Orders 2006

Broadcasting Exemption Orders

2006-132 - Amendment to the Exemption order respecting closed circuit video programming undertakings

2006-143 - Exemption order respecting certain network operations


2006-1 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Aliant Telecom Inc. TNs 183 and 183A, Bell Canada TN 6914, NorthernTel, Limited Partnership TN 224 and TBayTel TNs 120 and 121. (streamlined order)

2006-2 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff application: TELUS Communications Inc. TN 186A. (streamlined order)

2006-3 - The Commission approves MTS Allstream Inc.'s Primary Interexchange Carrier/Customer Account Record Exchange Access Customer Handbook filed on 19 August 2005 and amended on 28 November 2005. Reference: 8643-M59-200509929.

2006-4 - The Commission approves the Whole RF Channel Service Agreement between Telesat Canada (Telesat) and Bell ExpressVu Inc. Telesat filed the application on 24 November 2005. Eff. date = 09.01.2006. Reference: 8340-T3-0398/00.

2006-5 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Aliant Telecom Inc. TNs 185 and 186, MTS Allstream Inc. TN 577 and TELUS Communications Inc. TN 194. (streamlined order)

2006-6 - The Commission approves an application by Bell Canada dated 7 October 2004 and amended on 25 July 2005, concerning services provided under customer specific arrangement contract number P3-59. Reference: TNs 830 and 830A (NST).

2006-7 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff application: Aliant Telecom Inc. TN 187. (streamlined order)

2006-8 - The Commission approves on a final basis with changes an application by Bell Canada, dated 15 April 2005, proposing revisions to its General Tariff to introduce item 6001, 3-1-1 service, pursuant to Assignment of 3-1-1 for non-emergency municipal government services , Telecom Decision CRTC 2004-71, 5 November 2004. Reference: TNs 6866 and 6866A.

2006-9 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Canada TNs 6919 and 6920 and Saskatchewan Telecommunications TNs 99 and 100. (streamlined order)

2006-10 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff application: Rogers Home Phone Inc. (formerly Call-Net Communications Inc.) TN 25. (streamlined order)

2006-11 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Dryden Municipal Telephone System TNs 30, 30A and 31, Société en commandite Télébec TN 327 and Téléphone Guèvremont inc. TN 49. (streamlined order)

2006-12 - The Commission approves the following tariff applications: Aliant Telecom Inc. TN 188 and TELUS Communications Inc. TNs 4240 (TCBC) and 554. (streamlined order)

2006-13 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: NorthernTel, Limited Partnership TN 225, Société en commandite Télébec TNs 321 and 321A and Vidéotron ltée TN 13. (streamlined order)

2006-14 - The Commission approves an application by Bell Canada dated 28 May 2004, concerning services provided under customer specific arrangement contract number 10. Reference: Tariff Notice 814 (NST).

2006-15 - The Commission approves on an interim basis Vidéotron ltée TN 16. (streamlined order)

2006-16 - The Commission approves the following tariff applications: Bell Canada TN 6918 and People's Tel Limited Partnership (formerly People's Telephone Company of Forest Inc.) TN 51. (streamlined order)

2006-17 - The Commission approves on an interim basis with changes an application made by TELUS Communications Inc. on 30 June 2005, and amended on 14 December 2005, proposing to introduce Carrier Access Tariff item 226, Wholesale Internet ADSL Service. Eff. date = 20.01.2006. Reference: TNs 187 and 187A.

2006-18 - The Commission approves the following tariff application: Aliant Telecom Inc. TN 189. (streamlined order)

2006-19 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Canada TNs 6919 and 6920 and Saskatchewan Telecommunications TNs 99 and 100. (streamlined order)

2006-20 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Canada TNs 6921 and 6921A and Rogers Home Phone Inc. TN 26. (streamlined order)

2006-21 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: MTS Allstream Inc. TN 578 and Sogetel inc. TN 126. (streamlined order)

2006-22 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an agreement between Société en commandite Télébec and MTS Allstream Inc. Reference: 8340-T78-200600529. (streamlined order)

2006-23 - The Commission approves Bell Canada TN 6917. (streamlined order)

2006-24 - The Commission approves the Bell Canada/Aliant Telecom Inc. Connecting and Operating Agreement. Reference: 8340-B2-200515497. (streamlined order)

2006-25 - The Commission approves the Canadian LNP Consortium Inc. Amending Agreement to the Amended and Restated Unanimous Shareholders Agreement. Reference: 8340-C39-AG0093. (streamlined order)

2006-26 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: TELUS Communications Inc. TNs 196 and 197. (streamlined order)

2006-27 - The Commission approves on a final basis an application by Téléphone Milot inc. concerning changes in its General Tariff. Reference: TNs 28 and 28A.

