It seems people will believe what they want to believe based solely on their personal preference not on scientific evidence that exists or doesn't exist. We may submit all the valid scientific evidence in the world to the religious zealot and it would never amount to a hill of beans and therefore makes it all but a moot point. What I think it boils down to is what ever you believe is true for you period . If I have one question to ask those of christian faith it would be this: Jesus lived on earth for some thirty three years as the son of God, why didn't he write anything down so that we would have something directly from God as opposed to someone relaying Gods word? #48 John M. Ochner
It seems people will believe what they want to believe based solely on their personal preference not on scientific evidence that exists or doesn't exist. We may submit all the valid scientific evidence in the world to the religious zealot and it would never amount to a hill of beans and therefore makes it all but a moot point. What I think it boils down to is what ever you believe is true for you period . If I have one question to ask those of christian faith it would be this: Jesus lived on earth for some thirty three years as the son of God, why didn't he write anything down so that we would have something directly from God as opposed to someone relaying Gods word? #48 John M. Ochner