Zakonodavni postupakVrste zakonodavstva EU-aPlaniranje i predlaganje propisaDonošenje zakonodavstva EU-aEvaluacija i poboljšanje postojećih zakonaOdbor za nadzor regulativePridonesite zakonodavnom postupkuPridonesite zakonodavnom postupkuIznesite prijedloge za poboljšanje zakonodavstvaPokrenite ili podržite europsku građansku inicijativuKonferencija o budućnosti EuropePratite zakonodavni postupakPratite napredak važnih inicijativa na kojima Komisija trenutačno radi i saznajte u kojoj su fazi političkog i zakonodavnog ciklusa. Pretraživanje pravaPravo EU-aNacionalno pravoMeđunarodni sporazumiPravo prema temamaData protectionHuman traffickingOrganised crimePravo o zaštiti potrošačaSprečavanje prijevaraPovredePrimjena prava EU-aPretražite odluke o povredamaGodišnja izvješća o praćenju primjene prava EU-aPress releases on infringementsPrijavite povredu pravaFrequently asked questionsPrekogranični predmetiAdministrative cooperation: circulation of public documentsCourt procedures in cross-border casesIzobrazba pravnih stručnjaka i prakse osposobljavanjaPostupci za pojednostavnjenje prekograničnih predmetaPravosudna suradnjaSudovi nadležni u prekograničnim sporovimaPravosudna izobrazba i profesionalne mrežeIzobrazba pravnih stručnjaka i prakse izobrazbeUdruge i mreže pravnih stručnjakaDirective on the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructureThe directive will contribute to the decarbonisation of transport, reduce EU oil dependence and increase the energy efficiency of road transport.FAQ on the Open Public Consultation on the New Consumer AgendaFrequently Asked Questions on the EU-wide Open Public Consultation (OPC) on ‘the New Consumer Agenda’ launched on on 30 June 2020.Pronađite pravnog stručnjakaIzmiriteljJavni bilježnikOdvjetnikSudski tumačCohesion fund regulationSets out 2014-20 funding objectives for the EU’s Cohesion Fund – a financial instrument that aims to narrow development disparities between EU countries.European Maritime and Fisheries FundThe EMFF seeks to assist those working in the fishing and aquaculture sectors and coastal populations.Common provisions regulationRegulation for the operation of the 5 European structural and investment funds for the period 2014-20.European agricultural fund for rural developmentThe regulation sets out how the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) aims to develop the agricultural sector over the 2014-2020 period, lays down the rules governing the EU’s support for rural development, and explains the EAFRD’s objectives and how it works.European grouping of territorial cooperationRegulation on the clarification, simplification and improvement of the establishment and functioning of European groupings of territorial cooperation.European regional development fundRegulation setting down principles, rules and standards for the implementation of the European regional development fund (ERDF) for 2014-2020.European social fundThe regulation sets down principles, rules and standards for the implementation of the European Social Fund (ESF).European territorial cooperationRegulation on the objectives, criteria and funds available for territorial cooperation between EU regions and countries.Fuel consumption and CO₂ emission information for new carsTo help drivers choose new cars with low fuel consumption, EU countries must ensure cars’ fuel efficiency and CO2 emissions are clearly indicated.Internal electricity market directiveIntroduces common rules for the generation, transmission, distribution and supply of electricity; lays down universal service obligations and consumer rights; and clarifies competition requirements.Medical DevicesSpecific provisions on ED regarding medical devicesPublic procurement reformBy 18 April 2016, EU countries had to transpose 3 new directives into national law - on public procurement, on the water, energy, transport and postal services sectors and on concession contracts.REACH RegulationRegistration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals LegislationReduction in CO2 emissions of new passenger carsThe regulation sets mandatory emission reduction targets for new cars to improve their fuel economy and promotes the production of low/no-emission cars.Reduction of CO2 emissions from vansThe regulation sets mandatory emission reduction targets for new vans to improve their fuel economy and promotes the production of low/no-emission vans.Revision of the energy taxation directiveProposes to tax energy in a way that reflects CO2 emissions and energy content, to support the EU's environmental and energy goals.Road-infrastructure charging of heavy goods vehiclesSets rules on distance-related tolls and time-based user charges (vignettes) for heavy goods vehicles for the use of certain infrastructure.Trans-European transport network (TEN-T)Identifies a list of crucial transport infrastructure projects to remove bottlenecks, build missing connections and promote multi-modal transport.Ugovor o Europskoj uniji – članci o pristupanju EU-uČlankom49. propisuje se pravna osnova za pristupanje bilo koje europske države EU-u, a člankom2. utvrđuju vrijednosti na kojima se EU temelji.Water framework directiveThis directive aims at protecting all forms of water Povezane poveznice Policy by topicPublic procurement rulesBusiness, insolvency and land registers
Zakonodavni postupakVrste zakonodavstva EU-aPlaniranje i predlaganje propisaDonošenje zakonodavstva EU-aEvaluacija i poboljšanje postojećih zakonaOdbor za nadzor regulative
Pridonesite zakonodavnom postupkuPridonesite zakonodavnom postupkuIznesite prijedloge za poboljšanje zakonodavstvaPokrenite ili podržite europsku građansku inicijativuKonferencija o budućnosti Europe
Pratite zakonodavni postupakPratite napredak važnih inicijativa na kojima Komisija trenutačno radi i saznajte u kojoj su fazi političkog i zakonodavnog ciklusa.
