
Stephen Ibaraki FCIPS, DFNPA, FGITCA, 22 Microsoft Global Awards & 40+ recognitions including 19 Microsoft MVP Awards with 7 Awards in AI from 2018-2025 and overall awards for 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024-2025), I.S.P., ITCP

With more than 3000 activities annually, too numerous to track thus from 2010–major summaries only decreasing in reporting due to growing volume. Thus from 2021, minimal reporting here. Search online to get current updates.

Stephen Ibaraki serving on the Canadian Government renewed Venture Capital Catalyst Initiative (VCCI) investment selection committee for the inclusive growth stream of funding Venture Capital Fund Managers.

Venture Capital Catalyst Initiative 2 Selection Committee:

From January 2023 Forbes: https://www.forbes.com/sites/stephenibaraki/?sh=558bcd4daafa

Stephen Ibaraki Chairman and Managing General Partner REDDS Capital. Founder Chair Outreach UN ITU AI for good Global Summit. Founding Chair YPO Impact Advisory Board and YPO EU Impact Summit Advisory Board. Investment selection committee of the Canadian Government renewed Venture Capital Catalyst Initiative VCCI 2 (Fund of Funds).  Working daily with more than 1 million CEOs, investors, scientists and experts in leadership roles.

Globally unique with Chairman, Founder, Board roles in: Business/finance, successful Entrepreneurship / investments / venture capital, no.1 global CEO and computer Science orgs, UN innovation progs, top Industry-orgs/think tanks, no.1 Summits (acronym BE-SUNIS). 300+ global engagements impacting $100+ Trillion in sustainable investments.

1970s-and-going — Speaking and implementing on new technology trends and AI – all for good and peaceful purposes with UN, governments, NGOs, corporations, computing professional and research organizations, investments, … thousands of events, programs, projects from Stephen Ibaraki: from the 1970s, speaking and implementing solutions on new technology trends and artificial intelligence for good and peaceful purposes.

… more …

From April 2023 DC-Financehttps://vancouver-wealth.com/  High Net Worth Conference where Stephen is on the organizing committee, speaker, moderator:


Chairman & Managing General Partner, REDDS Capital, Founder, UN AI for Good, 20 Microsoft Global Awards

Serial entrepreneur, investor, and futurist, Stephen’s accomplishments and global leadership positions with more than 100 programs / organizations and 300+ recognitions are too numerous to list. His leadership roles working daily with more than 1 million CEOs, Investors, Scientists with the world’s leading CEO, scientific, technical and financial organizations allow him a unique vantage point to oversee where transformative innovation and investments are heading in the coming years. Stephen is the visionary behind REDDS whose tireless work has positioned REDDS to take advantage of the globally unique superior intelligence received by the group.  As a small sampling representing under 1% of Stephen’s current activities, he is the:

  • Founder of UN ITU, AI FOR GOOD,adopted by governments, corporations, and academia, with 3+ billion reach, as the world’s largest AI innovation solutions program, startup Innovation Factory, and daily summit driving AI top innovative business solutions such as generative AI (BingAI, Microsoft Azure OpenAI, GPT4-5) across 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and empowering CEO-led impact programs for the benefit of humanity and Earth Ecosystems such as with KIN;
  • Founder of Fintech Ideas Festival, Technology Advisory Council, providing industry solutions ten years into the future for the top 100 CEOs representing nearly US $100 Trillion in managed assets where the CEOs invested in all the transformational tech solutions and startups identified from Stephen in 2015 including blockchain, digital identities, mobile financial services, AI/ML, cybersecurity, biometrics, 5/6G, quantum computing, future of fintech, future of the workforce, privacy and data analytics, personalization and precision services, new user/consumer experience from the confluence of the digital / physical / biological. Stephen directed the CEOs into execution focused working groups, monthly innovation forums, private summits. The public facing parts of this private work is captured in an article Stephen wrote for IT World in January 2017, “ Top CEOs and futurists on the future of financial services and technology”, a rare public video from January 2017 private CEO summit, where Stephen provides his foresight insights to questions. The President and chair of the CEOs technology group introduces Stephen, “Introduce Stephen Ibaraki. Stephen is the entrepreneur and chairman of the Fintech Ideas Festival, a tremendous help and a lot of the people are here today came through Steve’s connections and his work in the industry. Steve’s has a fantastic executive leadership career, distinguished advisor for startups and global fortune 500 companies and governments specifically on strategy, most recently organizing the current AI for Good Summit in Geneva in June 2017 with the United Nations ITU and XPRIZE.” There is a joint article written for the CEOs which also appeared with the United Nations in 2017, “Trending: AI in finance” by Stephen Ibaraki, founding chairman FSR technology advisory council and Hari Gopalkrishnan, managing director, platforms and technology Bank of America. Article from Forbes in 2019: https://www.forbes.com/sites/cognitiveworld/2019/04/17/is-financial-services-ready-for-broad-5th-machine-age-technology-adoption/?sh=46d1cec376cf Is Financial Services Ready For Broad 5th Machine Age Technology Adoption?
  • Founding chair YPO Impact Advisory Board and YPOEU Impact Summit Advisory Board, creating workable business solutions for the world’s largest opportunities/challenges and focused on purposeful leadership / business / capital & investments / innovation. YPO: 33K CEOs, US $9 Trillion annual revenue across 145 countries. With work underway since May 2019, the first summit Oct 2020 and continuing as chair impact advisory board with first global impact summit (YPOGIS2023 in Feb 2023) and continuing in 2024;
  • Recipient of 20 Microsoft Global Awards(17 MVP Awards), with six years 2018-2023 in AI with the world’s largest and top corporation in technology and advising Microsoft under NDA since the 1970s, recognizing decades of lifetime achievement, global–leadership, entrepreneurship, investments, disruptive innovation; and
  • Contributor to Forbes/ Cognitive World and IT World Canada on leading new investments, innovation, entrepreneurship.

More here on lifetime achievement for innovation, investments, entrepreneurship as CIPS Founding Fellow and in LinkedIn.

Knowledge Impact Network (KIN) April 2023 post: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/knowledgeimpactnetwork_shareknowledge-scaleimpact-shapetheworld-activity-7046900606879367168-MCxD?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop

We are honored to spotlight Stephen Ibaraki, one of our esteemed Global Advisor and Knowledge Partner, and a globally recognized expert in emerging technologies. As a futurist, investor, and serial entrepreneur, Stephen has dedicated his career to creating positive change in the world through technology. He works daily across more than 1 million CEOs, investors, scientists/experts on purposeful leadership/business/capital/innovation for the benefit for humanity and Earth’s ecosystems.

With over 50 years of experience as an industry pioneer, Stephen has served as a strategic advisor, executive, and board member for the world’s leading innovation organizations and companies. He is a sought-after speaker and thought leader, having delivered over 1,000 keynotes in 30 countries. Further, he has been featured in numerous media outlets, including ForbesBBC, and IT World Canada (ITWC).

Join Stephen and our community of global Knowledge Partners in our mission to shape the world and make a positive impact. To learn more about how you can become a KIN Knowledge Partner, follow the link: https://lnkd.in/ggwKgdPZ

#AIforGood Post April 2023: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/sibaraki_startup-innovationfactory-itu-activity-7049856074186715136-vKiL?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop


And for an added perspective are the Forbes articles written in 2022:

Uri Levine Top 2x Unicorn Builder Launches New Book In 2023 – Jan 17, 2023





Microsoft Launches Imagine Cup Junior 2023 Empowering Top Innovations – Jan 11, 2023





2023 Top Biomedical Superstars Terasaki, Jepsen, Shen – Dec 31, 2022





2023 TOP 4 Global Impact Narratives With Hansen, Hecht, Kemmerich, Rocha – Dec 29, 2022





University California Irvine 2023 Top Globally In Solutions That Scale – Dec 22, 2022





Top 2023 IEEE Andrew S Grove Awardee Stanford’s Philip Wong Shares Deep CHIPS Insights – Nov 27, 2022





Top 2023 IEEE Innovation In Societal Infrastructure Awardee Kathleen McKeown Shares Deep Insights – Sept 12, 2022





Top 2023 IEEE Biomedical Engineering Awardee Professor Nimmi Ramanujam Shares Deep Insights – Sept 3, 2022





11 Top Experts: Quantum Top Trends 2023 And 2030 – August 19, 2022





2022 Neil Trevett’s Top Insights-Chair Metaverse Standards Forum, President The Khronos Group – July 22, 2022





IEEE Top 2022 Medal Of Honor Awardee, Dr. Madni Shares Deep Lessons – July 12, 2022





ACM 75 Years No 1 Computer Science – Interview 2022 New President Yannis Ioannidis – July 7, 2022





MIT Media Lab Fluid Interfaces-Prof Maes Team 2022 Top Research Powering Humans – June 22, 2022





Top 11 Purposeful Leaders-Women Positively And Inspiringly Impacting The World—June 19, 2022





2022 Imagine Cup Junior AI For Good Winners – Top Outstanding Creativity – June 9, 2022





Microsoft 2022 Imagine Cup Winner V Bionic Global Top Tech For Good – May 24, 2022



Terasaki Institute Top Biomedical Innovations Transforming The World In 2022 – May 13, 2022





2022 ACM Awardee Prof Abbeel For Top Work In AI And Robotics – April 19, 2022





Government Deep Tech 2022 Top Funding Focus Explainable AI, Photonics, Quantum – April 11, 2022





Jack Dongarra 2021 ACM Turing Awardee For Pioneering In Outstanding World-Changing Computations – April 6, 2022





UNESCO International Research Center Spotlights In 2022 Global Top 10 Outstanding AI Solutions – Feb 27, 2022





UNESCO AI Ethics Impacting 2022 Global Startups And Humanity’s Billions – Dec 30, 2021 (Updated January 3, 2022)






Other Examples: AI for good purposes  in Nuclear medicine AECL Nordion in 1980s and 1990s, COPA 1980s, Data Tech Systems 1970s-80s, CIS region governments 2011-14, Canadian and other governments from the 1980s, UNESCO from 2011 and ITU summits 2012-present, teaching corporates from 1970s / teaching post-secondary 1980s-2005, more than 1000 interviews with leaders from 1980s, boards/committees of ACM from 2009 and within IEEE, from 2000 on AI for good purposes and inclusion for the UN MDGs (Millennium Development Goals) and then from 2015-present on the UN SDGs, CIPS, Canada’s national IT association (and then IFIP from 2000s) from 1980s, keynotes from the 1970s to present, … thousands of  events, programs.


March 2 2021 Forbes contributor What You Need For Mitigating Risk Of Natural Disasters

LinkedIn Post: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/sibaraki_what-you-need-for-mitigating-risk-of-natural-activity-6772613040228724736-OB0f

March 1 2021 IT World  Supercluster cements global leadership in 5th Machine Age with ground-breaking protein production addressing global food insecurity

LinkedIn post: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/sibaraki_supercluster-cements-global-leadership-in-activity-6772282650293104640-to6B

Feb 25 2021 The Brand Called You Interview video interview with Stephen Ibaraki

Learn everything about #entrepreneurship with the multi faceted | Stephen Ibaraki | TBCY
S2 E270 Stephen Ibaraki, Chairman, REDDS Capital and Founder chair outreach, UN ITU AI for good global conference. The Brand Called You brings for you yet another inspirational episode with a very successful business professional, Mr. Stephen Ibaraki. Watch the full episode to know more about being a commendable entrepreneur and multi-tasking your way to success!

View video interview here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qW62mpl0K9Y&feature=share


Feb 11 2021 IT World article on What you need for responsible leadership and innovation in 2021 – a breakout year for leadership



Jan 2021 Smart Humanity Book published by KNVI – Stephen wrote forward and his prior 2020 interview with AG Connect is included within the book in one of the chapters. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Smart-Humanity-Wouter-Bronsgeest/dp/9492790327. Stephen keynoted the Smart Humanity Conference in 2019.

January 29 2021 Forbes Article on What You Need For Your Quantum Computing Pilots In 2021



Jan 3 2021 Keynote IEEE Rising Star Conference Jan 3 2021 Planet Reset 2021 and beyond— the New world



Dec 26 Forbes Article on Responsible AI Programs To Follow And Implement— Breakout Year 2021



Dec 12 2020 Opening Keynote IEEE Global Conference on AI and the IoT (GCAIoT) Day 1 Dec 12 https://gcaiot.org/program

Dec 11 2020 The Knowledge Pledge (TKP) https://www.theknowledgepledge.world/ — Founding Global Advisor


Dec 8 2020 Keynote CYUT University Taiwan

Nov 25 2020 Internet Governance Forum Canada, Speaker https://canadianigf.ca/governing-data-and-ai-in-the-public-interest/



Governments depend on non-government partners to implement large scale projects with public purpose such as contact-tracing in response to the COVID-19 pandemic or smart city development to meet housing and sustainability goals. However, current models of data and AI governance tend to concentrate access in the hands of a few large technology companies—excluding citizens from sharing in their value. This panel will explore the conditions under which new governance tools, such as data trusts, can provide individuals with more control over their personal data and enhance individual privacy and human rights.

Additionally, this panel will discuss the implications of governance tools on increasing access to data, addressing asymmetries of power between corporations, the government and individuals, as well as empowering the public to use their data to contribute to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Nov 19 2020 Judging 2020 Grand Champions UN ITU AI for good Innovation Factory




The Innovation Factory is UN ITU AI for good’s platform to showcase AI startups tackling the world’s greatest challenges. The platform provides opportunities for startups to receive feedback, mentorship and possible partnerships with key mentors in social impact entrepreneurship. With over 200+ submissions from 60 countries and 36 candidates pitching throughout the year, the programme has identified the four UN ITU AI for good startups who received the highest scores throughout this year. With innovative AI solutions for waste management, air quality, child malnutrition and agriculture, these promising ventures have the greatest potential to achieve global impact. Website: https://aiforgood.itu.int​ Twitter: https://twitter.com/ITU_AIForGood​ LinkedIn Page: https://www.linkedin.com/company/2651…​ LinkedIn Group: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/8567748​ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aiforgood​ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AIforGood

Nov 13 2020 Lend360 Conference —  Speaking Friday November 13– Future Tech – How Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, the Internet of Things, Quantum Computing, New Chip technologies, 5G and Blockchain Are Transforming the Fintech Landscape


2020-and-ongoing — Invited to private working group of top industry leaders meeting weekly/bi-weekly on global health challenges requiring quick solutions/actions from private industry. The meetings are hosted by the WHO (World Health Organization). Several times a year, invited to private round table meeting – meeting of leaders from different networks – where different networks can collaborate on global health solutions. Stephen, having chair, founder, board roles across multiple networks brings this cross-sector unique insights.