2006-28 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff application: NorthernTel, Limited Partnership TN 225. (streamlined order)

2006-29 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff application: Téléphone Milot inc. TN 29. (streamlined order)

2006-30 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Aliant Telecom Inc. TNs 190 and 190A, TELUS Communications Inc. TN 4242 (TCBC) and TELUS Communications Inc. TN 415 (TCQ). (streamlined order)

2006-31 - The Commission approves the Interconnection and Settlement Agreement between Société en commandite Télébec and Bell Canada. Reference: 8340-T78-200508799. (streamlined order)

2006-32 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an ex-parte application by Bell Canada, dated 27 January 2006. TN 6923. Eff. date = 01.03.2006.

2006-33 - The Commission approves the Phase III Manual updates filed by Northwestel Inc. on 22 August 2005, and amended on 22 December 2005 and 11 January 2006. Reference: 8654-N1-200510489.

2006-34 - The Commission approves an application by Bell Canada dated 8 December 2005, concerning services provided under customer specific arrangement contract number P3-130. Reference: TN 870 (NST).

2006-35 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Canada TNs 6922 and 6922A, and TELUS Communications Inc. TNs 556 and 556A. (streamlined order)

2006-36 - The Commission approves the following tariff application: Bell Canada TN 6916. (streamlined order)

2006-36-1 - Erratum - The Commission is issuing a revised order to correct Telecom Order CRTC 2006-36, 14 February 2006. Reference: Bell Canada TN 6916.

2006-36-2 - Erratum - Bell Canada - Centrex III Service. Reference: TN 6916.

2006-37 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: MTS Allstream Inc. TN 578, Sogetel inc. TN 126 and Téléphone Milot inc. TN 29. (streamlined order)

2006-38 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Maskatel inc. TN 8, MTS Allstream Inc. TN 579 and TELUS Communications Inc. TNs 199 and 200. (streamlined order)

2006-39 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the ex parte application by Aliant Telecom Inc. Reference: TN 191. Eff. date: 06.03.2006.

2006-40 - The Commission approves on a final basis the agreement for 800 service originating between Société en commandite Télébec and MTS Allstream Inc. Reference: 8340-T78-200600529. (streamlined order)

2006-41 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Aliant Telecom Inc. TN 192, Bell Canada TNs 871 (NST) and 6924, Northwestel Inc. TN 829 and Société en commandite Télébec TN 329. (streamlined order)

2006-42 - The Commission approves on a final basis an application by Société en commandite Télébec, dated 17 June 2005 and amended on 19 December 2005, related to its 2005 price cap filing. Reference: TNs 321 and 321A.

2006-43 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: TELUS Communications Inc. TNs 196 and 197. (streamlined order)

2006-44 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Aliant Telecom Inc. TNs 190 and 190A and TELUS Communications Inc. TNs 4242 (TCBC) and 415 (TCQ). (streamlined order)

2006-45 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bruce Telecom TNs 115 and 115A, CityWest Telephone Corporation TN 92 and Saskatchewan Telecommunications TN 104. (streamlined order)

2006-46 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: TELUS Communications Inc. TNs 4241 (TCBC), 201 and 557 and Société en commandite Télébec TN 331. (streamlined order)

2006-47 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an ex parte application by Bell Canada, dated 24 February 2006. Reference: TN 6926. Eff. date = 31.03.2006.

2006-48 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Canada TNs 6922 and 6922A and TELUS Communications Inc. TNs 556 and 556A. (streamlined order)

2006-49 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Aliant Telecom Inc. TNs 193 and 193A, Bell Canada TNs 6927 and 6928, Saskatchewan Telecommunications TN 103 and TELUS Communications Inc. TN 202. (streamlined order)

2006-50 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Aliant Telecom Inc. TN 192, Bell Canada TNs 871 (NST) and 6924, Northwestel Inc. TN 829 and Société en commandite Télébec TN 329 (streamlined order)

2006-51 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: MTS Allstream Inc. TN 579 and TELUS Communications Inc. TN 199. (streamlined order)

2006-52 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the Telecommunications Interconnection and Service Agreement between TELUS Communications Inc. and Northwestel Inc. Reference: 8340-N1-200602343. (streamlined order)

2006-53 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Saskatchewan Telecommunications TN 105, TBayTel TN 122 and TELUS Communications Inc. TNs 203 and 4243 (TCBC). (streamlined order)

2006-54 - The Commission approves on a final basis an application by TELUS Communications Inc. (TCI), dated 7 February 2006, to revise TCI's Special Facilities Tariff in order to introduce a Type 2 Customer Specific Arrangement under item 693, OC-12 Access & Inter-exchange Channels - Alberta (Edmonton - High Level). Reference: TN 200.

