COLFA Faculty Champions

“COLFA Faculty Champions work for faculty and students in teaching and learning needs in the digital technology domain.”

The COLFA Faculty Champions support faculty across nine departments by providing expert technical assistance and instructional guidance for using learning management systems and new pedagogical tools. COLFA Faculty Champions are dedicated to enhancing teaching and learning experiences by ensuring faculty have the right resources and experience needed to effectively integrate technology into teaching. We strive to foster an environment where faculty can excel in instructional roles and contribute to students’ academic success. We constantly improve teaching with innovative technology by brainstorming and offering better solutions through support.


Seok Kang


Seok Kang, Ph.D.

Professor, Director of Digital Initiatives


Our contribution includes...

  • Support to faculty for the adoption of digital learning tools and implementation of teaching practices
  • Pilot generative AI initiatives

Supporting UTSA initiatives includes...

  • Implement activities for Diverse Learners, UDL and Student Wellbeing in partnership with Student Success and Student Affairs open to the university

Ideas for the future include...

  • Create a repository of resources and teaching tips to support the modern learner (Best Practices in Teaching with Digital Technology and AI)
  • Hosting events on best teaching practices

COLFA Web Champions support our colleagues by providing...

Support for classrooms, including: Digital tools for writing pedagogy, help with hardware and software, the transition to Canvas, sharing campus digital initiatives with faculty, multimodal literacy, including infographics, video blogs, and podcasts, Integrating generative AI tools into assignments, and support for learning and growing

Support for software programs, including: Canvas, Canva, Adobe Express, Adobe Firefly, Padlet, Panopto, Playposit

Department of Anthropology

lpozzi1.pngDr. Luca Pozzi

Dr. Luca Pozzi received his Ph.D. in biological anthropology from New York University in 2013 before joining UTSA in 2016. In 2020, he received both the President’s Distinguished Achievement Award for Core Curriculum Teaching and COLFA Researcher of the Year award. In 2021, he won the University of Texas Board of Regent's Outstanding Teaching Award and in 2023 the UTSA President's Distinguished Achievement Award for Teaching Excellence. When UTSA transitioned to online classes in 2020, Pozzi became the anthropology department’s faculty champion, assisting fellow faculty with technical issues and enhancing their online teaching strategies. Pozzi continuously seeks professional development, earning certifications in Quality Matters and ACUE, and implementing new techniques to improve student engagement. He is known for his unwavering dedication to improving his teaching, ensuring his students feel valued, and helping them build confidence in their abilities. Pozzi’s ability to adapt and innovate in the face of challenges showcases his deep commitment to student learning and his ongoing efforts to become an even better teacher.

Learn more about Dr. Luca Pozzi

Department of Communication

rmcphersoncolfawch.pngRyan McPherson, M.A.

Ryan McPherson, an award-winning Professor of Practice and Faculty Champion at The University of Texas at San Antonio, is an expert in communication and organizational development with a broad range of experience across multiple industries. In addition to founding Storytelling Movement LLC, which helps entrepreneurs and educators elevate communication for business growth, he has created and delivered over 22 university communication courses and helped improve more than 20,000 presentations since 2004. As a Faculty Champion, McPherson supports colleagues by offering guidance on teaching strategies and technical issues, leveraging his expertise in course design and inclusive teaching practices. Ryan has over 10,000 hours of course creation experience and a background in various professional roles. He has contributed to numerous professional development programs, including being an Adobe Creative Campus Faculty Fellow and completing the UTSA Bold Course Development Academy and Strategies for Inclusive Teaching Institute. His ongoing dedication to teaching excellence and innovation is a testament to his commitment to student success and faculty support.

Learn more about Ryan McPherson

Department of English

shumcolfawch.pngDr. Sue Hum

Dr. Sue Hum, a Faculty Champion at The University of Texas at San Antonio, focuses on research in critical race studies, visual rhetoric, and quantitative literacy in professional writing. She has authored Persuading with Numbers (2017) and co-edited two collections, Ways of Seeing, Ways of Speaking (2007) and Relations, Locations, Positions: Composition Theory for Writing Teachers (2006). Hum has served as the Undergraduate Advisor of Record for the Department of English and as Assistant Dean of Assessment for the Quality Enhancement Plan in the College of Liberal and Fine Arts. As a Faculty Champion, she supports her colleagues' research and pedagogy. She has received the President's Distinguished Award for Core Curriculum Teaching in 2015 and the President's Distinguished Award for Innovation and Impact in 2021. She is currently developing modules for using generative AI tools in writing.