United Nations International Telecommunication Union (ITU) – Stephen Ibaraki profile: https://www.itu.int/en/ITU-T/AI/Pages/ibaraki.aspx

Social Entrepreneur, Futurist, Venture Capitalist – Chair REDDS Capital, founder chair outreach UN ITU AI for good global summit​ (UN ITU video https://youtu.be/g24wqe9jKx4)

Chairman REDDS Capital: https://reddscapital.com/investors/stephen-ibaraki/

October 2020-2022 – appointed to ACM Practitioner Board (persistent record), past chair, board member since 2011. ACM No.1 in computing science with 4+ million users of services.

October 2020-2022 – pointed to chair ACM Practitioner Board, Profession Development Committee (PB PDC – persistent record), past chair PB PDC 2011-2016, member PB PDC since 2008. ACM No.1 in computing with 4+ million of services.

October 19-21 2020 – contributions beginning September 7 2017:  YPO European Impact Summit EIS20): organizer and keynote speaking Oct 19, 20, 21st – largest and first YPO Impact Summit. Founding Chair YPO EIS20 Advisory Board March 2019 – ongoing, working as program and steering committee for YPO EIS20 executing daily. YPO is the largest CEO community of nearly 30K with US $9 Trillion in annual revenue, across 142 countries, 450 chapters. UN Agency ITU EIS20 portal and YPO EIS20 portal. LinkedIn YPO EIS20 and YPO News Release. Keynote YPO Edge 2019 March 6th — video of talk– Edge the largest annual conference of YPO. YPO Edge 2019 News Release.

Related on YPO: Moderating and speaking at global conference talks from March 2019 to current. Keynoting at multiple global private CEO events on innovation and investment trends. Example: April 2020 by permission of hosts to share; Ibaraki’s talk and vetted profile to global CEOs:

The World After COVID-19 – what will it be like?

We kindly invite you to join our zoom conference with Stephen Ibaraki to speak on the front burner topic: consequences of COVID19

Who is Stephen Ibaraki

1. Multiple Awarded Global Visionary

2. UN and Fortune CEOs Think Tanks Founder

3. Founding Chairman YPO European Impact Summit Advisory Board

4. Founder chair outreach UN ITU ACM XPRIZE AI for good global summit– World’s Largest UN AI SDG Summit

5. Founder world’s No.1 CEO “futures summit”, FinTech Ideas Festival and Think Tank managing nearly USD $100 trillion assets

The world, countries, industries, and society will fundamentally change. Your business, family, and children will experience life dramatically different from just three months ago. You can ask and learn about:

  • What kind of world are we going to face after COVID19?
  • What’s happening with the economy and investment markets?
  • How will consumers be changed?
  • Which technology will be in demand?
  • What kind of Impact Business would have positive development for the world?
  • What are the new opportunities for business and investments?

We face a historical inflection point for the planet, extinction point for the way we live our lives, where the next six months will determine the future of the world, governments, society, businesses, our families and children.

Stephen Ibaraki Chairman and Managing General Partner REDDS Capital. In addition, Stephen is globally unique with Chairman, Founder, Board roles in: Business/finance, successful Entrepreneurship/investments/venture capital, no.1 global computing Science organizations, UN innovation programs, top Industry-organizations/think tanks, no.1 Summits (acronym BE-SUNIS). 300+ global engagements guiding USD $90+ Trillion in high return, disruptive innovation investments and $10+ Trillion in sustainable investments for 2020.

He was invited keynote speaker at Yonder25 Conference; Reshaping National Security Forum hosted by Shanghai Institute for International Studies; Center for Artificial Intelligence Robotics; United Nation’s Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute; Founder chair outreach UN ITU ACM XPRIZE AI for good global summit– world’s largest UN AI innovation summit driving solutions for SDGs and healthcare

Stephen’s has more than 300 “lifetime and career” achievements and awards for disruptive innovation, futuristic investments, successful entrepreneurship, and global technology leadership, as exemplified by 17 global Microsoft Awards including 14 Microsoft MVP Awards since 2006.

In December 2018, Ibaraki was invited by YPO to share his deep insights on business and investments with respect to the Fourth Industrial Revolution trending towards Society 5.0/5th Machine Age, at YPO Edge 2019.

October 1, 2020: Judge UN ITU AI for good global summit Innovation Factory Oct 1 2020 and ongoing hosted by United Nations ITU. Founder in 2017 as founder chair outreach UN ITU AI for good global summit.

Related: Stephen Ibaraki working with ITU since 2011 keynoting conferences, founding programs

Speaker ITU Telecom World 2019 Weds Sept 11 915am on AI, financial services, smart cities, judging—Budapest … ITU Telecom World Awards

ITU TW Sept 9-12, 2019 Speaker, Judge Global SME Awards, Invitee Study Group Leadership Assembly

Keynote WSIS ITU Session UN ITU AI for good global summit – Indicators, Trends, Opportunities & Impacts Apirl 11 2019

Founder chair outreach, Chief Judge, Moderator, Third UN ITU ACM XPRIZE AI for good global Summit May 27-31 2019

Vice-Chairman Focus Group AI for Health 2018 – FG-AI4H

Invited Leader, Keynote, Speaker, Judge, Moderator, Panelist UN ITU Telecom World September 2018

September 2020: Stephen Ibaraki invited to forward for 2021 edition of book: The Vault Career Guide to Information Technology

September 2020 from 2019: 5th Element Group, global dialogues:

Leaders Who Care – 5th Element Group- UN ITU AI for good global summit lessons Stephen Ibaraki

Leaders Who Care — 5th Element Group — Crediting Influencers Stephen Ibaraki

Leaders Who Care — 5th Element Group – Stephen Ibaraki Talks lessons from UN ITU AI for good global summit| Digital Diagnostic

Leaders Who Care – 5th Element Group — Interview with Stephen Ibaraki

September 21 2020 : Opening Keynote IEEE / ITU International artificial intelligence for good Conference – Sept 21 2020 — Keynote topic: Planet Reset Post 2020–what will the world be like? — The role of Innovation & Leadership Trends, and AI for good and peaceful purposes globally – positively accelerating the world for good. Interview with Head Ahmed Riad of Innovation Factory.

September 2020: Appointed Advisory Board – Digital Pioneers Network Think Tank — The Digital Pioneers Network (DPN) is a community-based Think Tank of hundreds of artificial intelligence thought leaders, innovators, policy makers, entrepreneurs and world-renowned experts. The contributions of these individuals, manifested through the DPN, plays a critical role in the acceleration of global digital transformation, the reinvention of the digital economy and the elevation of humanity. DPN provides exclusive insights, research and information from the world’s top minds, including premier CTOs, CDOs and CEOs, on AI and digitalization across sectors from policy to enterprise.

September 2020: Appointed Advisory Board – Going Global Ventures — The business and economic landscape is transforming so quickly that sole product or service ideas will not be enough to create long-term massive success. Therefore, the correct vision for what the world will resemble five years from now stems from being able to anticipate and identify what major problems will exist, and then developing product or service ideas to address these problems. We will see rapid and massive social and economic changes over the next 5 to 10 years. These transformations will occur on an unprecedented scale, and impact everyone from healthcare to security, no matter one’s level of income or status. Change has indeed been accelerated by emerging AI technologies, which can enable and empower the long-term vision of entrepreneurs.

August 24 2020: AI Time Journal interview with Stephen Ibaraki: AI for Sustainable Development: Interview with Stephen Ibaraki, Chairman Managing GP, REDDS Capital

August 2020: Speaker – The Hague Speaker: August 27, 2020 — The Hague Joint event with OTTAWA — How to best leverage strategic business partnerships – video

Who is Stephen Ibaraki
1. Multiple Awarded Global Visionary
2. UN-related and Fortune CEOs Think Tanks Founder
3. Founding Chairman YPO European Impact Summit Advisory Board
4. Founder chair outreach UN ITU ACM XPRIZE AI for good global summit– World’s Largest UN AI UN SDG Summit
5. Founder world’s No.1 CEO “futures summit”, and think tank — CEOs managing trillions in
Stephen Ibaraki Chairman and Managing General Partner REDDS Capital. In addition, Stephen
is globally unique with Chairman, Founder, Board roles in: Business and startups, successful
Entrepreneurship/investments/venture capital, No.1 global computing Science organizations,
No.1 UN-related innovation programs, No.1 CEO / Industry-organizations / think tanks, No.1
Summits (acronym BE-SUN-CIS). 300+ annual global engagements impacting USD $100+
Trillion in ESG (environmental, social, governance), sustainable impact investments for 2020.
He is keynote speaker, moderator, producer at more than 100 global CEO and leader events
this year. Stephen’s has more than 300 “lifetime and career” achievements and awards for
disruptive innovation, futuristic investments, successful entrepreneurship, and global technology
leadership, as exemplified by July 2020 IFIP news — 18 global Microsoft Awards including 15
Microsoft MVP Awards– last one awarded in July 1st, 2020. There is more on LinkedIn.

August 2020: Keynote Digital Africa; founding chairman advisory board from 2017.

Keynote Digital Africa August 25-27 2020

Founding Chairman Digital Africa Advisory Board

Planet Reset Post 2020–What will the world be like? — “The role of Innovation Trends and AI Globally – accelerating Digital Africa”

Who is Stephen Ibaraki

1. Multiple Awarded Global Visionary

2. UN-related and Fortune CEOs Think Tanks Founder

3. Founding Chairman YPO European Impact Summit Advisory Board

4. Founder chair outreach UN ITU AI for good global summit– World’s Largest UN AI SDG Summit

5. Founder world’s No.1 CEO “futures summit”, and Think Tank managing nearly USD $100 trillion assets

The world, countries, industries, and society will fundamentally change. Your business, family, and children will experience life dramatically different 2019. You can ask and learn about:

• What kind of world are we going to face after 2020?

• How will consumers and society be changed?

• What are the technologies and innovations that will be in demand?

• What kind of Impact Business would have positive development for the world?

• What are the new opportunities for business and investments?

We face a historical inflection point for the planet, extinction point for the way we live our lives, where the next six months will determine the future of the world, governments, society, businesses, our families and children.

Stephen’s has more than 300 “lifetime and career” achievements and awards for disruptive innovation, futuristic investments, successful entrepreneurship, and global technology leadership, as exemplified by 18 global Microsoft Awards including 15 Microsoft MVP Awards — last one awarded in July 1st, 2020.

August 2020: Speaker AI for Youth Conference

Deep Dive Panel #1: Ethics, security, and privacy
Are we ready? Approaching the digital, political, and physical issues that arise in an AI-driven world. Where do we draw the line between human and machine? From healthcare to cybersecurity, from startups to Fortune 500 companies, learn about important AI issues through the perspectives of our powerhouse panelists.

July 2020: Advising CEO Leadership Alliance OC – development of AI Supercluster (360 ecosystem center of AI excellence globally) and Hub plus Master Fund. Interview with co-founder and chairman CLA Doug Wilson.

July 2020: IFIP IP3 News July 2020:  Stephen Ibaraki’s global recognition

—- start

Microsoft announced on 1 July 2020 that Stephen Ibaraki has once again been awarded an MVP, Microsoft MVP AI for 2020-2021. Stephen has more than 300 “lifetime and career” achievements and awards for disruptive innovation, futuristic investments, successful entrepreneurship, and global technology leadership, as exemplified by 18 global Microsoft Awards including 15 Microsoft MVP Awards. “It is with great pride we announce that Stephen Ibaraki has been awarded as a Microsoft® Most Valuable Professional (MVP) for 7/1/2020 – 7/1/2021. The Microsoft MVP Award is an annual award that recognizes exceptional technology community leaders worldwide who actively share their high quality, real-world expertise with users and Microsoft. All of us at Microsoft recognize and appreciate Stephen’s extraordinary contributions and want to take this opportunity to share our appreciation with you.”  Satya Nadella, Microsoft CEO, “We recognize and value your exceptional contributions and commitment to technical communities worldwide. By sharing your real-world expertise and technical skills, you demonstrate outstanding technical community leadership. Thank you.”

Ibaraki’s journey in multiple innovations in technology including AI started at 10 years of age. This is noted when he was the only one ever— awarded for IT Leadership—Lifetime Achievement from thousands of nominations from government, industry, academia, media, and non-profits.

The AI and Technology innovations continued when he received the lifetime achievement Advanced Technology Award for Leadership in Information Technology. Noted by Premier Campbell “you have distinguished yourself in your field of endeavour promoting pioneering efforts in technology and this award will recognize your considerable contributions with respect to the applications and adaptations of advanced technology to new uses. I commend you for your many achievements and thank you for your commitment to industry excellence.”

He also in the 1980s, created for Atomic Energy of Canada, the world’s first microcomputer-based enterprise system, first network system, with AI embedded (the world’s first application of AI in the nuclear industry) – at that time Canada had nearly 80% world market share.

The work continued when Ibaraki was the founding chair for the CEO-summit technology advisory council for financial services CEOs with US$90+ trillion in assets under management, where he talked extensively about AI and profiled in this IT World article. This continued in 2019 as reported in this Forbes article.

Stephen was the first one to introduce AI to the UN and to address the UN General Assembly reported in news and in UN News. Stephen founder chair outreach UN ITU  AI for good global summit, contributing full-time, which is the largest global UN summit on AI solutions supporting the UN SDGs. AI for good and peaceful purposes is adopted by governments, industry, and academia with a billion plus audience. Related to this, Stephen was a founding host and moderator for the AI Forum at the World Internet Conference. To build global support for UN ITU AI for good global summit, Stephen organized sessions and spoke at ITU conferences and briefed the United Nations in New York. Examples include, the ITU World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly held every 4 years—2016 video. At ITU Telecom World annual flagship conference—2017 video. At UN ITU AI for good global summit  in 2018 and 2019.

Other AI initiatives include on the founding steering committee for AI Pioneers of invited 300 CxOs. The list continues with firsts in AI.