2006-55 - The Commission approves on an interim basis, with amendments, an application by Shaw Cablesystems G.P., under Tariff Notice 8, dated 20 January 2006, in order to modify item 103, Third Party Internet Access (TPIA) service, to revise rates for its TPIA services. Reference: 8740-S9-200600636.

2006-56 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Canada TNs 6930, 6931, 6932 and 6933 and ISP Telecom Inc. TNs 4 and 4A. (streamlined order)

2006-57 - The Commission approves the following tariff application: Bell Canada TN 6925. (streamlined order)

2006-58 - The Commission approves on a final basis, with amendments, applications by Aliant Telecom Inc. requesting approval of amendments to its General Tariff, item 612, Competitor Digital Network Service. Reference: TNs 173, 173A, 173B, 184 and 184A.

2006-59 - The Commission approves, with amendments, an application by MTS Allstream Inc. dated 14 May 2004 and amended on 16 February 2006, requesting approval of amendments to its Supplementary Tariff Access Services for Interconnection with Carriers and Other Service Providers, Access Arrangements, item 125, Competitor Digital Network Services. Reference: TNs 531 and 531A.

2006-60 - The Commission approves on a final basis an application by TELUS Communications Inc. dated 13 September 2005, to revise item 4.01, Radio Tower Access Service, of the former TELUS Communications (Quebec) Inc.'s Access Services Tariff. Reference: TN 412.

2006-61 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bruce Telecom TNs 115 and 115A, CityWest Telephone Corporation TN 92 and Saskatchewan Telecommunications TN 104. (streamlined order)

2006-62 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff application: MTS Allstream Inc. TN 580. (streamlined order)

2006-63 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an ex-parte application by Bell Canada, dated 14 March 2006. Reference: TN 6926A. Eff. date = 31.03.2006.

2006-64 - The Commission approves on an interim basis, with changes, an application by Saskatchewan Telecommunications dated 20 January 2006, proposing the introduction of Aggregated Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line Service under Competitor Access Tariff, item 650.32. It further grants interim approval to the Ethernet Access Service component and the Ethernet CO Connecting Link Service component. Reference: TNs 102 and 69.

2006-65 - The Commission approves on a final basis applications by Bell Canada proposing the introduction of High Speed Metro Service under its General Tariff, item 5030. It further approves the withdrawal of Bell Canada Tariff Notice 6825. Reference: TNs 6755, 6755A, 6798, 6798A, 6825, 6898 and 6901.

2006-66 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: TELUS Communications Inc. TNs 4241 (TCBC), 201 and 557 (former TCI). (streamlined order)

2006-67 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff application: Bell Canada TN 6934. (streamlined order)

2006-68 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an ex parte application by Saskatchewan Telecommunications, dated 1 March 2006 and amended on 16 March 2006. Reference: TNs 106 and 106A. Eff. date = 30.03.2006.

2006-69 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Aliant Telecom Inc. TN 195, MTS Allstream Inc. TN 582, Société en commandite Télébec TNs 330, 330A and 330B, and TELUS Communications Inc. TNs 417 (TCQ) and 418 (TCQ). (streamlined order)

2006-70 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the Master Agreement for Interconnection between Fido Solutions Inc. and ISP Telecom Inc. (streamlined order)

2006-71 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Canada TNs 6927 and 6928 and Saskatchewan Telecommunications TN 103. (streamlined order)

2006-72 - The Commission approves on a final basis the Telecommunications Interconnection and Service Agreement between TELUS Communications Inc. and Northwestel Inc. (streamlined order)

2006-73 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: TbayTel TN 122 and TELUS Communications Inc.TNs 203 and 4243 (TCBC). (streamlined order)

2006-74 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff application: MTS Allstream Inc. TN 580. (streamlined order)

2006-75 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff application: CityWest Telephone Corporation TN 93. (streamlined order)

2006-76 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an ex parte application by Bell Canada, dated 24 March 2006. Reference: TN 6936. Eff. date = 15.05.2006.

