Charles Darwin University
The Northern Institute
A Masters research thesis looking into four social services that Hazara refugees in Adelaide may utilise. The social services include: education, employment, health, and housing. Social factors that act as barriers to these services are... more
A small book for the potential student who would like to enroll at university, but due to a mental illness/concern, is hesitant. The book describes the services that are on offer at university to help assist students with the transition... more
Being a student in a higher educational setting does leave much learning on the student’s shoulders. In secondary school, for example, you followed what the teacher asked. Did the same problems and essays as everyone else without the need... more
It is without a doubt that one of the biggest questions and social concerns that has been raised within the last two decades of the 21st century is climate change. The next big question to face the Australian social landscape is housing,... more
Background Aboriginal Australians are reported to have higher presence of chronic respiratory diseases. However, comprehensive evidence surrounding this is sparse. Hence, a systematic review was undertaken to appraise the current state of... more
The Inspire Peer Mentor Program (Inspire) operates of Flinders University in the southern suburbs of Adelaide, and has received funding from the Department of Family and Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FaCSIA). The experience... more
This paper considers the complexities of 'everyday understandings' of multiculturalism as a discourse to deal with racialised difference. The paper is based on one of the author's doctoral research i which analyses the complexities of how... more
The national narratives that construct asylum seekers as illegal immigrants in Australia were protected and contested during the term of the former Howard Liberal government. This paper explores how white possession is reinforced in... more
has worked as a youth and community worker in Central Queensland and South Australia including coordinator positions at several community organisations. She has taught in Australian Studies, Sociology and Aboriginal Studies and currently... more
Land has been central to debates about the relationship between Indigenous (First Nations) and non-Indigenous Australian identities since colonial violence founded the nation. How do white Australians understand Indigenous land rights?... more