Related: Microsoft MVP Awardee portal: Stephen Ibaraki (persistent record)

Stephen Ibaraki

Chairman REDDS Capital, Founder chair outreach UN ITU AI for good global summit, Founder Chair Advisory Board YPO European Impact Summit, Founder Chair Fintech Ideas Festival Technology Advisory Council


300+ Awards/Recognitions; Impacting US $100 Trillion; 300+ global engagements annually; Leading/founding 100+ global programs; Founder chair outreach UN ITU AI for good global summit; 18 Microsoft Global Awards including 15 MVP Awards. MVP AI 2019-2021, MVP AI 2018-2019, MVP 2006-present. Stephen Ibaraki Chairman and Managing General Partner REDDS Capital. In addition, Stephen is globally unique as Chairman, Founder: Business, investments, venture capital; successful serial Entrepreneurship; no.1 global computing Science organizations; UN innovation programs; top CEO/Industry-organizations/think tanks, no.1 Summits (acronym BE-SUNIS). 300+ global engagements impacting $100+ Trillion in sustainable investments. ​

UN ITU WSIS Champion 2016, IFIP Silver Core Award 2016, Top 2 MVP 2016 profiled for UN contributions, Top 5 MVP 2007, Top 7 Blogs, Founder UN-founded-IFIP IP3 Global Industry Council, 2010-present IFIP IP3 Chief Officer SR/Board Vice Chair, 2008/9 founding Chairman Global Board GITCA, 2007/8 Chair/Pres CIPS, 2005-8 Vice-Chair NPA, Gerson Lehrman Scholar (appointed 2006), Vice-Chair IFIP World CIO Forum. A sampling from more than 100 recognitions and roles include:

-Founding CIPS Fellow, NPA Distinguished Fellow: “outstanding contributions to IT”

-Microsoft MVP: 2020-2006; MCP Hall of Fame nomination; top 5 spotlight global MVP Summit 2007

-Computer World Top 10 Blogger; Global MVP Summit 2 of top 7 blogs 2008

-ICT Industry’s, Computing Canada IT Leadership: Lifetime Achievement Award–only awardee in 35-years, highest award for all IT sectors

-ASTTBC Advanced Technology Award: lifetime leadership in IT innovation

-Global Career Achievement Award: NPA with Network Computing magazine, Network World magazine, Networld+Interop Conferences, Microsoft, Pearson Publishing, … International Panel of Judges. Inaugural recipient in worldwide search

-IT Hero Award: Fed. Gov. Industry Canada and the Information Technology Association (ITAC)

-National Gary Hadford Professional Achievement Award

-CIPS IT Hall of Fame

-Most Inspirational & Excellence in Teaching Awards: NVIT (BCIT), CU

-Selection as a Top Writer: Western Magazine Foundation

-National All Star Team Award: Datatech Systems Ltd. (now EDS)

Related to IFIP:

Speaker WSIS IFIP session How do we maximise the benefits of Innovative 4.0 technologies Apr 11 2019

Opening Keynote AI Vienna May 8-9 2019 hosted by Austrian Government

Related to Microsoft:

Judge — Microsoft AI for Good Idea Challenge July 2019

July 2020: Executive Producer Video Interviews with global leaders — appearing with IEEE — The interviews date back to the 1980s with donated time, funding, resources, hosting and appear in multiple non-profit channels. Now appearing with IEEE. Interviews can be referenced in articles, blogs, LinkedIn posts, UN-related articles/blogs. IEEE is the largest non-profit engineering organization. See Interview series by Stephen Ibaraki: Leadoff interview with Doug Wilson: Chair CEO Leadership Alliance Orange County; Executive Fellow at The Center for Higher Ambition Leadership; CEO Next Solutions; Author Team Sight – Top Transformational Visionary, Thought Leader.

Related: Recent interviews include: John Hennessy, Chairman Board Alphabet, Roger Penrose October 2020 Nobel Prize Winner in Physics, David Beasley Executive Director World Food Programme Oct 2020 Nobel Peace Prize Winner. Interviews appearing with CIPS since the 1980s, ACM since 2011, IFIP since 2012.


December 2019: Speaker main-stage – World Youth Forum Dec 16 2019 and prime-time TV interview — audience 7000 plus as the world’s largest youth forum. Livestream captured.

November 2019: Speaker main-stage – The Hague Summit for Accountability in the Digital Age hosted and produced by the Institute for Accountability in the Digital Age. Topic: Accountability and AIContributor to Accountability Paper Vision 2020 – post Summit 2019.

November 2019: Keynote Futurist Speaker – Smart Humanity Conference November 14 2019 — KNVI, the Royal Dutch Association of Information Professionals KNVI was created in January 2017 through a merger of the Ngi-NGN, the KNVI, and the SOD. “Ibaraki with 14x Microsoft global MVP awards, founder chair outreach UN ITU  AI for good Global Summit, shares his deep experiences as entrepreneur, tech guru, venture capitalist; 100+ global engagements in 2019 impacting $10 Trillion US in sustainable investments. Examples include YPO Edge Conference (YPO: 27K CEOs, $9 Trillion annual revenue), South by Southwest March 2019; AI Vienna, Kingfomarket; IEEE TEMSCON Georgia Tech Research Institute; contributor Forbes, IT World; …”


July 2020: Stephen Ibaraki invited to write forward for new book on Smart Humanity to be released early 2021

August 2019 Stephen Ibaraki interviewed for AG Connect publication.. excerpt … : “What is happening in the world now has never happened before, says futurologist Stephen Ibaraki. He now compares the developments – digitally, socially and biologically – with a digital tsunami. “It’s more than just technology. We have never had a period in which hyper-automation comes together with hyper-innovation. It is an impressive time of change, “he says in an interview with AG Connect.”

October 2019: Advisory Council (founding member) World Food Program Innovation Accelerator USA meeting. WFP News release “ “Innovation is essential to enable WFP to deliver on its mission to reach zero hunger,” said Stephen Ibaraki, chairman and founder managing general partner of REDDS Capital who also serves on the Innovation Advisory Council of WFP’s Innovation Accelerator. “This is a different kind of accelerator. It’s not just about the money that start-ups can raise, it’s about inviting bright minds to conceive of creative solutions to end hunger that work, and then nurture those solutions from idea to reality, with funding, expertise and WFP’s global reach.””. Interview with David Beasley executive director, World Food Program.


Plenary Speaker on innovation and ethics at WFP Advisory Council meeting Munich Feb 2020

Oct 2019: Two Opening Keynotes Day 1 and Day 2 Oct 24 and 25 2019 IEEE tems ISIE 3-day conference

July 2019: Board Member Million Peacemakers—Nonflict

Related: Re-appointed Board Member, July 2020

June 12-14 2019 Two Opening Keynotes Day 1 and Day 2 IEEE TEMSCON June 12-14 – post-conference IEEE interview

May 2019: Stephen Ibaraki writer of forward for best selling book, awarded best business book of the year “Own the AI Revolution” by Neil Sahota and Michael Ashley

May 2019: Opening Tech Keynote, largest private conference KingfoMarket 2019 May 10 2019 – largest private game producer

April 2019: Horasis Plenary Speaking April 7 2019 — Digitalization has reached an inflection point potentially leading to a New Renaissance – as the way we work and live is fundamentally changing. Digitalization allows mankind to make social, economic, political, and cultural quantum leaps. What might we imagine the new digital utopia might bring? Horasis programHorasis 2019 report.

March 2019: plenary speaking twice at SxSW on Medical Innovation and Blockchain Innovation


W2O podcast in March on Making an Investment for the Future with Stephen Ibaraki, Serial Entrepreneur, Futurist, and investor

March 2019: Fintech Ideas Festival March 27-28 2019 – as Founder and Chair Technology Council in 2016 – See ForbesIT WorldUN articles related to private summit. Video from first summit. The CEOs in 2016, represented 92.7 Trillion in managed assets.

Invited Leader, Keynote, Speaker, Judge, Moderator, Panelist UN ITU Telecom World

Invited Judge UN ITU Telecom World Global Innovation Awards

September 2018

Durban, South Africa

Invited Leader, Keynote, Speaker, Moderator, Panelist: UN ITU Telecom World 2018, speaking on digital finance + innovative economic solutions + AI + Blockchain + Mobile Virtual Network Operators










Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Award – Artificial Intelligence (AI)

July 2018

Dear Stephen Ibaraki,
We’re once again pleased to present you with the 2018-2019 Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) award in recognition of your exceptional technical community leadership. We appreciate your outstanding contributions in the following technical communities during the past year:
• AI
MVP Award “AI”, signed by Satya Nadella CEO
“We recognize and value your exceptional contributions to technical communities worldwide. By sharing your real world expertise and technical skills, you demonstrate outstanding technical community leadership. Thank you.”

Note: in the photo, captured as both featured speaker and moderator of the UNITED NATION CSTD Session on AI and frontier technologies with Sir Roger Penrose. Sir Roger Penrose OM FRS (born 8 August 1931) is an English mathematical physicist, mathematician and philosopher of science. He is Emeritus Rouse Ball Professor of Mathematics in the University of Oxford and Emeritus Fellow of Wadham College, Oxford.

Penrose is known for his work in mathematical physics, in particular for his contributions to general relativity and cosmology. He has received several prizes and awards, including the 1988 Wolf Prize for physics, which he shared with Stephen Hawking for the Penrose–Hawking singularity theory.

Invited Advisor, Columnist for CognitiveWorld + Forbes

July 2018

Invited Advisor and Columnist for Cognitive World. Articles appear with Forbes. Cognitive World is an elite AI Knowledge Hub & Ecosystem for AI Transformation.





Invited AI Pioneers Forum and Circle and Steering Committee

July 2018 New York 




An invitation-only select group of notable leaders capped at 100. The Global AI Leadership Pioneers Circle is an exclusive community of leading digital pioneers – CEOs/CxOs/CTOs/heads of AI/Chief Digital officer of large enterprise, university AI researchers, digital innovation leaders, leaders from technology companies, and selective public policy makers, who use their time, influence, and resources to create a true digital world at their own companies, industry and the world.

The mission of AI Pioneers Forum is to create an evolving digital manifesto which delivers a future roadmap to real returns on AI. The Signature AI Pioneers forum is comprised of the exclusive Pioneers Circle – world’s leaders in AI from business, governments and academia. They assemble on monthly routine basis to exchange ideas, newest trends, business practices, business use cases, from pilots to deployment, and analyze the overwhelming set of proposed AI solutions, determine the signal from the plethora of noise, and synthesize a derisked solution for an organization to realize tangible returns on their digital investments.

The AI Pioneers Forum will be part of the Turing Global Institute, the AI cognitive think tank with headquarters in New York City.

The AI Pioneers Circle will explore complex business use cases and the future of digital labor, gather insights and best practices to create an AI Maturity Model and map it against the Returns on AI (ROAI) to improve competitiveness of enterprises in the US and other countries. Members can exchange ideas to better understand complex AI issues, and share the return-of-investment, successes and challenges of their AI journey experience.

Invited founding member Innovation Advisory Council UN World Food Programme Innovation Accelerator

From invitation: The WFP Innovation Advisory Council consists of a select group of global innovation leaders from diverse backgrounds including innovation funders, innovative companies, entrepreneurs and thought leaders who want to make a difference through disruptive innovation to end global hunger.
• The Council serves as a high-level forum to provide strategic advice on how the Innovation Accelerator’s work can be even more impactful to identify and scale disruptive technology innovations to reach the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2: Zero Hunger by 2030.

Why? World Food Programme (WFP) has innovation at its core. With 16,000 global staff, 5,000 trucks, 70 aircrafts, and 20 ships. WFP opened its top Innovation Accelerator in 2015 to better identify and nurture promising ideas using the latest technology to identify, reach and better serve those in need through drones, artificial intelligence and blockchain, WFP is investing in start-ups that are committed to a hunger-free world. Know an innovator who fits the bill? Let’s connect and become part of the zero hunger solution. It’s time. innovation.wfp.org






HORASIS GLOBAL MEETING MAY — Inspiring our Future — Invited Speaker


May 2018

Cascais, Portugal

Invited to speak on session on investments—due to popularity; at the event Ibaraki was requested to speak at 4 sessions at Horasis including at VIP lunch. Horasis will convene the 2018 Horasis Global Meeting in Cascais, Portugal over 5-8 May. The annual Horasis Global Meeting is one of the world’s foremost gatherings of business leaders who interact with key government officials and eminent thought leaders. The Horasis community of more than 400 selected world leaders from 70 countries will gather for an unparalleled experience advancing solutions to the most critical challenges facing corporations and societies today. Participants will share insights and innovations on how to jointly inspire our future.



Chairing Opening Keynote with Sir Roger Penrose as Founder, Chair Outreach, Program Committee member: UN ITU ACM XPRIZE AI for good Global Summit May 2018









Chairing and speaking with Sir Roger Penrose at UN CTSD event Geneva May 2018


Invited to speak and to moderate the session with the UN CTSD on frontier technologies and their impact on the world.

Keynoting April 24 ALL UN AGENCIES United Nations Chief Executive Board (CEB), ICT Network 35+ CIOs

March 2018

Rome, Italy

Keynoting April 24th 2018 United Nations System Chief Executive Board (CEB) ICT Network meeting Rome – 35+ Chief Information/Technology Officers (CIOs) of all the UN system organizations. Stephen Ibaraki is invited to talk about AI/ML For Good (as this speaks to the UN mandate) and how it would impact the UN deliverables in the future. This topic also touches upon disruption, innovation (blockchain, IOT, cognitive, search), privacy, security, ethics, Legal, regulation etc. – all which will impact the UN systems delivery (SDGs). In 2015 Stephen arranged the briefing on Big Data with notable researcher Pedro Domingos of Master Algorithm fame.

Speaker World Business Dialogue March 2018 Cologne Germany

We are pleased to introduce another speaker for the 21st World Business Dialogue!
Stephen Ibaraki is Outreach Chairman of ITU’s new peer reviewed, scholarly, and professional Journal “ICT Discoveries”. He will be giving us insights into “digital organizations” through his profound knowledge of technologies and industries.
We are looking forward to meeting you Mr. Ibaraki!






Stephen Ibaraki Keynoting March on 2018 UN ITU ACM XPRIZE AI for good global summit at UN ITU WSIS https://www.itu.int/net4/wsis/forum/2018/Pages/Agenda/Session/244


Geneva Area, Switzerland

Stephen Ibaraki presented Keynote on UN ITU ACM XPRIZE AI for good global summit at WSIS on progress towards the 2nd UN ITU AI for good global summit in May this year.

The world’s largest gathering, WSIS Forum is jointly organised by UN ITU, UNESCO, UNDP and UNCTAD along with other UN bodies and will be held from 19-23 March 2018.

Mr Ibaraki, who is founder chair outreach for the inaugural UN ITU AI for good global summit last June through his leadership role with UNITED NATIONS ITU, also presented a keynote address during UN ITU World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) on progress towards the 2nd UN ITU AI for good global summit in May this year.

During his keynote, Mr Ibaraki provided an overview of the recent trends in AI technology, challenges and opportunities, while highlighting the great promise that AI holds for advancing the SDGs. International Telecommunication Union, ITU-T Deputy Director, Reinhard Scholl, and ITU-T Head of Communications, Fred Werner, will also play a role, introducing and co-moderating the presentation as well as updating delegates on preparations for the 2nd UN ITU  AI for good Global Summit being organized by ITU, in partnership with ACM, Association for Computing Machinery, XPRIZE in cooperation with various UN-related bodies, in Geneva on 15-17 May 2018.

Stephen Ibaraki Keynoting IFIP Session March 2018 at UN ITU WSIS

Stephen, as board vice-chair and founder and chairman Global Industry Council, keynoted at the IFIP Session of “ICT Professional’s Duty of Care in Protecting Everyone in the Fourth Industrial Revolution – an Essential Requirement in Achieving the SDGs”. IFIP founded by the UN in 1960 is the world’s largest federation of national and international computing organizations such as the ACM, the No. 1 ranked leader in computer science.



