each section. Finally, usage features of onomatopoeic words in sentence have been mentioned.
which consist of formulaic structures in them. From these expressions, elliptical words and epithets have been examined in terms of linguistics in this study. Elipsis are formed by deleting a part of a word, phrase or sentence and the remaining elements of the expression stand for the whole meaning of the structure. Examples of ellipsis given in this study belong to syntactic level. Elliptical words may lexicalize over time, depending on their use frequencies. Epithets are formulaic words that describe the heros or various creatures and objects in folkloric texts. Epithets are seen in Turkic epics widely and they are characteristic stylistic features of Tuvan epics as well. These formulaic expressions spesific to oral tradition may also lexicalize by formulization. Some epithets and elliptical structures in the epics analysed in this study are also found in the literary texts and thus, these words have a place in Tuvan dictioanries too. In this context, it is seen that these elements which arise from the vocabulary of epics are transferred to literary language too. Accordingly, our analysis is done comparatively between oral literature and literary language.
Keywords: Tuvan language, Tuvan epics, ellipsis, epithet, vocabulary,
Key words: Tuvan, gerund, verb, adverb, postposition, grammaticalization, lexicalization.
Türk dilinde zarf-fiil ekleri sözcükler üzerinde kalıplaşarak yeni sözlük ve gramer birimleri meydana getirebilmektedir. {–A} zarf-fiil eki de bu eklerden biridir. Pek çok Türk lehçesinde olduğu gibi Tuvacada da bu ekin kalıplaşmasıyla oluşmuş zarf ve edat görevli sözcükler bulunmaktadır. Bu sözcükler, söz konusu eki düşürmüş olarak da Tuvacada yaygın olarak görülmekte, bu yönüyle karakteristik bir durum sergilemektedir. Aynı şekilde, aslında bir ettirgenlik eki olan {–DIr}, üzerindeki {–A} zarf-fiil ekinin düşmesiyle bir zarf yapım eki olarak da kullanılır olmuştur. Bu makalede, Tuvacada {–A} zarf-fiil ekini düşürmüş bu sözcükler yapı, anlam ve kullanım özellikleri yönüyle incelenmiş, sözlükselleşme ve gramerleşme bakımından değerlendirilmiştir.
Anahtar sözler: Tuvaca, zarf-fiil, fiil, zarf, edat, gramerleşme, sözlükselleşme.
ABSTRACT: Tuvans, one of the Turkic communities of the southern Siberia, have a rich oral tradition. Tuvan people started to use their own language as a written language in 1930. In this study, the words that are used in Tuvan epics but do not exist in dictionaries which represent the vocabulary of Tuvan written language have been analysed. Thereby, it is aimed to reveal these words which can not be found in dictionaries. In addition, the relationship between Tuvan folk literature and written language is also elaborated. In the introduction of the study, a general information about Tuvan epics and relevant publications is given and method of the study is explained. Then, the relationship between vocabulary of these oral narratives and written language is mentioned. Finally, the words from epics are overviewed and then they are explained in alphabetical order. The analysis has been made by comparing the vocabulary in the epics with the written language dictionaries. There is a close relationship between the Tuvan written language and the vocabulary of folk literature. Oral literature has been used as an important resource in the formation process of written language. Therefore, the relationship between the two is deemed worthy of examination. As a result of the examination, it is seen that a significant part of those words which could not be found in dictionaries are based on Tuva-Mongol language contacts. And some of the words are based on borrowings from other Turkic dialects. Depending on the nature of these texts conveyed in the oral tradition, archaicism is another fundamental reason for not existing in dictionaries.
Keywords: Tuvan Language, Tuvan epics, vocabulary, oral tradition, written language.
İhsan Oktay Anar, son dönem Türk romanının dikkat çeken, çok okunan
yazarlarındandır. Yazarın romanları, kurgu ve anlatım teknikleri bakımından geleneksel
anlatılardan izler taşır. Bu durum, yazarın dilinde sözlü geleneğe ait birtakım özellikleri
ortaya çıkarmıştır. Bu çalışmada, sözlü gelenekten gelen özelliklerin, yazarın dili
üzerindeki etkisi incelenmiştir. İncelemede ilk olarak romanların eski anlatı
gelenekleriyle ilişkisine değinilmiş, ardından eserler bu bağlamda cümle kuruluşları ve
çeşitli ifadeler bakımından değerlendirilmiştir. Yazarın romanları, cümle dışı öğelerin,
açıklayıcı ifadelerin, sıfat tamlamalarının kullanımı ve dil bilgisi kurallarına uymayan
kullanımlar yönüyle incelenmiş, tespit edilen özelliklerin “sözlü kültür” ile ilişkili
olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır.
Ihsan Oktay Anar is one of the remarkable and popular authors of Turkish
novel’s last period. His novels have impressions from traditional narratives in terms of
fiction and narrative techniques. This aspect reveals some features which is belong to
oral traditon in author’s language. In this study, the effects of the features coming from
oral tradition on author’s language are anlalysed. In the study, firstly, relation between
his novels and old narrative traditions is mentioned and then, in this context his novels
are examined in terms of sentence constructions and various expressions. Author’s
novels are examined in terms of using non-sentence parts, appositive parts, adjectival
constructions and anomalous usings in grammar rules, as a result it is decided that all
the features which are identified in the study are related to oral culture.
Key Words:
Ihsan Oktay Anar, oral culture, postmodernism, language.