Learn more about Dr. Sue Hum

Department of History

acrossoncolfawch.pngAndria Crosson, M.A., M.Ed.

Andria Crosson, a dedicated educator in the Department of History at UTSA, has been teaching at the university since 2006, offering a range of courses across different modalities, from U.S. History surveys to World and East Asian History to the capstone course for the B.A. in History with a Social Studies Concentration Certification. She earned her B.A. and M.A. from UTSA and her M.Ed. from UTRGV in 2023.  Known for her innovative use of educational technology, she designs engaging courses. In 2015, she was awarded the UTSA President’s Distinguished Teaching Award for Teaching Excellence. Andria's exceptional commitment to teaching was nationally recognized in 2024 when she became the first history teacher in Texas to receive the prestigious Eugene Asher Award for Distinguished Teaching from the American Historical Association and the Society for History Education. As a Faculty Champion, Andria also supports her colleagues, sharing her expertise in course development and pedagogical strategies to enhance teaching practices across the university.

Learn more about Andria Crosson

School of Music

dstephencolfawch.pngDr. J. Drew Stephen

Dr. Drew Stephen, an accomplished scholar and performer, serves as a Faculty Champion at UTSA, where he plays a pivotal role in supporting his colleagues with teaching strategies and technical guidance. With a Ph.D. in musicology and expertise in the social and cultural significance of the hunt in nineteenth-century European music, Dr. Stephen's research has garnered international recognition, including numerous publications, book chapters, and a forthcoming book on the Brahms Horn Trio. In addition to his academic pursuits, he is an accomplished performer on both modern and natural horns, having played with prestigious ensembles such as the Tafelmusik Baroque Orchestra and Ars Lyrica Houston. Dr. Stephen’s dedication to teaching excellence was recognized with the 2019 Richard S. Howe Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award and the 2021 President's Distinguished Award for Teaching Excellence, underscoring his impact both in the classroom and as a mentor to faculty through his work as a Faculty Champion.

Learn more about Dr. Drew Stephen

Department of Philosophy and Classics

cbottonecolfawch.pngDr. Carlo Bottone

Dr. Bottone, originally from Milan, Italy, holds a B.A. and M.A. in Classics from the Università degli Studi di Milano and a Ph.D. in Comparative Literature from the City University of New York. His research primarily focuses on Lucretius’ De Rerum Natura and its reception during the early modern period. Before joining UTSA in 2022, he taught at Lehman College, the University of Memphis, and George Mason University. In addition to his scholarly work, Dr. Bottone serves as a Faculty Champion at UTSA, where he supports his colleagues by offering guidance on effective teaching methods, integrating new technologies into the classroom, and helping navigate various academic challenges. His role as a Faculty Champion underscores his commitment not only to his own research and teaching but also to fostering a collaborative and supportive environment for faculty across the university.

Learn more about Dr. Carlo Bottone

Department of Political Science and Geography

nbaghericolfawch.pngDr. Nazgol Bagheri

Dr. Bagheri, an expert in Geography, Urban Planning, and Social Anthropology, has a diverse academic and professional background, having earned degrees in architecture, computer science, and urban design before completing her Ph.D. in Geography and Sociology at the University of Missouri-Kansas City. Her research focuses on the use and design of public spaces, particularly in Middle Eastern contexts, examining the intersections of aesthetics, gender, and spatial boundaries. At UTSA, Dr. Bagheri serves as the Graduate Program Coordinator for the Geography and Environmental Sustainability Program and coordinates the COLFA GIS Lab, where she plays a key role in organizing the annual international GIS Day celebrations. As a Faculty Champion, she supports her colleagues in navigating teaching and technical challenges, fostering collaboration and innovation within the department. Her dedication to teaching excellence was recognized with the 2017 President's Distinguished Teaching Excellence Achievement Award and in 2020 the prestigious University of Texas Board of Regents Distinguished Teaching Award, further highlighting her commitment to both her students and faculty peers.