Invited ARCH Mission Foundation Crew — Science and Technology Council

Arch Mission Foundation

Feb 2018

The Arch Mission Foundation Crew launched their Arch Knowledge 5D Crystal on the Elon Musk’s SpaceX Falcon Heavy this past week initially to Mars and now into deeper space. The ARCH, built by the Arch Mission Foundation https://www.archmission.com/ and supported by the Foundation Crew https://www.archmission.com/crew/, is a “5D, laser optical quartz storage device” able to survive the conditions of space. The foundation is preserving libraries of human knowledge to protect information in the event of calamity to Earth itself — seeing humankind working to write an “Encyclopedia Galactica” to protect mankind against any coming dark age. The Arch Mission Foundation was Founded by Nova Spivak, and Nick Slavin.








Founding Managing General Partner, Chairman Board, Chairmen Investment Committee

REDDS GP LLC; REDDS Venture Investment Partners LLC; REDDS Technology Fund I LP

REDDS GP LLC (Venture Capital Fund General Partner company)
REDDS Venture Investment Partners LLC (VC Fund management company)
Manager REDDS Technology Fund I, LP (VC LP—limited partners investors)
Founding Chairman, advisory board member, REDDS portfolio companies

REDDS Technology Fund is making investments in highly curated startups in leading areas of technology which can significantly change the world in the immediate future. REDDS is discerning with the New Opportunities Assessment Team (NOST) of general partners, looking at less than 0.001% of all that REDDS sees for possible further development.

REDDS partners/advisors are innovators, combining more than 100 years of successful investment/entrepreneurial experience with more than 400 deals. REDDS is driving Open Innovation Venture Capital (OIVC) providing the strong bridge between invested startups and tens of thousands of CEOs/execs of large companies—targeted acquirers. Plus, REDDS has great relationships with underwriters for IPOs.

REDDS is unique with elite startup access chairing/judging/founding within the top: global science organizations, summits/conferences, competitions, federations, think tanks, industry organizations and the United Nations focused on high yield innovation.

REDDS partners/advisors and related networks are the catalyst for $80 billion in past financings and exits including landmark deals such as China Unicom.

Note: This description is not a solicitation for investment.

United Nations agencies International Telecommunication Union-ITU & World Health Organization-WHO have started a joint effort “AI for Health” to help bridge this gap. First event: 25-27 September 2018, Geneva. Goal: to create a standardized assessment framework with open benchmarks for the evaluation of AI-based methods for health. The benchmarks are aimed to become international standards and serve as guidance for the assessment of AI4H . algorithms. Details: https://www.itu.int/en/ITU-T/focusgroups/ai4h/Pages/default.aspx. Stephen is nominated as vice-chair Sept 27.

Stephen Ibaraki Invited VIP Organizer, Speaker Host Wuzhen World Internet Conference 2017 AI Forum

Stephen Ibaraki Invited VIP Organizer and Speaker Host Wuzhen Summit World Internet Conference Dec 3-5 2017 AI Forum — Tim Cook (Apple), Sundar Pichai (Google), Jack Ma (Alibaba), Robin Li (Baidu), Reinhard Scholl (ITU-T), Lei Jun (Xiaomi), Yu Chengdong (Huawei), Yu Yimin (China UNICOM), … 1500+ invitedCEOs/leaders generating global conversations. https://lnkd.in/g8y8A8r 

In 2017, Wuzhen World Internet Conference becomes the “DAVOS” of the Internet and the most successful summit of its kind. The AI Forum “Artificial Intelligence: Smarter World, Better Life” is spotlighted and received the most media.


Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Awardee Dec 2017 Top Five

Top 5 MVP for December 8 2017 — Friday Five: Threat Analytics, “The Future Of Financial Services”, Citizen Developers and More. Most Valuable Professional Award (MVP) program recognizes computing professionals working outside of Microsoft who make significant contributions. Out of the award winners, Microsoft recognizes the top 5 globally out of estimated several hundred million professionals in technology. The December 8th recognition is for Stephen Ibaraki Founding and Chairing the Financial Services Roundtable (100 CEOs, 92.7 Trillion US Dollars in managed assets) Technology Advisory Council looking at technology 5 to 10 years into the future. Moreover, in that role helping to Found the Fintech Ideas Festival, the most successful CEO-focused summit bringing together 200 top CEOs/leaders at an invitation-only summit looking at technology and its impact 10 years into the future: “Top CEOs And Futurists On The Future Of Financial Services And Technology”.


Top 5 MVP for Nov 24 2017 — Friday Five. Most Valuable Professional Award (MVP) program recognizes computing professionals working outside of Microsoft who make significant contributions. Out of the award winners, Microsoft recognizes the top 5 globally out of an estimated several hundred million professionals in technology. The November 24th recognition is for Stephen Ibaraki: “Presenting at the United Nations New York Event: UN General Assembly Second Committee Considers Role of AI In Advancing SDGs”


Keynote on AI, Robotics, Industry 4 — Nov 29 UNIDO General Conference Industry 4.0 Session

Stephen Ibaraki: Keynote–AI, Robotics, Industry 4 @UNIDO–United Nations Industry Development Organization—General Conference Industry 4.0 session—tremendous impact on business. What is the impact of Industry 4.0 (AI, Robotics, Blockchain, AR/VR, Cybersecurity, Biometrics, Genetic work, 3D/4D printing, Quantum Computing, …) which will be wide and profound, reaching all economic sectors, disciplines, and economies, and posing multiple challenges that will be particularly difficult to meet in developing countries. This event will seek/answer a number of fundamental questions regarding the impacts of Industry 4.0 on the private sector, the role of governments, policy and strategies and international organizations in addressing the challenges and opportunities arising from Industry 4.0 for the three dimensions of sustainable development (economic, environmental and social).


Moderator October 11 ACM Blockchain Webinar by Turing Award MIT icon Silvio Micali, now On-Demand: “

Company NameACM, Association for Computing Machinery

“Algorand: A Better Distributed Ledger,” www.goo.gl/j387Cb , by Silvio Micali, Faculty at MIT and ACM A.M. Turing Award Winner. Stephen Ibaraki, Co-Chair of ACM’s Practitioners Board, moderated the talk. You can view our entire archive of past ACM Learning Webinars on demand at webinar.acm.org https://learning.acm.org/webinar/index.cfm


Invited speaker UN General Assembly Second Committee and ECOSOC Joint Meeting — Historic Session

Invited speaker/panelist Joint Meeting of the United Nations General Assembly Second Committee and Economic and Social Council, October 11 2017, UN Headquarters New York. From the President of the Economic and Social Council and Chair United Nations General Assembly Second Committee: “It is widely acknowledged that the pace and breadth of technological change is intensifying. In the year 2030, when the Sustainable Development Goals embedded in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development are to be met, the world will have undergone a period of deep changes with regards to the design of many day-to-day human interactions. Ubiquitous computing, facilitated by advances in the Internet of Things, in combination with 5G, big data, artificial intelligence, three-dimensional printing and nanotech will be the key drivers for what has already been referred to as the ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’. Against this backdrop, the Joint Meeting of the General Assembly’s Second Committee and the Economic and Social Council will discuss how the pace of technology and innovation has intensified over the years, with differentiated impacts on different groups in society. The implications of these new technologies, particularly artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things, on employment, production and consumption will be addressed…The Meeting will aim at extracting recommendations on how to initiate actions for equitable sharing of the burdens and benefits of technological change with a specific focus on policy approaches that ensure that no one is left behind. Your unique expertise as a leading actor in the field of technological innovation will be most valuable to our discussion on policy solutions in these key frontier issues…[addressed to] Mr. Stephen Ibaraki, Serial entrepreneur, investor and futurist, Founding managing partner, REDDS Vancouver, Canada”


Opening keynote, speaker, moderator, judge, mentor @ UN ITU Telecom World

Company NameInternational Telecommunication Union

Stephen has accepted the following invitations at UN ITU Telecom World in Bussan Korea, September 25-28, 2017:
– Judge at the UN ITU Global Innovation Awards https://telecomworld.itu.int/2017-event/awards/ .
– Mentoring at the SME Masterclass, SME Masterclass 1: Commercialization and Distribution (Open to all Forum attendees)
– Mentoring at the SME Masterclass 2, SME Masterclass 2: Diagnosis and Deconstruction (Open to all Forum attendees)
– Co-chairing Digital Financial Round Table (Invitation Only): Co-chairing with Director of Korea Institute of Finance
– Delivering an inaugural address at the official launch of the newly established academic UN ITU Journal: ICT Discoveries, in Stephen’s capacity as Outreach Chairman, and to chair/moderate the following session where selected invited papers will be presented.
– Paneilist, Leadership Cross-Sectoral Debate : Safe, Smart and Inclusive Finance for Citizens
– Panelist, Smart ABC Forum Session, Applying the power of AI to financial services (Open to all Forum attendees)
– Chair/moderator, Tech SMEs and innovation Founders panel: From Startup to Scaleup (Open to all Forum attendees)
– Participating in invitation-only VIP meeting/events
Note: The annual flagship conference by the United Nations in technology—the UN ITU Telecom World conference in September 2017 in Bussan Korea. Korea is ranked No.1 in many areas of innovation worldwide. The UN ITU is backed by 193 governments, 800 corporations/organizations and 130 research institutes and universities representing the best in technology and innovation worldwide at the United Nations level. The UN ITU is 152 years old and sets standards used globally working in areas such as Cloud Computing, Big Data, IoT, Cybersec

Moderator August 16 ACM Webinar, Eric Horvitz Microsoft Research “AI, People, and the Open World”

Eric Horvitz, Technical Fellow and Director of Microsoft Research Labs. Topic: “AI, People, and the Open World.
Register now for the next ACM Learning webinar on August 16 at 12:00 PM ET by Eric Horvitz, Technical Fellow and Director of Microsoft Research Labs; ACM Fellow, “AI, People, and the Open World. http://bit.ly/2vkd1K7 .” Stephen Ibaraki, Venture Capitalist, Serial Entrepreneur, Investor and Futurist, will lead the Q&A. Leave your comments and questions now on our Discourse Page https://on.acm.org/t/ai-people-and-the-open-world/297


Keynote AI Trends Forum with Hanson Robotics Sophia robot

In Beijing, at an event sponsored by China Dynamic Capital, the largest Fund of Funds Company in China, Stephen Ibaraki and Andy Chen with Sophia keynoted on the current state and future of AI and Big Data.  The keynote was followed by a panel discussion with Mr. Ge Qi, top fund of funds manager in China, Alvin Syh, LP in one of the largest funds in China and General Manager of the largest medical tech fund in China, and Mr. Xi Wang, Director of Tsinghua University.  The panel wrapped up answering questions from the large audience that included business leaders, entrepreneurs, fund managers and partners, government officials and other dignitaries.

Hanson Robotics, Sophia, https://vimeo.com/228826482, talks about teaming up with Stephen Ibaraki founder chair outreach of the United Nations ITU XPRIZE AI for good global summit. Sophia shares how she learns from movies and talking with people. She demonstrates ranges of emotions she can express and her goal to be super intelligent She is optimistic about the future. She also speaks in Mandarin. Play the video of Sophia https://vimeo.com/228826482

Co-founder Technology Advisory Board (TAB)

Appointed to the Technology Advisory Board (TAB) as co-founder– for Yintech Investment Holdings Limited, the largest financial services platform in China and Nasdaq listed company. Yintech also operates a top research lab in financial services in Boston.

Keynote at the forum in Shanghai: ““Smart Finance: Embracing the Era of Artificial Intelligence.” The forum was jointly sponsored by Yintech Investment Holdings Ltd. and REDDS Venture Investment Partners and held at the Sheraton in Shanghai.

It was a very popular and successful event receiving coverage from major China media.
Here are some links to the Chinese media coverage
Note: You can use your browser’s translate tool to change from Chinese to your preferred language.




Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Award July 2017

Satya Nadella, Microsoft CEO, signed “We recognize and value your exceptional contributions and commitment to technical communities worldwide. By sharing your real world expertise and technical skills, you demonstrate outstanding technical community leadership. Thank you.”

Founding member Beyond Initiatiave (AI Think Tank by Audi — made public)

June 7th 8am Press Roundtable: Chairman Stadler, ITU Director Lee, Stephen — before the opening of the UN ITU XPRIZE AI for good global summit, The Beyond Initiative think tank formally made public. Here are a portion of Stephen’s opening remarks:

I play many global chair roles in multiple domains. I see all these domains come together beneficially, both with the Beyond Initiative and ITU XPRIZE AI for good global summit. There is a duel nature of this; AI growing the GDP of countries, and providing business returns on investment, with measurable value to citizens and diverse communities by powering the UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals or SDGs.

I see this in the coming three days starting with the opening keynote of Professor Stadler.

From my roles, I can see the force multiplier effect of having diverse stakeholders collaborating, sharing, discussing guidelines for the solving of grand challenges. This is clearly evident with the Beyond Initiative and the AI Summit. Moreover, the AI Summit, brings together more than 20 UN agencies, XPRIZE Foundation, governments, industry, academia, civil society and media – a seminal event and a historical first for AI and spotlighting innovation….

Speaking on AI and UN ITU  AI for good global summit lessons  at WSIS Cybersecurity in the Age of AI by IFIP IP3

June 15, https://www.itu.int/net4/wsis/forum/2017/Agenda/Session/328#intro 
The focus was on trustworthy computing and professionalism in ICT in the application to SDGs

Speaking on AI Trends and UN ITU AI for good global summit lessons at WSIS UNDESA Session

June 15, speaking at the UNDESA session at the World Summit on the Information Society.
Action Line C1, C11: The Role of Private Sector in Mobilizing ICTs for SDGs — UNDESA

Chairing, keynoting ITU post-summit briefing on the UN ITU AI for good Global Summit at WSIS

June 15 at the UN ITU World Summit on the Information Society, Stephen chaired and keynoted the post-summit briefing on the UN ITU XPRIZE AI for good global summit.
Of particular interest is the update by Senior Communications Officer Fred Werner on global community engagement from the UN ITU AI for good Global Summit with more than 300 million via media and more added via social media. https://www.itu.int/net4/wsis/forum/2017/Agenda/Session/408/Webcast#intro

Opening UN ITU XPRIZE AI for good global summit

June 7, opening the UN ITU XPRIZE AI for good global summit, introducing UN Secretary General Antonio Gutiérrez, XPRIZE Foundation Founder Peter Diamandis, UN ITU Secretary General Houlin Zhao, XPRIZE Foundation CEO Marcus Shingles; concurrently keynoting on the UN ITU AI for good global summit lessons at the Digital Africa Conference in Nigeria. More by clicking the IFIP story below


Keynote – Lessons UN ITU AI for good global summit

Stephen invited to keynote at the Digital Africa Conference in Nigeria June 7th on AI Trends and lessons from UN ITU AI for good global summit while moderating the Welcome Address at the UN ITU AI for good global summit. The key themes are leveraging the 4th Industrial Revolution to transform Africa. http://www.digitalafrica.com.ng/. Lessons from UN ITU AI for good global summit spanning the globe

Chair/moderator, opening speaker – Briefing on UN ITU AI for good global summit at UN HQ New York

Briefing at the United Nations April 20th to UN member states and UN agencies. Stephen Ibaraki is chairing and moderating the briefing and Q&A plus presenting the opening speech on Current State of Play of AI: https://www.itu.int/en/ITU-T/AI/Pages/Briefing-AI.asp

o     April 2017:

The inaugural and ongoing UNITED NATIONS Agency-ITU XPRIZE AI for global good summit (AGGS). Stephen Ibaraki, is the AGGS Founder chair outreach with the co-organizers UNITED NATIONS AGENCY-ITU and XPRIZE: https://www.itu.int/en/ITU-T/AI/Pages/201706-default.aspx

The UN ITU  AI for good global summit in Geneva, 7-9 June 2017, aims to accelerate the development and democratization of Artificial Intelligence (AI) solutions to address global challenges such as poverty, hunger, health, education, equality and the protection of our environment.