2006-77 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Canada TN 6937 and Shaw Telecom Inc. TN 5. (streamlined order)

2006-78 - The Commission approves, with amendments, an application by Northwestel Inc., dated 9 December 2005, to revise two General Tariff items related to the company's service improvement plan. Reference: TN 827.

2006-79 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Canada TNs 6930, 6931, 6932 and 6933. (streamlined order)

2006-80 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff application: TELUS Communications Inc. TN 419 (TCQ). (streamlined order)

2006-81 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff application: Aliant Telecom Inc. TN 191. (streamlined order)

2006-82 - The Commission approves the following tariff application: MTS Allstream Inc. TN 581. (streamlined order)

2006-83 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the Master Agreement for Interconnection between Globility Communications Corporation and ISP Telecom Inc. Reference: 8340-G23-200603300. (streamlined order)

2006-84 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Canada TN 6938, MTS Allstream Inc. TN 583 and TELUS Communications Inc. TNs 4245 (TCBC), 4246 (TCBC), 4247 (TCBC), 4248 (TCBC), 4249 (TCBC), 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 559 (former TCI), 560 (former TCI), 561 (former TCI), 562 (former TCI) and 563 (former TCI). (streamlined order)

2006-85 - The Commission approves on a final basis the Master Agreement for Interconnection between Fido Solutions Inc. and ISP Telecom Inc. Reference: 8340-F21-200602830. (streamlined order)

2006-86 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff application: Bell Canada TN 6934. (streamlined order)

2006-87 - The Commission approves the following tariff applications: TELUS Communications Inc. TNs 4244 (TCBC) and 558 (former TCI). (streamlined order)

2006-88 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Aliant Telecom Inc. TN 195, MTS Allstream Inc. TN 582, Société en commandite Télébec TNs 330, 330A and 330B, and TELUS Communications Inc. TNs 417 (TCQ) and 418 (TCQ). (streamlined order)

2006-89 - The Commission approves on an interim basis agreements between the following parties: TELUS Communications Inc./Aliant Telecom Inc. Reference: 8340-T66-200603838 and 8340-T66-200603820. (streamlined order)

2006-90 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Canada TN 6939 and MTS Allstream Inc. TNs 584 and 585 (streamlined order

2006-91 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff application: CityWest Telephone Corporation TN 93. (streamlined order)

2006-92 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff application: Bell Canada TNs 6923 and 6923A. (streamlined order)

2006-93 - The Commission approves on a final basis the Master Agreement for Interconnection between Globility Communications Corporation and ISP Telecom Inc. Reference: 8340-G23-200603300. (streamlined order)

2006-94 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bruce Telecom TN 116, TELUS Communications Inc. TN 4250 (TCBC) and TELUS Communications Company TNs 211 and 211A. (streamlined order)

2006-95 - The Commission denies the ex parte treatment of the application by Bell Canada, dated 12 April 2006. Reference: TN 6940.

2006-96 - The Commission approves on an interim basis, effective 1 May 2006, the ex parte application by Bell Canada, dated 12 April 2006. Reference: TN 6941.

2006-97 - The Commission approves the following tariff application: Aliant Telecom Inc. TN 194. (streamlined order)

2006-98 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Aliant Telecom Inc. TN 197, Bell Canada TN 6942, Saskatchewan Telecommunications TN 109 and TELUS Communications Inc. TN 212. (streamlined order)

2006-99 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff application: Bell Canada TN 6937. (streamlined order)

2006-100 - The Commission approves applications filed by Bruce Telecom and Huron Telecommunications Co-operative Limited (HuronTel) to expand the local calling area between the Tiverton exchanges and the Ripley exchange. Reference: Bruce Telecom TN 114 and HuronTel TN 26. Eff. date = 01.05.2006.

2006-101 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Canada TNs 6926, 6926A and 6938, MTS Allstream Inc. TNs 583, 584 and 585, and TELUS Communications Inc. TNs 419 (TCQ), 4245 (TCBC), 4246 (TCBC), 4247 (TCBC), 4248 (TCBC), 4249 (TCBC), 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 559 (former TCI), 560 (former TCI), 561 (former TCI), 562 (former TCI) and 563 (former TCI). (streamlined order)

2006-102 - The Commission approves the following tariff application: Saskatchewan Telecommunications TN 108. (streamlined order)

2006-103 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an application by Bell Canada proposing to waive the service connection charge for existing Bell Digital Voice customers who wish to migrate back to residential primary exchange service. Reference: TN 6913.