Pravo prema temamaData protectionHuman traffickingOrganised crimePravo o zaštiti potrošačaSprečavanje prijevara
PovredePrimjena prava EU-aPretražite odluke o povredamaGodišnja izvješća o praćenju primjene prava EU-aPress releases on infringementsPrijavite povredu pravaFrequently asked questions
Prekogranični predmetiAdministrative cooperation: circulation of public documentsCourt procedures in cross-border casesIzobrazba pravnih stručnjaka i prakse osposobljavanjaPostupci za pojednostavnjenje prekograničnih predmetaPravosudna suradnjaSudovi nadležni u prekograničnim sporovima
Pravosudna izobrazba i profesionalne mrežeIzobrazba pravnih stručnjaka i prakse izobrazbeUdruge i mreže pravnih stručnjaka
Directive on the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructureThe directive will contribute to the decarbonisation of transport, reduce EU oil dependence and increase the energy efficiency of road transport.
FAQ on the Open Public Consultation on the New Consumer AgendaFrequently Asked Questions on the EU-wide Open Public Consultation (OPC) on ‘the New Consumer Agenda’ launched on on 30 June 2020.
Cohesion fund regulationSets out 2014-20 funding objectives for the EU’s Cohesion Fund – a financial instrument that aims to narrow development disparities between EU countries.
European Maritime and Fisheries FundThe EMFF seeks to assist those working in the fishing and aquaculture sectors and coastal populations.
Common provisions regulationRegulation for the operation of the 5 European structural and investment funds for the period 2014-20.
European agricultural fund for rural developmentThe regulation sets out how the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) aims to develop the agricultural sector over the 2014-2020 period, lays down the rules governing the EU’s support for rural development, and explains the EAFRD’s objectives and how it works.
European grouping of territorial cooperationRegulation on the clarification, simplification and improvement of the establishment and functioning of European groupings of territorial cooperation.
European regional development fundRegulation setting down principles, rules and standards for the implementation of the European regional development fund (ERDF) for 2014-2020.
European social fundThe regulation sets down principles, rules and standards for the implementation of the European Social Fund (ESF).
European territorial cooperationRegulation on the objectives, criteria and funds available for territorial cooperation between EU regions and countries.
Fuel consumption and CO₂ emission information for new carsTo help drivers choose new cars with low fuel consumption, EU countries must ensure cars’ fuel efficiency and CO2 emissions are clearly indicated.
Internal electricity market directiveIntroduces common rules for the generation, transmission, distribution and supply of electricity; lays down universal service obligations and consumer rights; and clarifies competition requirements.
Public procurement reformBy 18 April 2016, EU countries had to transpose 3 new directives into national law - on public procurement, on the water, energy, transport and postal services sectors and on concession contracts.
Reduction in CO2 emissions of new passenger carsThe regulation sets mandatory emission reduction targets for new cars to improve their fuel economy and promotes the production of low/no-emission cars.
Reduction of CO2 emissions from vansThe regulation sets mandatory emission reduction targets for new vans to improve their fuel economy and promotes the production of low/no-emission vans.
Revision of the energy taxation directiveProposes to tax energy in a way that reflects CO2 emissions and energy content, to support the EU's environmental and energy goals.
Road-infrastructure charging of heavy goods vehiclesSets rules on distance-related tolls and time-based user charges (vignettes) for heavy goods vehicles for the use of certain infrastructure.
Trans-European transport network (TEN-T)Identifies a list of crucial transport infrastructure projects to remove bottlenecks, build missing connections and promote multi-modal transport.
Ugovor o Europskoj uniji – članci o pristupanju EU-uČlankom49. propisuje se pravna osnova za pristupanje bilo koje europske države EU-u, a člankom2. utvrđuju vrijednosti na kojima se EU temelji.