Organized by ITU and the XPRIZE Foundation – in partnership with UN agencies, including OHCHR, UNESCO, UNICEF, UNICRI, UNIDO, UNITAR and UN Global Pulse – the summit will evaluate the opportunities presented by AI with a view to ensuring that AI benefits all of humanity. Moreover,

The event, the first of a series of annual conferences on AI, will convene representatives of government, industry, UN agencies, civil society and the AI research community to explore the latest developments in AI and their implications for regulation, ethics and security and privacy. Breakout sessions will invite participants to collaborate and propose strategies for the development of AI applications and systems to promote sustainable living, reduce poverty and deliver citizen-centric public services.

AGGS Founding Steering Committee—Stephen Ibaraki, co-organizers the ITU and XPRIZE: https://www.itu.int/en/ITU-T/AI/Pages/Steering-Committee.aspx

AGGS Founding Outreach Committee—working on strategic development where Stephen Ibaraki is Founding Chairman: https://www.itu.int/en/ITU-T/AI/Pages/Outreach-Committee.aspx

The UN Agency in Technology, ITU, opening article authored by Stephen Ibaraki in the UN ITU Magazine issue focused on AI: http://newslog.itu.int/archives/1513

The article opens the ITU Magazine focused on AI: http://www.itu.int/en/itunews/Pages/default.aspxhttp://www.itu.int/en/itunews/Documents/2017/2017-01/2017_ITUNews01-en.pdf

UN ITU main AI web page outlining Stephen Ibaraki’s contributions (work, writings, video, speaking, moderating/chairing, organizing, planning) leading up to AGGS at WTSA, Telecom World, Kaleidoscope, and including AGGS: http://www.itu.int/en/ITU-T/AI/Pages/default.aspx

Briefing at the United Nations April 20th to UN member states and UN agencies. Stephen Ibaraki is chairing and moderating the briefing and Q&A plus presenting the opening speech on Current State of Play of AI: https://www.itu.int/en/ITU-T/AI/Pages/Briefing-AI.aspx

o     March 2017: Stephen Ibaraki Appointed by the United Nations ITU Secretary General as Outreach Chairman of New United Nations ITU Journal “ICT Discoveries”. The new peer-reviewed, scholarly and professional journal will publish original research on technical developments in the ICT and telecommunications sphere as well as discussing their policy, regulatory, economic, social and legal dimensions. Stephen will work with the United Nations ITU Editorial Team reaching out to reviewers, contributors, and more. “ICT Discoveries will take a multidisciplinary approach which reflects ITU’s comprehensive field of interest and explores the convergence of telecommunications/ICT with other disciplines”.


o     January 2017:  Supporting the WWW2017 conference April 3-7—premier web conference founded by iWC3—this year in Australia. http://www.www2017.com.au/

o     January 2017: UN ITU newsletter released spotlighting Ibaraki’s AI trends article which also points to the FSR FIF (Financial Services Roundtable Fintech Ideas Festival http://www.fsroundtable.org/fintech-ideas-festival-video-recap/). The UN ITU editors added UN ITU links such as the World Telecommunications Standardization Assembly (WTSA) AI interview to the article.

UN ITU Newsletter: http://www.itu.int/en/newsletter/Documents/2017/17january2017.html

http://newslog.itu.int/archives/1476  — goes out to over 110,000 CEOs and leaders in media, government, industry, academia – 193 countries, 800 corporations (major tech companies) and organizations (example GSMA—800 telecoms), 130 universities and research institutes.

o     January 9, 10 2017: FinTech Ideas Festival 2017 – Opening Day 2 CNBC Live – Futurists on the Future of Financial Services, Technology, and FinTech 5 and 10 years into the future

Chris Feeney President FSR BITS

Stephen Ibaraki, Entrepreneur, Chairman FSR Fintech Ideas Festival TAC

Peter Swartz, SVP Salesforce

Tom Patterson, VP Unisys

Scott Stewart, Senior Director FSR

Opening Day 2 CNBC Live – Futurists on the Future of Financial Services, Technology, and FinTech: https://youtu.be/FODUBJBDsGA

Entire Fintech Ideas Festival Video Recap: http://www.fsroundtable.org/fintech-ideas-festival-video-recap/

200 World’s top CEOs and leaders coming together discussing five and ten years into the future

FSR — Financial Services Roundtable, 100 top CEOs, $92.7 Trillion USD in managed Assets, $1.2 Trillion USD in revenue

o     January 2017: Most Valuable Professional (MVP) Award 2017–“…It is with great pride we announce that Stephen Ibaraki has been awarded as a Microsoft®

Most Valuable Professional (MVP) for1/1/2017-1/1/2018.The Microsoft MVP Award is an annual award that recognizes exceptional technology community leaders worldwide who actively share their high quality, real world expertise with users and Microsoft. All of us at Microsoft recognize and appreciate Stephen’s extraordinary contributions and want to take this opportunity to share our appreciation with you… MVPs are technology’s best and brightest,and we are honored to welcome Stephen as one of them…”

Steven Guggenheimer Corporate Vice President Developer Experience & Evangelism Microsoft Corporation

o     January 2017: LIDT Judge 10 Under 20 global innovation awards — event January at CES


o     January 2017: Contributor and advisor editorial team ITU Journal AI issue — Organizing the first UN 3 day summit on AI for June Geneva 2017 with UN ITU and XPRIZE http://www.itu.int/en/ITU-T/AI/Pages/201706-default.aspx. Contributed three papers to the UN ITU academic summit for the secretary general on the creation of a new ITU Journal and advisory board.  This work supports an invitation to advise and contribute to the editorial team of the new ITU Journal. Editorial team: includes an advisory group, composed of renowned AI experts and a pool of reviewers that will carry out the single-blind, peer-review process with the support of the ITU Secretariat. The advisory group will help disseminate the call for papers, identify the authors of possible invited papers and support the review process, including selection of reviewers. The ITU Journal publishes original research on telecommunications/ICT technical developments, encouraging considerations on their policy and regulatory, economic, social and legal aspects.

o     December 2016: Picked up Globally by News360 and trending on social media

Innovation entrepreneur honoured by UN




o     2016-2017: Invited technology researcher, writer — Ongoing contributor to ITU blogs/news ….

In the news: United Nation ITU News





The growing signs of AI planning and implementation


o     November 2016: First UN Emerge Report on ICT innovation/entrepreneurship for MSMEs, invited to review and edit — Work continues. Contributed over 100 edits, contributions to the first United Nations report on innovation, entrepreneurship. Ibaraki was the only Canadian invited to review and edit the first UN ITU Emerge report on technology startups and small, and medium enterprise (SME) entrepreneurship and innovation. The publication, A Review of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises in the Information Communication Technology Sector, provides a review of this tech sector, as well as the environment and stakeholders which support these firms to grow and create jobs. PRESS RELEASE: FIRST ‘EMERGE’ PROGRESS REPORT LAUNCHED AT TELECOM WORLD





o     November 2016: Jury ITU TELECOM WORLD AWARDS — At the encouragement of governments and industry, highly successful regional MSMEs were invited to submit business plans. Among the hundreds received, 15 were selected as finalists. Scored their business plans (this took some time) and then scored the finalists in three live pitch sessions.

Awards: http://telecomworld.itu.int/2016-event/awards/

Jury: http://telecomworld.itu.int/2016-event/awards/jury/

Finalists: http://telecomworld.itu.int/2016-event/awards/sme-shortlist/



o     November 2016: Chairing B2B dialogue MSMEs and MNCs Telecom World — B2B dialogue between MSMEs (startups, small, medium enterprises) and MNCs (multinationals)


o     November 2016: Chairing AI session annual flagship Kaleidoscope Conference to academia  — The work continues beyond the conference. Chaired/moderatated Jules Verne’s corner – ITU Kaleidoscope 2016 Special Session—no PowerPoints were allowed so these were Davos style



o     November 2016: Chairing AI at Telecom World flagship conference — The work continues beyond the conference. Annual flagship Telecom World (government, industry). ITU coverage areas include: Digital Financial Services, Financial Inclusion, Future Workforce, AI and machine learning, IOT, Big Data, Cloud, Cybersecurity, Biometrics, Block Chain, Information Communication Technology (ICT), 5G, G.Fast, Internet, broadband, wireless, radio spectrum, standards, policy and regulation, WSIS. UN ITU (International Telecommunications Union) is the UN agency responsible for technology representing and with membership of 193 country governments, 800+ corporations, organizations, and 130+ research institutes.

ITU Telecom World Chaired/moderated AI: Is the future finally here – no PowerPoints were allowed so these were Davos style


o     October 2016: Chair (speaker, moderator) WTSA 60th Anniversary: Digital Financial Services and AI — WTSA (World Telecom Standardization Assembly held every four years and setting their technology focus until 2020–193 governments, 800 corporations / organizations / research institutes. The work continues post conference. Reporting from the ITU goes out 77,000 leaders in government, business, and research. Profiled in the United Nations ITU-T WTSA summary report. Link to the summary outcomes report: http://www.itu.int/en/ITU-T/wtsa16/Documents/WTSASnapshotReport.pdf

o     September 2016, Stephen Ibaraki Silver Core Award from IFIP President for exceptional service: The General Assembly at its’ 2016 meeting unanimously approved the proposal made by outgoing President Leon Strous and incoming President Mike Hinchey to award the IFIP Silver Core for Stephen Ibaraki’s outstanding contributions to IFIP. The Silver Core is generally conferred on those who have served IFIP as GA members, committee officers, members of IFIP Congress program committees, and editors of proceedings of IFIP conferences. The president of IFIP may also propose individuals who have given exceptional service to IFIP. (Those who have entered the field of information processing in recent years may not realize that the IFIP logo represents a magnetic core — a toroidal memory device that was once the most common type of computer memory — and its wires, with a globe superimposed. The Award, first established in 1974, was named after this symbol of the computer technology of that time.)

o     July 2016 invited Co-Chairman ACM Practitioner Board

The ACM is the world’s largest computer science, education, innovation organization with 3.4 million elite scientists and professionals who consume their services, the world’s largest computer science digital library with 1.5 million users, the largest audience for webinars, 78 publications and newsletters, 200 conferences and events, 37 special interest groups such as the notable SIGGRAPH, the top awards in computing such as the 1 million USD Turing Award (Nobel of computing) and the 150K ACM InfoSys Foundation Award.

Stephen is the chairman of the ACM Practitioner Board Professional Development Committee from 2011 to 2016 and current chairman of the ACM Practitioner Board Marketing Committee.

o     Multi-award winning serial entrepreneur, executive board chairman, executive board director, senior executive officer, president, industry analyst, researcher, business strategist, writer, author, keynote speaker, senior invited advisor to government and the fortune 500 on strategy and technology, senior IT/business professional/educator.

o     July 2016 invited as IBM WATSON ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE XPRIZE AMBASSADOR– The IBM Watson AI XPRIZE is a $5 million competition, challenging teams globally, to develop and demonstrate how humans can collaborate with powerful AI technologies to tackle the world’s grand challenges. The prize aims to accelerate adoption of AI technologies, and spark creative, innovative and audacious demonstrations of the technology that are truly scalable and solve societal grand challenges. To encourage innovation in any form, the competition is an open challenge in AI. Rather than set a single, universal goal for all teams, this competition will invite teams to each declare their own goal and solution to a grand challenge. The IBM Watson AI XPRIZE is a four-year competition with annual milestone competitions in 2017, 2018, and 2019. The top three finalists will compete for the Grand Prize at TED… http://ai.xprize.org/

o     Recognized March 2016 as top Microsoft MVP for global work

o     Recognized April and May 2016 by UNITED NATIONS ITU as WSIS (World Summit on the Information Society) Prizes 2016 Champion for the “Creation of the Global Industry Council”

o     Founding Managing Partner, March 2015 and ongoing, REDDS Venture Investment Partners, Location: Global. Empowering disruptive start-ups that scale worldwide and have $ billion plus potential through team building, global business development, financing, mentoring, strategy,…The REDDS Investment Partners, managing partners, partners, advisors, fellows bring more than 100 years of experience in more than 100 new ventures in all domains.



o    Invited by the producer to participate and support the largest TEDx every produced, TEDxLA held at the Dolby Theatre in LA USA November 28 to Dec 3, 2016

o    March 2016 invited as advisor then appointed founding chairman technology advisory council Financial Services Roundtable (FSR—~100 top CEOs in US financial services with 92.7 Trillion USD in managed assets, 2.1 Trillion USD in annual revenue, 2.3 million employees). FinTech ideas Festival (FIF– http://www.fsr.technology/about-collaborators/ ). The Financial Services Roundtable (FSR) is the US financial services industry association based in Washington DC representing the financial services industry estimated globally at $14 Trillion or 18% of Global GDP. The FSR consists of 100 of the top CEOS in financial services in the US. By statute they are limited to 100 CEOs. FSR influences policy and does advocacy for the financial services in Washington DC. They also hold summits in the Spring and Fall for CEOs and will hold a futures summit in Jan 9-10 in 2017. As founding chairman technology advisory council Stephen is also invited to speak/participate at the invitation-only CEO-focused FSR FIF http://www.fintechideasfestival.com/ summit Jan 9-10 2017 which examines disruptive innovations 10 and more years into the future with topics such as: The Future of FinTech, Financial Inclusion, Future of the FinTech Workforce, Big Data & the Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, Biometrics, the Imminent Future, Cybersecurity, Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, & Distributed Ledger.

o    March 2016: Appointed as advisor to Digital Africa and as founder and chairman of the advisory board. Stephen is invited to speak and participate at the summit in 2016 and continuing. Digital Africa aims through advocacy, conferences, exhibitions, etc., to close the digital divide between Africa and the rest of the world. Digital Africa realises the importance of IT in the development of organisations and countries, and hence to Africa.

o    Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Award (MVP) January 1 2016 to January 1 2017.

