Vasil Penchev
I am a Bulgarian philosopher, 60 y.o. I am interested first of all in philosophy of quantum information.
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Papers by Vasil Penchev
April 22-23, 2016
April 23-24, 2016
Heidegger called Aristotle’s Physics “the secret, never sufficiently rethought base book of Western Philosophy”.
This can explain the choice of Heidegger to comment namely it
The School of Philosophy of the Faculty of Humanities (National Research University Higher School of Economics)
30 April 2016
The “improper interpretation” of an infinite set-theory structure founds the “proper interpretation” and thus that structure self-founds itself as the one interpretation of it can found the other
използван „Принстънският дух” и приятелството между Айнщайн и Гьодел. Набедената непълнота на квантовата механика и доказаната непълнота на аритметиката са преплетени и „сдвоени”, така че взаимни отблясъци осветяват аритметиката и математиката с
онтологичен пламък, но и квантовата механика и информация – с философска фундаменталност и способност да обосновава.
Неразрешими твърдения ли са самите т. нар. теореми на Гьодел за непълнотата, ако те се отнесат към самите себе си? Може ли парадоксът на Скулем да се използва за обобщаване на Айнщайновия „принцип на относителността” (1918) от дифеоморфизми и за
дискретни морфизми? Как следва да се тълкуват явленията на сдвояване (entanglement), квантовият компютър и квантовата информация аритметически и логически?
Книгата е предназначена за научни работници в областта на физиката, математиката и философията, за докторанти и студенти, за всеки, който се интересува от този съвсем нов отрасъл на знанието.
The French mathematician Henri Poincaré offered a statement known as “Poincaré’s conjecture” without a proof. It states that any 4-dimensional ball is equivalent to 3-dimensional Euclidean space topologically: a continuous mapping exists so that it maps the former ball into the latter space one-to-one.
At first glance, it seems to be too paradoxical for the following mismatches: the former is 4-dimensional and as if “closed” unlike the latter, 3-dimensional and as if “open” according to common sense. So, any mapping seemed to be necessarily discrete to be able to overcome those mismatches, and being discrete impies for the conjecture to be false.
Anyway, nobody managed neither to prove nor to reject rigorously the conjecture about one century. It was included even in the Millennium Prize Problems by the Clay Mathematics Institute.
It was proved by Grigory Perelman in 2003 using the concept of information.
Physical interpretation in terms of special relativity:
One may notice that the 4-ball is almost equivalent topologically to the “imaginary domain” of Minkowski space in the following sense of “almost”: that “half” of Minkowski space is equivalent topologically to the unfolding of a 4-ball. Then, the conjecture means the topological equivalence of the physical 3-space and its model in special relativity. In turn, that topological equivalence means their equivalence as to causality physically. So, Perelman has proved the adequacy of Minkowski space as a model of the physical 3-dimensional space rigorously. Of course, all experiments confirm the same empirically, but not mathematically as he did.
An idea of another proof of the conjecture based on that physical interpretation:
Topologically seen, the problem turns out to be reformulated so: one needs a proof of the topological equivalence of a 4-ball and its unfolding by 3-balls (what the “half” of Minkowski space is, topologically).
If one adds a complementary, second unfolding to link both ends of the first unfolding, the problem would be resolved: 4-ball would be equivalent to two 3-spaces topologically. Two 3-spaces are equivalent to a single one as follows: one divides a 3-space into two parts by a certain plane (that plane does not belong to any of them). Any part is equivalent topologically to a 3-space for any open neighborhood is transformed into an open one by the mapping of each part (excluding the boundary of the plane) into the complete 3-space.
That idea is linked to the original proof of Perelman by the concept of information. It means that any bit of information interpreted physically conserves causality. In other words, the choice of any of both states of a bit (e.g. designated as “0” and “1” recorded in a cell) does not violate causality (the cell, either “0” or “1”, or both “0” and “1” are equivalent to each other topologically and to a 3-space).
into the state of being
❖ This represents the “creation”. The transition of nothing into being is mathematically necessary
❖ The choice (which can be interpreted philosophically as “free will”) appears necessary in mathematical reasons
❖ The choice generates asymmetry, which is the beginning of time and thus, of the physical word
❖ Information is the quantity of choices and linked to time intimately
2. Quantum information is what is conserved, action is what is changed.
3. The gap between mathematical models and physical reality, needing truth as adequacy to be overcome, is substituted by the openness of choice.
4. That openness in turn can be interpreted as the openness of the present as a different concept of truth recollecting Heidegger’s one as “unhiddeness”.
5. Quantum information as what is conserved can be thought philoso[hically as the conservation of that openness.
(The Venue: Sala Lubrańskiego (Lubrański’s Hall at the Collegium Minus), Adam Mickiewicz University, Address: ul. Wieniawskiego 1)
The presentation: 24 May, 15:30
« Arbtrariness of the sign », Suitzerland, Geneva, University of Geneva, 10-12 January 2017: 11 January, 14:40-15:10
Karlsruhe, Germany, 2-6 November 2016
Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie
(ZKM, Kube, 3 Nov, 11:20-12:50)
September 22-23, 2016 (22 Sep, 12:20 – 14:00)
Yekaterinburg, Russia (Lenin av. 51,Ural Federal University, Room 314)
2nd Annual Conference of The European Network of Japanese Philosophy (ENOJP)
Université libre de Bruxelles 2016, December 7-10
8 December 15:30 (room 3)