2006-104 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an application by Saskatchewan Telecommunications dated 15 March 2006, requesting specific revisions to the Ethernet Access Service component and the Ethernet CO Connecting Link component. Reference: TN 69A. Eff date = 04.05.2006.

2006-105 - The Commission approves on a final basis agreements between the following parties: TELUS Communications Inc. and Aliant Telecom Inc. Reference: 8340-T66-200603838 and 8340-T66-200603820. (streamlined order)

2006-106 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the ex parte application by TELUS Communications Company, dated 24 April 2006, subject to a condition. Reference: TN 213.

2006-107 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff application: MTS Allstream Inc. TNs 586 and 586A. (streamlined order)

2006-108 - The Commission approves on an interim basis agreements between the following parties: Shaw Telecom Inc./Saskatchewan Telecommunications and TELUS Communications Company/Aliant Telecom Inc. Reference: 8340-S61-200604646 and 8340-T66-200603846. (streamlined order)

2006-109 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Brooke Telecom Co-operative Ltd. TN 12, Bruce Telecom TN 117, CityWest Telephone Corporation TN 95, Cochrane Telecom Services TN 53, CoopTel TN 62, Dryden Municipal Telephone System TN 32, Gosfield North Communications Co-operative Limited TN 11, Keewatin Municipal Telephone System TNs 14 and 15, Kenora Municipal Telephone System TN 39, La Compagnie de Téléphone de St-Victor TN 37, La Corporation de Téléphone de La Baie TN 33, Le Téléphone de St-Éphrem inc. TN 38, Mornington Communications Co-operative Limited TN 38, North Renfrew Telephone Company Limited TN 29, Ontario Telecommunications Association TN 93, People's Limited Partnership TN 52, TBayTel TN 123, TELUS Communications Company TNs 214 and 215. (streamlined order)

2006-110 - The Commission approves on an interim basis Cochrane Telecom Services' proposed residential rate increases and denies its proposed business rate increases. Reference: TN 52.

2006-111 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff application: Bruce Telecom TN 116. (streamlined order)

2006-112 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Aliant Telecom Inc. TN 199, Bruce Telecom TNs 118 and 118A, Société en commandite Télébec TN 333, TELUS Communications Company TN 564 and La Compagnie de Téléphone de Warwick TN 43. (streamlined order)

2006-113 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the agreements between the following parties: MTS Allstream Inc./Shaw Telecom Inc., MTS Allstream Inc./Globility Communications Corporation, MTS Allstream Inc./Shaw Telecom Inc. and TBayTel/Bell Canada. Reference: 8340-S61-200412916, 8340-M59-200605470, 8340-M59-200605488 and 8340-T8-200605397. (streamlined order)

2006-114 - The Commission approves Northwestel Inc.'s proposal to withdraw Manual Mobile Service in Grassy, Travaillant, Little Chicago and Payne. Reference: TN 828.

2006-115 - The Commission approves on a final basis an application by Société en commandite Télébec, dated 22 February 2006, in order to revise its General Tariff item 4.4, Service Improvement Plan. Reference: TN 331.

2006-116 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Téléphone Guèvremont inc. TN 50, MTS Allstream Inc. TN 587, Ontario Telecommunications Association TN 93A and TELUS Communications Company TNs 420 and 420A (TCQ). (streamlined order)

2006-117 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the Revised Schedule C to the Master Agreement for interconnection between Bell Canada and Vidéotron Télécom ltée. Reference: 8340-B2-0080/00. (streamlined order)

2006-118 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: TELUS Communications Company TNs 4250 (TCBC) and 211 and 211A. (streamlined order)

2006-119 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Aliant Telecom Inc. TN 197, Bell Canada TN 6942, Saskatchewan Telecommunications TN 109 and TELUS Communications Company TN 212. (streamlined order)

2006-120 - The Commission approves an application filed on 28 February 2006 by TELUS Communications Company to add Item 228, Card Swipe Access Service, to its Carrier Access Tariff. Reference: TNs 202 and 202A (NST).

2006-121 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff application. TELUS Communications Company TN 4245A (TCBC) (streamlined order)

2006-122 - The Commission approves on a final basis an agreement between the following parties: Shaw Telecom Inc./Saskatchewan Telecommunications and TELUS Communications Company/Aliant Telecom Inc. Reference: 8340-S61-200604646 and 8340-T66-200603846 (streamlined order)

2006-123 - The Commission approves on a final basis an application by TELUS Communications Company (TCC), which proposed to revise TCC's Carrier Access Tariff, item 225, Competitor Digital Network Access (CDN Access), to rename its fibre-based OC-3 and OC-12 CDN Access services to OC-n CDN Access Linear Unprotected service. Reference: TN 169.