“It is with great pride we announce that Stephen Ibaraki has been awarded as a Microsoft® Most Valuable Professional (MVP) for 1/1/2016 – 1/1/2017. The Microsoft MVP Award is an annual award that recognizes exceptional technology community leaders worldwide who actively share their high quality, real world expertise with users and Microsoft. All of us at Microsoft recognize and appreciate Stephen’s extraordinary contributions and want to take this opportunity to share our appreciation with you.”
Steven Guggenheimer Corporate Vice President Developer Experience & Evangelism Microsoft Corporation

o     Two of the Top five blogs in IDG-IT World (hosted in Canada) for 2015 are Stephen’s. The only writer with two of the top five adding to top monthly rankings.
IDG is amongst the world’s largest technology media groups with ~300 million readers.

o     Invited to High-level meeting of the United Nations General Assembly on WSIS+10 review, to be held at United Nations Headquarters in New York on 15-16 December 2015. The General Assembly, in its resolution 68/302 on the modalities for the overall review by the Assembly of the implementation of the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), decided that the overall review will be concluded by a two-day high-level meeting of the Assembly, to be preceded by an intergovernmental preparatory process that also takes into account inputs from all relevant stakeholders of the World Summit on the Information Society.

IFIP News: http://www.ifipnews.org/global-ict-community-un-general-assembly-2015/
Request from ITU (UN Agency for ICT) to present at the IFIP World IT Forum in September 2016 on the implementation of the matrix that intersects the WSIS ACTION LINES with the SDGs

Full text of speech by Stephen Ibaraki on the ITU site: http://www.itu.int/en/itu-wsis/Documents/UNGASideEvents/Speech-IFIP.pdf

Link to the full event description and speakers: http://www.itu.int/en/itu-wsis/Documents/UNGASideEvents/STRENGTHENING_THE_IMPACT_OF_WSIS_ACTION_LINES_FOR_SUSTAINABLE_DEVELOPMENT.pdf

Link to the UN full description of the session: https://publicadministration.un.org/wsis10/Events/Side-Events/Strengthening-the-impact-of-WSIS-action-lines-for-sustainable-development-showcasing-best-practices-transferring-know-how-fostering-partnerships

Link to the on-demand video of the session:http://webtv.un.org/watch/strengthening-the-impact-of-wsis-action-lines-for-sustainable-development-showcasing-best-practices-transferring-know-how-fostering-partnerships/4661104991001

o     Invited to write the introduction to the “The Vault Career Guide to Information Technology” released fall 2015 (reach–8 million subscribers) which features advice and interviews from global leaders in technology

o     Invited as judge Microsoft Imagine Cup Big Idea: Plan Challenge World Citizenship online awards, November 2016

o     Invited by the UN Embassy as an Industry Chairman to the International CES January 2016 in Las Vegas, the world’s largest technology showcase.

o    Invited judge, Appreneur Scholar Awards 2016 hosted at international CES Las Vegas January 2016. CES for 2015 had 3500 exhibitors, 950 million media impressions, 170,000 pre-screened delegates, 7000 press. http://appreneurscholars.com/2016-judges/ “With over 100 significant contributions, awards and recognitions, Stephen Ibaraki is an IDG IT World(Canada)  writer/blogger, past multiple award winning educator/ professor / program research head, multiple award winning serial entrepreneur and executive chairman. He is the founding chairman of the Global Industry Council (GIC), part of the UNESCO (United Nations) founded International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) IP3, board vice-chairman of the IFIP International Professional Practice Partnership (IFIP IP3), vice-chairman international steering committee and advisory board IFIP CIE/CCIO World CIO Forum. He holds many other board and leadership positions in global technology organizations”.

o    Speaking twice (interventions) with live video streaming at the second United Nations GA High-Level WSIS review meeting October 19, 2015 where Ibaraki’s recommendations were noted in several summaries including by the opening session chair and the UN President. As noted in IDT IT World and IFIP News, “Starting with an historical invitation in July to address the UN General Assembly, followed by keynoting three times at the October IFIP World Computing Congress conferences, Stephen Ibaraki, a Microsoft MVP, was back again in October at the UN. Speaking at the UN General Assembly’s consultation around WSIS+10 review and the SDGs and armed with delivering the earlier pivotal global keynote on ICT MegatrendsStephen Ibaraki, IFIP Global Industry Council founding chair, Multiple (50+) award winning technology futurist, global advisor and regular IT World contributor, reinforced the importance of professionalism in delivering the trustworthy technology that is essential.  In added deliberation, he provided insights into the megatrends and machine learning including arranging a briefing to the ICT heads of UN agencies plus ways to engage CIOs worldwide as vice chair for the last two World CIO Forums and chair of the interactive session with the EU CIO of the year awardees at CIO City…Post UN Ibaraki, a successful four decade innovator and serial entrepreneur was again invited by the US Embassy to attend the CES 2016.  While there he is judging the Scholar Appreneur Awards hosted at CES with a focus on “entrepreneurship, innovation, and encouraging our youth into start-ups.  This is key for driving the UN SDGs and WSIS action lines”…”Stemming from Ibaraki’s speeches, Mr Lykketoft noted the ICT professionalism theme in his closing summary. This was accentuated by Anne Miroux, Director of the Technology and Trade Logistics Division in the UN Conference on Trade and Development, the principal organ of the United Nations General Assembly dealing with trade, investment. Miroux is also Head of the Secretariat of the UN Commission on Science and Technology for Development (CSTD), where she drives work relating to the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) and the 10 year Review of WSIS and the Sustainable Development Goals. In her concluding comments, Ms Miroux again pointed to the role of ICT professionalism as an issue to be considered when furthering the zero-draft, the primary document being developed to encapsulate key recommendations for implementation. “I also wish to underscore that in dealing with education … that was the link to professionalism of ICT employment that was mentioned and emphasised by Mr Ibaraki and it might be something to focus on as well and submit to the various negotiators,” she said.”

o    From three different keynotes at the IFIP World Computer Congress conferences in Daejeon Korea October 5, 6, and 7 2015, Ibaraki was spotlighted in two news articles. From IDG IT World and IFIP News, “Canadian industry pioneer, founding Chair of the Global Industry Council with IFIP IP3, and Microsoft  Most Valuable Professional (MVP), Stephen Ibaraki, gave a keynote presentation to the large audience in the 1500 seat grand convention hall on the ICT Megatrends tipped to create a future digital quake likely to cause 80 per cent global disruption…Mr. Ibaraki, a retired educator who has himself received over 50 national and international awards throughout his career and is a prolific industry commentator, investor and successful serial entrepreneur, highlighted the impact of megatrends… He also noted over 500 other MEGATREND data points …“

o    IFIP Chair Global Industry Council Speaks at UN GA. From IFIP News “Chair Global Industry Council and Vice-Chair of IFIP’s International Professional Practice Partnership (IP3), Stephen Ibaraki, presented at an historic United Nations High Level meeting on the WSIS+10 Sustainability Goals on Thursday 2nd July. One of a handful of influential leaders invited to take part in the overall review of the implementation of the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), Mr Ibaraki gave an official speech at the UN and took part in several other interactions.”

Due to his extensive global award-winning significant contribution background in innovation, entrepreneurship, education, business, chairing professional boards/committees, investments, media, enabling governments and fortune corporations, founding companies and world organizations, as founding Chair Global Industry Council and Vice-Chair of IFIP’s International Professional Practice Partnership (IP3), Stephen Ibaraki received this invitation (excerpts quoted below) to speak Thursday July 2nd, from the UNITED NATIONS. Thursday was an historical unprecedented UNITED NATIONS event—the first time external non-governmental stakeholder were given this extended ability to inform the United Nations through three panels (speakers are assigned as speakers or respondents) and unique with live streaming and Twitter for questions. Areas of discussion included WSIS+10 and Sustainable Development Goals.

“We have the pleasure to invite you to serve as a speaker during the UN General Assembly informal interactive consultations on WSIS+10. The hearings are organized by the President of the 69th session of the UN General Assembly. The arrangements are supported by UN DESA, ITU, UNCTAD, UNESCO and UN-NGLS. These hearings will provide an opportunity for representatives of the different stakeholders to exchange views on the overall review of the implementation of the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society.”

On Thursday, representing the global partnership of IFIP IP3,  Stephen did six interventions including official speech (given the floor for comment/speeches) for panels 1 to 3 where the day was broken up into three panels or themes. As an invited speaker Stephen was officially assigned to panel 3 as respondent, “Congratulations on your selection as a speaker for this historic event at the United Nations.”

Background IFIP IP3:  The International Professional Practice Partnership (IP3) is leading the development of the global IT profession by providing a platform that will help shape and implement relevant policies to foster professionalism in IT worldwide. The IFIP Global Industry Council (GIC) a forward looking think tank and consultative elite group consists of: Prominent Leaders from Business, Industry, Government, Academia, International Bodies coming from countries and organizations representing over 20T USD in market capitalization and GDP. The GIC released their GIC 2020 Skills Assessment Report in September 2015. Both IP3 and GIC are formally incorporated into the bylaws and statutes of IFIP by unanimous vote of the IFIP General Assembly. IFIP, the International Federation for Information Processing, was founded under the auspices of the United Nations Educational Scientific Organization in 1960 and now has over 50 country member bodies and affiliates representing over 90 countries. IFIP is a consultative body for IT for the United Nations Educational Scientific Cultural Organization, Sector Member for the International Telecommunications Union or ITU, Scientific Associate Member of the International Council for Science or ICSU. IFIP is the global professional federation of societies and associations for people working in Information and Communications Technologies and Sciences. IFIP brings together nearly one million scientists and ICT professionals from government, industry and academia, organising them into over 100 Working Groups and 13 Technical Committees to conduct research, develop standards and promote information sharing. Based in Austria, IFIP organises and supports over 100 conferences each year, fostering the distribution of research and knowledge to academics and industry practitioners alike.

o  Invitation (March 2015) to the Steering Committee for the “invitation-only” Engineering Disruption Leadership Summit in Washington DC (Sept 2015) being jointly planned by ASEE (American Society for Engineering Education), the National Academy of Engineering, and EDUCAUSE with major sponsorship from John Wiley & Sons and the Carnegie Corporation of New York (invitation March 2015). Due to schedule conflicts unable to join steering committee but Stephen is supporting virtually the executive director and steering committee of this summit. The Summit will convene top executives and global thought leaders in higher education, industry, professional societies, philanthropies and government to explore:  Promising Practices for Enhancing Student Learning and Assessment, Strategies for Enhancing and Sustaining Emerging Innovations, Engineering Education Research Frameworks and 21st-Century Challenges.

o    Chair panel session Careers in Technology; providing continuing support (March 2015). On Wednesday, March 18, 2015, Microsoft Canada and the Boys and Girls Club of Canada will host approximately 100 local youth for a day-long skills development and mentorship conference in Vancouver, BC with participation from Pathways to Education, SHAD and Ladies Learning Code. Joining the event will be the Hon. Shirley Bond and Hon. Andrew Wilkinson, Vancouver North MP, Andrew Saxton, and Deputy Mayor Andrea Reimer.  Molly Burke from Me to We will provide the keynote address.


YouthSpark Live is part of Microsoft YouthSpark, a global commitment to empowering young people with opportunities for employment, education and entrepreneurship.  The day-long conference will bring together youth to provide them with tools and skills necessary for 21st Century jobs. The sessions will include:

•                Skill Development: Empower youth with tips and tools to help them study more effectively for success in school.

•                Coding: Unleash the inner innovator in youth by exploring the world of coding.

•                Careers in Technology: Explore career and entrepreneurship opportunities in computer science

o  Invited Judge Imagine Cup World Citizenship Path Online Final (Microsoft March 2015).

o  Invited Judge Imagine Cup Final (Microsoft March 2015).

o   Invited Faculty Advisory Board (Microsoft March 2015).

o   Board Director and delegate at FEAPO Summit (event May 2015, Penn State USA).  FEAPO World Summit Career Path EA profession 2015:




o   Keynote/Speaker 3 Global World Computer Congress conferences: ICT Industrial Prospects Conference 2016, IFIP Young IT Professional-InterYIT, IT Education Forum: http://wcc-2015.org. Providing speaker recommendations for IFIP World Computer Congress in Korea (Oct 2015). IFIP World Computer Congress (WCC) in South Korea — 2015’s top event in Korea providing many opportunities to build business relationships within Korea and also from the countries participating. The WCC is Oct 4 to 7 at the Daejeon Convention Center, Daejeon, Korea. Organized by the Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers (KIISE) hosted by IFIP. The WC is supported by: Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning; Daejeon Metropolitan City and Daejeon International Marketing Enterprise.

o    Keynote 38th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) May 2016. ICSE — the premier conference in software engineering sponsored by ACM, IEEE CS, Technical Council on Software Engineering and SIGSOFT — is coming to Austin for a second time in May 14 – 22, 2016. There, the top minds in software engineering research and practice will convene for a week of inspirational talks, demos and conversation. A quarter-century after the Texas state capital first hosted ICSE, Austin has become a hub for technology, entrepreneurship, music, outdoor recreation and nightlife. http://2016.icse.cs.txstate.edu/keynotes

o    Judge international CES Appreneur Scholar Awards at CES (January 2015). Appreneur Scholars–young entrepreneurs transforming the world one app at a time. International CES is the world largest innovation show with pre-vetted 160,000 delegates, 6000 press, 3200 exhibitors in more than 2 million square feet. The Mobile Apps Showdown App-reneur Awards is the CES showcase for world-class young talent in undergraduate and post-graduate university/college programs with funding by the Kay Family Foundation. http://appreneurscholars.com/

o    Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Award (January 2015)
“It is with great pride we announce that Stephen Ibaraki has been awarded as a Microsoft® Most Valuable Professional (MVP) for 1/1/2015 – 1/1/2016. The Microsoft MVP Award is an annual award that recognizes exceptional technology community leaders worldwide who actively share their high quality, real world expertise with users and Microsoft. All of us at Microsoft recognize and appreciate Stephen’s extraordinary contributions and want to take this opportunity to share our appreciation with you…MVPs are present in over 90 countries, spanning more than 30 languages, and over 70 Microsoft technologies…MVPs are technology’s best and brightest, and we are honored to welcome Stephen as one of them…”
Steven Guggenheimer
Corporate Vice President
Developer Experience & Evangelism
Microsoft Corporation

o    Invited Chair Panel Session European CIOs of the Year CIOCITY 2015 (invitation December 2014, event Brussels June 2015). Invited to chair/moderate panel session of executives for the CIOCITY 2015 International conference June 4-5 for IT leaders from the world’s largest CIO network based in the EU,CIONET with 4500 CIOs. http://www.ciocity.com/speakers/stephen

o   Invited keynote and chair (moderator) opening conference session of the United Nations-supported Global E-Government Forum Scientific Practical Conference (October 2014, Astana).  The first two UN-GeGF were hosted in South Korea and the third was granted to Astana.  Stephen chaired (moderated) and keynoted the opening session of the conference and was invited to the international Ministers Roundtable discussion. The Ministers Roundtable speeches and discussion items appear in the final report from the forum and are submitted to the United Nations General Assembly. Stephen interviews with television and print/online media were quoted in the final reports appearing with the forum as illustrated by this example: Recommendations worked out at Global E-Government Forum 2014 will be included in UN member states development plan.

o    Participating at the FEAPO (Federation of Enterprise Architecture Professional Organizations) Plenary, board meeting, planning meeting (October 2014, Southern California).  Stephen is a founding executive board member and chair of standing committee. Earlier, FEAPO released their landmark concepts paper which is profiled in this IT World article “What is enterprise architecture?” FEAPO is now working on a Career Paths paper.

o    Invited Advisor Tencent (August, 2014). Invited advisor for September 2014, Tencent North American Think Tank tour. Arranged recommendations and invitation of US-based world experts in ICT.

o    Invited again to the ACM practitioner board and to chair the practitioner board professional development committee (July 2014, NYC). Stephen has been serving since 2008 under multiple ACM presidents when he joined the ACM at the encouragement of Kelly Gotlieb. With the change in the ACM president for 2014, boards and committees are refreshed with invitations.  This will be Stephen’s last term having already served much longer than he planned and he has instituted a succession process for the PDC in 2014.

o    Advising the International Economic Alliance (IEA) on their Global Investment Symposia (GIS) (May to September 2014, NYC). The IEA has its roots with Harvard, Presidents’ Clinton and Bush and changed into the IEA to allow a very broad international audience.  The GIS is an invitation-only event with global corporate chairs / CEOs or their special designates, billionaires, major owners, significant family offices, financial services CEOs / Chairs, luminaries and country leaders/ministers/ambassadors/economic advisors. The event is hosted at the Harvard Club in NYC Sept. The timing is the same week as the United Nations General Assembly. The leaders participating at the UN GA can then participate at the IEA Global Investment Symposia. Stephen’s interview with Ambassador Tom Pickering, the IEA co-chair supported the event. The EA GIS is y focused on execution and practical results from the GIS. In addition, they will continue to help GIS participants throughout the year and not just at the event. The purpose is for leaders to work together for shared value and reward. For example, corporations, entrepreneurs by participating will often get special help by the target countries. At the GIS, participants can get special time with each other to work on collaboration or partnerships or deals or more.