Learn more about Dr. Nazgol Bagheri

Full List of Faculty Champions



Faculty Champion


Luca Pozzi (

Art and Art History

Dane Patterson (


Ryan McPherson (


Sue Hum (


Andria Crosson (

Modern Languages and Literatures

Nelson Hernandez (


Drew Stephen (

Philosophy and Classics

Carlo Bottone (

Political Science and Geography

Nazgol Bagheri (

COLFA Web Champion Testimonials and Successes

Ryan McPhearson, M.A.
  • Ryan McPherson works with Academic Innovation, Student Success, and programs like UT San Antonio Online, ACUE, and The Student Experience Project to share best practices with faculty. 
  • He has contributed expertise by sharing best practices to help faculty development in UT San Antonio Academic Innovation programs like the Innovation Academy, The AI Peer Learning Network, SEP Students as Partners Program, and The Peer Network for Online Teaching. 
  • In addition to one on one faculty coaching, he maintains a departmental canvas site to help faculty with all digital teaching and learning related questions.

Sue Hum, Ph.D.
  • Digital Initiatives is an invaluable resource in my courses.  The support and opportunities ensure students have access, knowledge, and real- world skills including data analysis and visualization, as well as digital storytelling (Maia Adamina)
  • There could be no better description of our Digital Champion, Sue Hum, than as a true champion. In 2020, we were all plunged into the depths of uncertainty, suddenly needing to switch our courses to online delivery with very little training or knowledge about how to do this.  With unwavering patience, Sue guided each of us through the process of setting up Blackboard and getting us to feel comfortable with Zoom and Panopto.  Nothing was ever beyond her ability—or if it was, she knew how to find the answers. She was tireless in making things work as they should, through thick and thin, with tips, work-arounds, and sage advice. Sue was the light not at the end of the tunnel but inside the tunnel—she was personally responsible for any success we could pull off that semester, and beyond. She rescued us, and I will never forget her selfless generosity (Bridget Drinka)
  • Professor Sue Hum has been heroic in her efforts to keep me, as a teacher and a scholar, functioning within the digital 21st century (Steven Kellman).

Andria Crosson, M.A., M.Ed.
  • Departmental Hub for Canvas Support
  • I turn to Andria for help with all new, required technologies. She helped me learn Canvas and Simple Syllabus, and I hope she will help me master the new accessibility rules. She demystifies what seems at first to be complicated and intimidating. (Elizabeth Reichman)


Drew Stephen, Ph.D. 
  • I participated in the Innovation Academy this summer, and I found it very helpful in terms of pragmatic ways to understand how to improve accessibility for classes. I came away with a lot of resources, examples, helpful tips, etc. I know where to go for help, which is most important (Tracy Cowden)
  • After a 30-year teaching career ACUE ETP enlightened me to the modern student experience. The skills I acquired helped build better connections that lead to motivated students and higher course evaluations! (Sherri Baker)
  • I participated in the Innovation Academy this summer.  I teach musicians how to teach so I didn’t expect to learn anything new about the application of learning theories, but it was interesting to experience another approach to teaching growth mindset. There is something for everyone in this program.  One time one of my students told me, “Why don’t you set up your syllabus and Blackboard like Dr. Stephen? This academy taught me that some of the problems my students were having assessing course materials and getting assignments in on time was because of the way I had my course organized on Canvas.  The academy inspired me to completely reconceptualize my course layout and the benefits were immediately apparent.  (Susan Dill)
  • Participating in the Academic Innovation cohort this past summer was a very positive and motivating experience. The leaders and all members were extremely helpful, encouraging, and knowledgeable. (Sherry Rubins)
  • The faculty peer perspectives and student feedback provided during the course of SEP introduced me to teaching methods and approaches that promote community, belonging, and self-efficacy in the classroom. Thanks to what I have learned as a participant, I now incorporate more space for content reinforcement and exploration and more groupwork for building and strengthening social bonds. (Amy Frishkey)