2006-124 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Canada TN 874 (NST), 6950 and 6951, Gosfield North Communications Co-operative Limited TN 13, MTS Allstream Inc. TN 588, NorthernTel, Limited Partnership TN 227, TBayTel TN 124 and TELUS Communications Company TN 216. (streamlined order)

2006-125 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff application: MTS Allstream Inc. TNs 586 and 586A. (streamlined order)

2006-126 - The Commission approves Bell Canada's interconnection agreement with NorthernTel Limited Partnership, and directs that where the agreement makes reference to a tariffed service, the current tariff rates are to be applied. Reference: 8340-B23-200303769.

2006-127 - The Commission approves, with an amendment, an application by Aliant Telecom Inc., dated 31 March 2006, proposing revisions to its General Tariff with respect to item 502 - Digital Exchange Access Service, item 503 - Digital Switched Service, and item 504 - Megalink Service. Reference: TN 196.

2006-128 - The Commission approves TELUS Communications Company's application to destandardize Non-Listed Telephone Numbers service in Alberta. Reference: TN 204.

2006-129 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff application: Bell Canada TN 6941. (streamlined order)

2006-130 - The Commission approves, with amendments, TBayTel's Dedicated Services Interconnection and Settlement Agreement with Bell Canada. Further, given that the agreement is to be effective retroactive to 1 January 2003, the Commission approves on a final basis the 2002 network access tariffs for TBayTel. Reference: 8340-T8-200605397.

2006-131 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an application by Bell Canada dated 25 April 2006, for revisions to its General Tariff item 5030, High Speed Metro Service. Reference: TN 6943.

2006-132 - The Commission approves the following tariff applications: Amtelecom Inc. TN 58, Société en commandite Télébec TN 332 and TELUS Communications Company TN 416 (TCQ). (streamlined order)

2006-133 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Canadian Alliance of Publicly-Owned Telecommunications Systems TN 20, Hay Communications Co-operative Limited TN 27, NorthernTel, Limited Partnership TN 226, Quadro Communications Co-operative Inc. TN 23, Société en commandite Télébec TN 335, TELUS Communications Company TNs 186B and 187B and Wightman Telecom Ltd. TN 26. (streamlined order)

2006-134 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Canada TN 6949, MTS Allstream Inc. TN 589 and Saskatchewan Telecommunications TN 110. (streamlined order)

2006-135 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Aliant Telecom Inc. TN 199, Brooke Telecom Co-operative Ltd. TN 12, Bruce Telecom TNs 117, 118 and 118A, CityWest Telephone Corporation TN 95, Cochrane Telecom Services TN 53, CoopTel TN 62, Dryden Municipal Telephone System TN 32, Gosfield North Communications Co-operative Limited TN 11, La Compagnie de Téléphone de St-Victor TN 37, La Corporation de Téléphone de La Baie TN 33, Le Téléphone de St-Éphrem inc. TN 38, Mornington Communications Co-operative Limited TN 38, North Renfrew Telephone Company Limited TN 29, People's Limited Partnership TN 52, TBayTel TN 123, Société en commandite Télébec TN 333, Téléphone Guèvremont inc. TN 50, TELUS Communications Company TNs 215, 420 and 420A (TCQ) and 564 (former TCI) and La Compagnie de Téléphone de Warwick TN 43. (streamlined order)

2006-136 - The Commission approves on a final basis an agreement between the following parties: MTS Allstream Inc./Shaw Telecom Inc., MTS Allstream Inc./Globility Communications Corporation and MTS Allstream Inc./Shaw Telecom Inc. Reference: 8340-S61-200412916, 8340-M59-200605470 and 8340-M59-200605488. (streamlined order)

2006-137 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: La Cie de Téléphone de Courcelles Inc. TN 27, Kenora Municipal Telephone System TNs 40 and 40A and Sogetel inc. TN 127. (streamlined order)

2006-138 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the Master Agreement for CLEC-IXC Interconnection between Fido Solutions Inc. and Buzz Telecom Inc. Reference: 8340-F21-200605868. (streamlined order)

2006-139 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Amtelecom Inc. TN 59, Bruce Telecom TN 119, CityWest Telephone Corporation TNs 94, 94A and 94B, Cochrane Telecom Services TN 54, Nexicom Telecommunications Inc. TN 30, Nexicom Telephones Inc. TN 29, Ontera TN 115, People's Tel Limited Partnership TN 53, TBayTel TN 125, TELUS Communications Company TNs 217 and 218 and Tuckersmith Communications Co-operative Limited TN 22. (streamlined order)