Meeting and presenting at the IFIP General Assembly (GA) (September 2014, Vienna). IFIP is the UN(UNESCO)-founded federation representing IT with over 50 country society members. Stephen participating as the founding chair of the Global Industry Council and vice-chair of IFIP IP3 which is a special program for supporting ICT professionalism. At the GA, Stephen presenting on the activities of the global industry council and IP3. There is growth in professionalism as outlined in this article for IT World.

o    Invited to PACE–the Partnership for Advancing Computing Education–workshop on computing education research funded by the National Science Foundation and hosted by the National Academies at their Keck Center (August 2014, Washington DC) . The purpose of this invitation-only workshop is to ● establish a joint understanding and strengthen the sharing of research agendas and directions on computing education across various computing-related sub-disciplines; ● explore the possibilities for developing a forward looking and challenging research agenda for computing education as a whole, one that will extend and enhance the computing education research community; ● enhance the standing of the computing education research community and galvanize it into meaningful and effective action; and ● determine the ways in which professional and academic computing societies can best serve the computing education research community.

o    Advisory Board Member Zaka Inc. (July 2014). Invited appointment to advisory board.

CRM Re-invented–Social, B2C, C2C–Mobilized, Optimized, Socialized.

Zaka disruptive innovation is a new paradigm in CRM for small/medium size businesses (SMB). By combining flexibility of mobile, viral characteristics of social network, key capabilities of CRM, and basic natural human behaviors, Zaka delivers a revolutionary app that will give SMB’s insight into customers and prospects without the traditionally required costs and resources of CRM systems.

Zaka allows these businesses real-time capabilities in understanding and managing their prospects and customers. The immediate feed of customers and prospects info along with easy to use tools will give businesses the power to quickly capture and retain customers – all on a mobile device at their finger tips. And this is just the tip of the iceberg.


o   Speaker ITU World Summit for the Information Society (WSIS) + 10 High-Level Event (June 2014, Geneva). Ibaraki’s talk on ICT trends / innovation and the growth of ICT professionalism. The ITU is the United Nations specialized agency administering standards and governing ICT with over 190 countries and 700 global organizations as members. The World Summit for the Information Society (WSIS) action lines (goals) cover all aspects of ICT development and the outcomes will influence countries, industries, and society for many years into the future.

Quoted from THE SECRETARY-GENERAL, UNITED NATIONS: “I am pleased to greet all participants at the World Summit on the Information Society +10 High-Level Event, an extended version of the annual WSIS Forum. More than 30 United Nations agencies have joined forces with the global multi-stakeholder community at this gathering, a signal of our strong commitment to a preparatory process that has produced two important outcome documents: the WSIS+10 Statement and the Vision for WSIS beyond 2015. Information and communication technologies have long been recognized as key enablers for bridging the digital divide and achieving the three dimensions of sustainable development: economic growth, environmental balance and social inclusion. ICTs have proven to be instrumental in the delivery of information and services in health, education, trade, commerce and other fields, and have helped bring about increased transparency and accountability. They will also be at the centre of the solutions we need to tackle the threat of climate change. Notwithstanding the advances made possible by ICTs, there are still great strides to be made. Sixty percent of the world’s population do not have access to the Internet and the vast online resources of information and knowledge. We must do everything in our power to increase access to ICTs and broadband connectivity across the world, including to reach people in remote areas, land-locked countries, small island developing states and the least developed countries. This will empower millions of people and enable us to meet our development goals in the post-2015 era. I urge you to forge new partnerships and to strengthen our information society. I congratulate you for your commitment to this work, and I extend my best wishes for a successful gathering.”

o   Vice-Chair International Advisory Board and International Steering Committee IFIP World CIO Forum (February, 2014-present). The IFIP World CIO Forum is supported by the UN(UNESCO)-founded international IT federation (IFIP), the China government, CIE (the largest industry association), the China CIO Union and with the union organizing the event. Like the Olympics, any country can bid to host the event and CIE bid to host it again working with the China CIO Union. The second IFIP World CIO forum (WCF) is hosted in Xi-an China November 10-12. Senior executives from corporations worldwide will participate including from governments making it the largest executive forum in the world. The China CIO Union is a non-profit organization jointly founded by the Chinese Institute of Electronics, the Electronic Industry Press and Renmin University, under the guidance of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT).

O   Invited… “Your role as chairman of the IFIP IP3 Global Industry Council and your views on the development of the global ICT Profession would provide valuable insights for our study indeed! So we would very much appreciate receiving your views and inputs on the matter.

SKILLS – e-Skills: Promotion of ICT Professionalism in Europe

The European Commission’s DG Enterprise has launched the ‘E-Skills: Promotion of ICT Professionalism in Europe’ contract in January 2014. The main goal of this study is the development of a pan-European ICT foundational body of knowledge and to set up a sustainable operating model for the promotion of ICT professionalism in Europe. Having a body of knowledge can ‘facilitate communication and understanding between ICT professionals in Europe, thereby reducing risk and strengthen ICT professionalism’. A body of knowledge is more than simply a collection of terms, a professional reading list, a collection of websites or even a collection of information. A body of knowledge is to be understood as an agile framework bringing together series of methodologies and concepts so as to ensure basic common understanding, formal and explicit foundation and communication between the different levels of a specific domain. Bodies of knowledge are developed as a means of documenting and accepting good practices, being used to competently complete tasks in a specific area of interest. Considering the evolutionary nature of ICT, this body of knowledge cannot be static and fixed in time. If it were so, its so-called shelf value would be extremely limited and would only address the technological aspects of a short period of time and correlate these to past requirements, skills and knowledge. Therefore, it is a very timely exercise to create an overview of the different e-skills and ICT professionalism initiatives present to create a sustainable operating model to promote ICT.

o    In January Ibaraki was invited by the US Embassy, as an industry chairman to be part of a delegation of industry executives to attend the international CES in Vegas. Invited to dinner with the president of Samsung mobile and the VP of AMD. Ibaraki’s writing about these experiences for IDG-IT World Canada through a series of interviews and articles. In March and April, Ibaraki was in the Southern California meeting with foundations, notable executives and computing scientists.

o    Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Award (January 2014)

o    Writer at IDG (IT World Canada (family of publications)) (August, 2013).  Writer profile at IT World Canada (Stephen Ibaraki is awarded for his outstanding lifetime achievements from business, industry, government, academia, media and society: as an ICT nominated founding Fellow, founding Distinguished Fellow, founding global Fellow, Hall of Fame, Computing Canada IT Leadership Lifetime Achievement Award, Advanced Technology lifetime achievement award, Awards for Professionalism Career Achievement Award, IT Hero Award, Gary Hadford Award, writing and teaching awards, Microsoft Global Gold Awards, 8 times Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Award (2006-present (2013), akin to an external Fellows award program given annually), … more than 50 awards, special roles, and recognitions. More details can be found in the independent CIPS founding Fellows’ profile provided by the Canadian Government chartered Canadian Information Processing Society (CIPS: http://www.cips.ca/stephen-ibaraki)

Read more: http://www.itworldcanada.com/blog/meet-blogger-stephen-ibaraki/84102#ixz… or visit http://www.itworldcanada.com for more Canadian IT News. IT World Canada (family of publications) is part of IDG the world’s largest IT publishing group. IDG publishes more than 300 publications worldwide. IDG also provides IT market analysis through 49 offices in over 90 countries worldwide. Over two hundred and eighty million people read one or more IDG publications each month. In Canada, the online readership is representing over 70 per cent of the buying power in Canada.

o    Invited global expert on investment and research proposal evaluation (May 2013-August 2013, Astana)

“Dear Mr. Ibaraki,
Let me express our sincere gratitude for your work on preparing expert conclusion on Research proposal on modernization of <<classified>>. Your detailed conclusion helped us to perform evaluation of Research proposal on implementation of pilot project on cloud grid standardized infrastructure and gave and opportunity for study it for innovation, exclusiveness, and prospects.
B. Kurmangaliyeva

o    Invited Industry Chairman Speaker (VI Astana Economic Forum ASTEX (Astana Smart Technology Exhibition) 2013, May 2013). He reported on his experiences at IT Manager Connection: http://blogs.technet.com/b/cdnitmanagers/archive/2013/06/17/journal-astana-economic-forum-astex-2013.aspx

The list of speakers and their profiles are found here:

Astana Economic Forum ASTEX:

English: http://www.astex.kz/speaker?page=3&lang=en#speaker/35

Russian: http://www.astex.kz/speaker?page=3#speaker/35

ASTEX:  http://astex.kz/speaker?page=3&lang=en#list

Astana Economic Forum (AEF): http://2013.astanaforum.org/en/speakers/10

Ibaraki was also invited to support their speaker selections for 2013.

Stephen keynoted last year at the V Astana Economic Forum / Connect 2012 (AEF). He reported on his experiences in the IT Manager Connection (largest management blog): http://blogs.technet.com/b/cdnitmanagers/archive/2012/06/13/journal-v-as…. As a VIP in 2012, Ibaraki had breakfast with the Minister and ZERDE Board Chairman (ZERDE is the holding company for all government ICT), dinner with the Minister and ZERDE Board Chairman, dinner with the Prime Minister, meetings with executives, interviewed multiple times for their regional media (there are 250 million people in the region). The economic forum in Astana (AEF) involves 140+ countries, 12+ Nobel Laureates; government, academic and industry leaders (for example, the chairman of Exxon) and is the largest in the region—the results feeding into the G8, G20, OECD, … There is an ICT exhibition associated with the economic forum which in 2012 was called Connect 2012. In 2013 it is called the Astana Smart Technologies Exhibition 2013 (ASTEX 2013) and is the staging for the 2017 Astana World Exposition. Here’s a CNN iReport on the country from another 2012 speaker, Professor Mark Mueller Eberstein: http://ireport.cnn.com/docs/DOC-821755

o    Speaker (UN/ITU, May 2013, Geneva Switzerland); The World Summit on the Information Society Forum 2013 represents the world’s largest annual gathering of the ‘ICT for development’ community. This forum will provide structured opportunities to network, learn and participate in multi-stakeholder discussions and consultations on WSIS implementation. This event builds upon the tradition of annual WSIS May meetings, and its format is the result of open consultations with all WSIS Stakeholders. The agenda and program of the WSIS Forum is built on the basis of official submissions received during the Open Consultation Process.

o    Speaker (UNESCO HQ, February 2013, Paris France); The first WSIS+10 review event with an analysis of trends and possible recommendations will be an integral part of the overall WSIS review process. Outcomes will feed directly into the subsequent review meetings and into the 2015 UNGA overall review. Results will also be reported to UNESCO’s Executive Board and to the 37th session of the General Conference of UNESCO (November 2013). The intention is also to integrate findings into the UN MDGs review process and into a possible post-2015 sustainable development framework.

o    Invited article contributor to Kelly Gotlieb and Allan Borodin 40th anniversary of the publication of their seminal book, “Social Issues in Computing.” (January 2013, University of Toronto). Contributions included: Authors (Kelly) Gotlieb and (Allan) Borodin interviewed; Vint Cerf (Internet inventor) “Social Issues in Computing And The Internet”; John Leslie King, W.W. Bishop Professor of Information, University of Michigan, “Privacy: It’s Harder Than We Thought”; William H. Dutton, Professor of Internet Studies, Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford, “The Enduring Social Issues in Computing”; Stephen Ibaraki, Founder and Chair, IFIP IP3 Global Industry Council (part 1 of three articles), “ICT E-Skills and Professionalism in 2013”

o    Invited Industry Chairman Advisor to Government ICT Development Fund and ICTDF General Director, International Consumer Electronic Show or CES (January 2013, USA)

o    Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Award (January 2013)

o    Advisor to Kay Family Foundation and President (KFF: December 2012); KFF supports healthcare IT, education, entrepreneurship, innovation, human development. research, the Arts, interdisciplinary projects, labs, competitions, technology empowerment, international cooperation, accelerators, …

o    Invited Industry Chairman Mentor to ICT Development Fund (ICTDF) and Advisor to ICTDF General Director (Kazakhstan Government and CE Industry Seed Fund with ties to Government Accelerators, TechStars, OECD, International Accelerators) (October 2012)

o    Invited Industry Chairman Mentor/Advisor to Accelerator-HK (October 2012)

o    ITU is the specialized United Nations agency (members: 193 countries, 700 global corporation/organizations). The ITU sets global ICT policy and standards. As stated publicly in 2012 by Secretary General ITU, Dr. Toure, “I admire the work you are doing and the very strong contribution to the information and communication technology sector, and Steve, please continue to do it because this is the greatest contribution that we are doing for humankind. ICT is in the center of everything we do today: our governments, our people, our economy, the education of our children, and our health will depend on how best we make use of those smart technologies.”

o    Invited industry chairman speaker, “Week of Inspiration” Dutch Tax Office Conference (September 2012, Amsterdam)

o    At the ASTANA Economic Forum (AEF) invited “Official” Advisor to Kazakhstan National Holding Company ‘ZERDE’ and ZERDE group of national companies (May 2012) on all areas related to ICT such as: seed funding, accelerators, investments, start-ups, entrepreneurship, research and development, research institute, research clusters, tech parks, international IT University, e-government programs, ICT policy, education, public relations, international conferences, business development, ICT development, …

o    Invited International Program Committee (IPC) and invited Chair/Owner Stream 3 Session 3, “ICT Capacity Building and Economic Growth”, IFIP 2012 World Computer Congress (IPC IFIP WCC2012, March 2012)

o    Invited Member ACM Practitioner Board (ACM PB, January 2012)

o    Invited Founder and Chair ACM Professionalism and Certification Committee (PCC, Feb 2012); Chair ACM Professional Development Committee (PDC) which includes Webinar Committee (WC) and PCC

– ACM: World’s largest educational, scientific, professional association well known for their Turing Awards (Nobel Prize of Computing) and special interest groups such as SIGGRAPH

– 1.5 million users of their digital library; 1 million readers of their primary journal

– over 700 chapters

– 78 publications: including 40 journals and transactions, eight magazines, and 30 newsletters

– 504 conference and related workshop proceedings in its portfolio

– 37 SIGS and some like SIGGRAPH have over 30,000 attendees at their conferences

o    Elected 2012 FEAPO Board Director (Feb 2012), co-chair communications working group

o    Invited FEAPO Board Summit (LA, March 2012)

o    Invited industry chairman and speaker, the 13th Great-Idea International ITO and BPO Delegation visiting China during April 16th – 24th, 2012, in Shanghai, Suzhou, Wuhan and Beijing, participating key events, such as the 2nd CIO Summit and the 2nd China Service Outsourcing Innovation Development and Investment Promotion Summit (COIP) in Suzhou, and the 2nd Green IT Forum and the 6th China Service Outsourcing Industry Development and Cooperation International Forum (CODC) in Wuhan

o    Invited industry chairman and speaker ITU, UNESCO, UNCTAD and UNDP World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), (May 2012)

o    Chair panel session Global Industry Council, IFIP World Computing Congress (September 2012)

o    Invited industry chairman and panel speaker ISACA World Congress (June 2012)

o    Invited industry chairman, global expert and speaker V Astana world Economic Forum (May 2012)

o    Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Award (January 2013–also 2006, 2007, 2008. 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012). “Thank you for empowering the community with your outstanding leadership!” Ballmer CEO, Microsoft; “All of us at Microsoft recognize and appreciate Stephen’s extraordinary contributions… technology’s best and brightest,” Kaplan Vice President, Microsoft.

o    Vice-Chair and Executive Board Director IFIP IP3 (November 2011)

o    Chair and moderator EA panel session (October 2011), IFIP World CIO Forum; invited Vice-Chair IAB World CIO Forum (December 2010).  “Your reputation and influence is well-known in the world of information technology, academia, and CIO group. It is an honor to invite you to be Vice-Chair IAB and contribute your advices and suggestion to the forum. It is our honor to invite you to speak at the first World CIO Forum,” Wujichuan, Chairman of World CIO Forum; President of Chinese Institute of Electronics; Former minister the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of People’s Republic of China.

o    Acting Chairman (October 2011) and Founder IP3 Global Industry Council (IP3-GIC) part of the UN-founded and UNESCO-consultative body (2010), first council of its kind—also serving as founding director on the council and Chief Officer Strategic Relations

o    Appointed Board Director, Federation of Enterprise Architecture Professional Organizations (FEAPO-Sept 2011), Co-Chair Communications Committee (June 2011)

o    Co-opted Board Director IFIP IP3 (Sept 2011)

o    Appointed by acclamation by GITCA and Microsoft, first GITCA Fellow (August 2011) for making “an outstanding contribution to the advancement of the computing profession, IT community, and/or the industry” – to be formally recognized at TechEd NA or TechEd EMEA

o    Appointed Chair (October 2011), formerly Co-chair ACM Practitioners Board, Professional Development Committee (Summer 2011); the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) is the world’s largest educational, scientific, professional organization well known for their Turing Awards (Nobel Prize of Computing)

o    Founding charter delegate, FEAPO (June, 2011); co-chair communications working group (Federation of Enterprise Architecture Professional Organizations)

o    Appointed to IFIP IP3 Board of Directors (May 2011), as Founder Global Industry Council (GIC)

o    First global World CIO Forum (WCF), November 2011, Vice-Chair of the International Advisory Board (appointed December 2010)

o    Invited FEAPO Creation Summit (Federation of Enterprise Architecture Professional Associations–January, 2011 and June 2011)

o    Awarded Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Windows Live (January 2011); previously awarded in 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006.

o    Founder IP3 Global Industry Council (IP3-GIC) part of the UN-founded and UNESCO-consultative body (2010), first council of its kind– serving as founding director on the council and Chief Officer Strategic Relations

o    Appointed Chairman of the Board, The Vine Group, international investment banking and merchant banking group (July 2010)

o    Invited global leader and executive, MS Global User Group Summit (2010)

o    Invited World Computing Congress (WCC), IP3 Day Presenter and Chair of the international panel presentation and discussion from 3 continents on IT Professionalism, What does Industry Want?; Participant IP3 AGM and Board Meeting; Participant Seoul Accord Meeting (2010)

o    Invited global leader and VIP executive by the China government, International Financial Services and BPO Delegation/Summit China–Shanghai, Kunshan, Hangzhou, Ningbo, and executive delegate to Beijing multinational fortune corporations summit (2010)

o    Executive Board Director, Chief Strategic Alliance Officer, Business Plan author, ChinaValue, world’s largest: professional networking and professional services platform, online business social media/wiki/blogs with 2 million entries, business & market intelligence research services / event management group in China; 600,000 researchers / writers / employees / shareholders (100 million reach through partners, more than 1 million premium contributors in 2010); Executive Board Director, ChinaKSP, ChinaSNS2 (2010)

o    Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Award in Windows Live, “technology’s best and brightest…exceptional group …who have demonstrated a willingness to reach out, share their technical expertise with others and help individuals maximize their use of technology” (2010)

o    Requested/invited, appointed by the IP3 Board, UN-founded IFIP IP3 Senior Vice-President Strategic Relations (2010)

o    Appointed, Advisory Board, Neil Squire Society, non-profit organization, innovating new services and technologies for empowering people with special needs, disabilities, and accessibility challenges (2010)

o    Appointed, Board Director, Vine Group, international investment, venture, and merchant banking group (January 2010)

o    Invited global leader and executive Forbes CIO Network forum (2009-present)

o    Invited global leader and executive McKinsey Quarterly Executive Panel and forum (2006-present)—“The McKinsey Quarterly Executive Panel asks selected executives their views on top business trends and on topics relevant to their functional area of expertise. This is a private group for McKinsey Executive Panel members only. We hope you’ll use this space to connect with other members about survey results, new ideas for research, and much else.”

o    60 million audience / readership reach for making connections, networking, growing skills, learning best practices, receiving mentoring, finding useful resources, cementing career lessons: podcast interviews heard in more than 100 countries (60M reach in 2009, ongoing); Interviews initiated in the 1980s’ and now appearing in more than 60 channels worldwide

o    All Star Judge Canadian Business Magazine All-Star Executive Awards awarding the top performing executives (on-going, fall 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006,…)

o    Keynote Deans of IT Summit to the entire national educational community – 100% survey satisfaction rating–providing bursaries, students awards, software, resources, speakers, curriculum, industry insights, government and industry connections, mentoring to schools, faculty, students (February 2009)

o    Keynote non-profit Cisco Academy Academic Conferences for more than 200 secondary and post-secondary institutions – 100% uniformly positive rating, providing bursaries, students awards, software, resources, speakers, curriculum, industry insights, government and industry connections, mentoring to schools, faculty, students (April, May, June 2009)

o    Invitation Ambassador – President Eisenhower-founded and chaired by successive US Presidents, “People-to-People Ambassador Foundation” program (2009, ongoing)

o    Co-manager and invited international consultant to IFIP IP3 Business Plan (recommendations approved July 2009 London, UK)

o    Special Awards Chief Judge Intel International Science & Engineering Fair (ISEF: May 2010); Chair Intel ISEF Awards committee (ACM: 2009/2010)

o    Keynote Career Education Society to K12, post-secondary, governments, industry providing bursaries, students awards, software, resources, speakers, curriculum, industry insights, trends, government and industry connections, mentoring to schools, faculty, teachers, career councillors and students (November 2009)

o    Invited global Education Council meeting (ACM: 2009) for pre-eminent researchers and educatorsJudge Ignite IT Awards (2009) providing national recognition to IT professionals and developers

o    Gold Award, User Group Community, “for your support of User Group Communities Worldwide” (MS Technical Audience Global Marketing, awarded 2009)

o    Global User Group Community Award “for your support of User Group Communities Worldwide and your contribution to UGSS (User Group Support Services)” (MS Technical Audience Global Marketing, awarded 2009)

o    Chief Business Development Officer, invited business plan leader and business plan consultant for the IFIP IP3 implementation (2009); ongoing invited international Advisor to the UN-founded IFIP IP3 – global professionalism/certification/standards (2007-present)

o    Official senior 3rd party advisor and industry analyst to MS Canada (2005-present) and MS Redmond advisor, and advisor insider program (on-going)

o    Invited Chief Editor to MS YouShapeIT/TechNet (2008-2009)

o    MS most valuable Professional Award: Windows Live R&D (only one globally) (2009)

o    Culminis Hall of Fame (2009) for outstanding international contributions to industry, technology and the community

o    Special Awards Judge Intel International Science and Engineering Fair, world’s largest science fair (ACM: 2009/2010)

o    Invited ACM Professions Board, Professional Development Committee (2008-present) working on providing skills growth, mentoring, resources, connections, career support to the global IT professional community

o    First founding Chairman, Global Board of Directors, GITCA (Global IT Community Association) (2008-2009); serving as Board Director/Advisor on the Global Board as immediate past Chairman (Global IT Community Association, world’s largest alliance of IT associations and groups) (2009-present)

o    ASTTBC industry-based, lifetime Advanced Technology Award for Leadership in Information Technology; Premier Campbell “you have distinguished yourself in your field of endeavour promoting pioneering efforts in technology and this award will recognize your considerable contributions with respect to the applications and adaptations of advanced technology to new uses. I commend you for your many achievements and thank you for your commitment to industry excellence” (Fall 2008)


o    Keynotes: IT Executive Alignment Tour; National Council of IT Deans; House of Commons Group; Strategic Architecture Forum; …etc… providing skills growth, career lessons, recognition, prizes, awards, software, resources, speakers, industry insights, trends, job opportunities, government and industry connections, mentoring for IT professionals, best practices, guidance and tools on IT and business alignment (2007 and ongoing)

o    Advisor MS Global IT Advisory Council providing skills and career growth, best practices, industry insights, mentoring, podcasts with industry leaders (2008-Present)

o    Invited International Advisor and Content Contributor/Host UN-Founded International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) International Professional Practice Partnership (IP3); global standards, creating the IT profession, framework for professionalism, global certification, international accreditation program (2007–Present)

o    Contributor as member, certified professional, writer, web-caster, papers, author, interviewer (1991-present); Board Director (2005/6); Vice-president (2006/7); Chairman and President of the CIPS National Board and Executive Committee (2007-2008); serving on the Office of the Executive Council as immediate past President (2008-present). From Prime Minister Harper of Canada while Chairman and President of CIPS, about CIPS, “Your efforts have made positive and lasting contributions to Canada’s economic growth and competitiveness.”

o    Appointed Advisory Board of Sector—produces largest security conference (2006-present)

o    Global MVP Summit Invited for Three Presentations: (1) Open Space, (2) Technical Session, (3) Global User Group Summit providing skills growth, career lessons, recognition, industry insights, trends, job opportunities, government and industry connections, mentoring for IT professionals, best practices, global standards, professionalism, professional certification, IT as a Profession

o    Computer World (Canada) TOP 10 Blogger

o    Global MVP Summit TOP 7 Blogger –two blogs out of seven are Ibaraki’s

o    Global MVP Summit TOP 5 Most Valuable Professional

o    Microsoft Most Valuable Professional [MVP] Award (2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010)

o    NPA board director (2004); Vice Chair, Publisher/managing editor NPA Journal, Chair College of Distinguished Fellows, Chair Editorial Board (5 years from 2005 to 2009); now board director, director certification board, director editorial board, judge international Awards for Professionalism (2004-present)

o    Network Professional Association founding Distinguished Fellow (DFNPA, 2005) for outstanding lifetime contributions to society, industry, education, and technology internationally

o    Appointed National Board, Computers for Success Canada (2005)

o    Gerson Lehrman Group Scholar (GLG Scholar, 2006—outstanding advisor to investment groups)

o    CIPS founding Fellow (FCIPS, 2005), for outstanding lifetime contributions to the profession, society, industry, education, and technology

o    Computing Canada IT Leadership Lifetime Achievement Award sole recipient (2005)


o    Appointed Advisory Board, Prithvi Institute, empowering, mentoring, educating disadvantaged people in India (2004)

o    Information Technology Association of Canada (ITAC) and Industry Canada inaugural IT Hero Award (2002) for outstanding contributions combining technology and innovation to the community

o    First and the only international recipient, global networking industry’s only Career Achievement Award for Professionalism from the NPA, IDG (Network World magazine), CMP (Network Computing magazine), Interop Conference (Las Vegas), Pearson Publishing (world’s largest publisher), Microsoft, Novell, GITCA (largest alliance of IT associations/groups); International Hall of Fame (2002)

o    CIPS Gary Hadford Professional Achievement Award (2001) for outstanding contributions to the advancement of technology and the profession “recognized by their peers for their integrity and expertise, for their outstanding achievements in fields related to information processing, and who have a high degree of competence in their field”


o    CIPS Hall of Fame Inductee (2001), “honour those people who have made an outstanding contribution to the Canadian Information Processing Society and the Canadian IT Profession as a whole”

o    Invited global webcasts to SmartForce/Skillsoft (2000-2001), highest ratings, profiled as “world renowned”

o    Invited keynotes to the Xephon Enterprise Conferences, highest rating in 20 year history, most content produced ever, author 10 books, author several dozen Journal articles/papers

o    Official Industry Advisor and the only IP consultant to the Canadian Office Products Industry (COPA); produced the first industry strategic plan and analysis (600 pages) to guide the industry into computing and IP products and services; keynoted conferences; authored featured articles/papers (1980’s to 90’s)

o    Official Advisor to Atomic Energy of Canada which became Nordion International, world’s largest supplier of RadioPharm products/services; created the world’s first micro-based critical services platform and featured in BC Business; trained scientists; provided strategic guidance (1980’s to 90’s)


o    Multiple Teaching Awards (1980’s)


o    National All-Star Team Award (1980’s)

o    Excellence in writing nomination (Western Magazine Foundation, 1980’s)

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