2006-140 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff application: Ontario Telecommunications Association TNs 93 and 93A. (streamlined order)

2006-141 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following agreements: Revised Schedule C to the Master Agreement for Interconnection between Bell Canada/Vidéotron Télécom ltée and the Master Agreement for Interconnection between Fido Solutions Inc./Buzz Telecom Inc. (streamlined order)

2006-142 - The Commission approves on an interim basis, subject to a condition, an application from Bell Canada, dated 9 May 2006, proposing the addition of General Tariff item 106 - Accelerated Delivery Interval - Market Trial. Eff. Date = 09.06.2006. Reference: TN 6946.

2006-143 - The Commission approves on an interim basis, with an exception, the ex parte application by Saskatchewan Telecommunications, dated 29 March 2006. Reference: TN 107.

2006-144 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff application: TELUS Communications Company TN 4245A (TCBC). (streamlined order)

2006-145 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Aliant Telecom Inc. TN 201, Bell Canada TNs 6954 and 6955, and TELUS Communications Company TNs 219 and 4251 (TCBC). (streamlined order)

2006-146 - The Commission approves the following tariff application: Bell Canada TN 857 (NST). (streamlined order)

2006-147 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the Revised Schedule C to the CLEC/ILEC interconnection agreement between MTS Allstream Inc. and Bell Canada. Reference: 8340-M15-0433/01. (streamlined order)

2006-148 - The Commission approves on a final basis the CLEC/ILEC interconnection agreement and the Interconnection Agreement for the Provision of 9-1-1 Service to a Competitive Local Exchange Carrier between MetroNet and Bell Canada. Reference: 8340-M15-0433/00. (streamlined order)

2006-149 - The Commission approves on a final basis an application by TELUS Communications Company, dated 1 May 2006, proposing a revision to the company's Special Facilities Tariff, item 689, Customer Specific Business Service - (Alberta Only). Reference: TN 214.

2006-150 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Brooke Telecom Co-operative Ltd. TN 13, Huron Telecommunications Co-operative Limited TN 27, Saskatchewan Telecommunications TN 111, Société en commandite Télébec TNs 334 and 334A, TELUS Communications Company TNs 565, 220, 4252 (TCBC) and 422 (TCQ), and Vidéotron ltée TN 17. (streamlined order)

2006-151 - The Commission approves on a final basis Keewatin Municipal Telephone System Tariff Notices 14 and 15, and Kenora Municipal Telephone System Tariff Notice 39, including the withdrawal of the Keewatin Municipal Telephone System General Tariff.

2006-152 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Canada TNs 874 (NST), 6950 and 6951, Gosfield North Communications Co-operative Limited TN 13, TBayTel TN 124 and TELUS Communications Company TN 216. (streamlined order)

2006-153 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Execulink Telecom Inc. TN 44, Kenora Municipal Telephone System TNs 41 and 41A, La Compagnie de Téléphone de Lambton Inc. TN 38, MTS Allstream Inc. TN 591, North Frontenac Telephone Corporation Ltd. TN 28, Northwestel Inc. TN 830, Saskatchewan Telecommunications TN 112 and TELUS Communications Company TN 423 (TCQ). (streamlined order)

2006-154 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the Master Agreement for interconnection between LECs (MALI) between TELUS Communications Company and Bragg Communications Inc. (streamlined order)

2006-155 - The Commission approves on a final basis, with amendments, an application by Bell Canada, dated 27 October 2005 and amended 22 December 2005, concerning services provided under customer specific arrangement contract number P3-177. Reference: TNs 867 and 867A (NST).

2006-156 - The Commission approves on an interim basis Term Sheets modifying existing Agreements between Bell Canada and Aliant Telecom Inc. Reference: 8340-B2-200605412. (streamlined order)

2006-157 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Canada TNs 6956 and 6957, MTS Allstream Inc. TN 590, Compagnie de téléphone Nantes inc. TN 22, Ontera TN 116, Roxborough Telephone Company Limited TN 9, Société d'administration des tarifs d'accès des télécommunicateurs TN 42, TELUS Communications Company TN 221 and Westport Telephone Company Limited TN 31. (streamlined order)

2006-158 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Canadian Alliance of Publicly-Owned Telecommunications Systems TN 20, Hay Communications Co-operative Limited TN 27, MTS Allstream Inc. TN 587, NorthernTel, Limited Partnership TN 226, Quadro Communications Co-operative Inc. TN 23, Société en commandite Télébec TN 335 and Wightman Telecom Ltd. TN 26. (streamlined order)

2006-159 - The Commission approves, with changes, an application by Téléphone Guèvremont inc. (Guèvremont), dated 9 June 2005, for approval of a Dedicated Services Interconnection and Settlement Agreement between Guèvremont and Bell Canada. Reference: 8340-G1-200507494.

2006-160 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: La Cie de Téléphone de Courcelles Inc. TN 27 and Kenora Municipal Telephone System TNs 40 and 40A. (streamlined order)

2006-161 - Introduction of Bell Communications' General Tariff, Exchange Services Tariff, Access Services Tariff, and Special Facilities Tariff, and revisions to Bell Canada's General Tariff and National Services Tariff. Reference: Bell Communications TNs 1, 1A, 1B, 2, 2A, 3, 4, 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D, 5, 5A, 6, 6A, and 7, and related agreements; Bell Canada TNs 6935, 6944, 6944A, and 6952; Bell Canada TN 873 (NST) and Master Interconnection Agreement.

2006-162 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Canada TN 6958, Société d'administration des tarifs d'accès des télécommunicateurs TN 43, Sogetel inc. TN 128, Téléphone Milot inc. TN 30, TELUS Communications Company TNs 424 (TCQ), 425 (TCQ), 426 (TCQ), 427 (TCQ) and 222. (streamlined order)

2006-163 - The Commission approves on a final basis an agreement between the following parties: MTS Allstream Inc./Bell Canada and TELUS Communications Company/ Bragg Communications Inc. Reference: 8340-M15-0433/01 and 8340-T42-200607591. (streamlined order)

2006-164 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Amtelecom Inc. TN 59, Bruce Telecom TN 119, CityWest Telephone Corporation TNs 94, 94A and 94B, Cochrane Telecom Services TN 54, Nexicom Telecommunications Inc. TN 30, Nexicom Telephones Inc. TN 29, Ontera TN 115, People's Tel Limited Partnership TN 53, TBayTel TN 125, TELUS Communications Company TN 218 and Tuckersmith Communications Co-operative Limited TN 22. (streamlined order)

2006-165 - The Commission approves, with an amendment, an application by TELUS Communications Company requesting to grandfather General Tariff item 430, Deductions - Churches, Community Centres and Senior Citizen Drop-In Centres. Reference: TN 555.

2006-166 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Saskatchewan Telecommunications TN 114 and TELUS Communications Company TNs 223 and 224. (streamlined order)

2006-167 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Aliant Telecom Inc. TN 201, Bell Canada TNs 6954 and 6955 and TELUS Communications Company TN 219. (streamlined order)

2006-168 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Canada TNs 6929, 6929A, 6953, 6959 and 6962, Gosfield North Communications Co-operative Limited TN 14, NorthernTel Limited Partnership TNs 228 and 228A and TELUS Communications Company TNs 428 (TCQ), 225 and 225A. (streamlined order)

2006-169 - The Commission approves on an interim basis, effective 6 July 2006, the ex parte application by Aliant Telecom Inc., dated 16 June 2006. Reference: TN 202. (streamlined order)

2006-170 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the Agreement Specifying the Procedures of the Interexchange Carrier Group between Saskatchewan Telecommunications and Shaw Telecom Inc. Reference: 8340-S22-200608333. (streamlined order)

2006-171 - The Commission approves on an interim basis, effective 10 July 2006 , the ex parte application by Bell Canada, dated 19 June 2006. Reference: TN 6960. (streamlined order)

2006-172 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications, conditional of Bell Canada confirming to the Commission in writing that the establishment of the income trust has been completed: Bell Communications TNs 8, 9, 10 and 12 and Bell Canada TN 6961. (streamlined order)

2006-173 - The Commission approves on an interim basis, effective 10 July 2006, the ex parte application by Bell Communications, dated 19 June 2006, conditional of Bell Canada confirming to the Commission in writing that the establishment of the income trust has been completed. Reference: TN 11. (streamlined order)

2006-174 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Brooke Telecom Co-operative Ltd. TN 13, Huron Telecommunications Co-operative Limited TN 27, Saskatchewan Telecommunications TN 111, Société en commandite Télébec TNs 334 and 334A, and TELUS Communications Company TN 422 (TCQ). (streamlined order)

2006-175 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Execulink Telecom Inc. TN 44, Kenora Municipal Telephone System TNs 41 and 41A, La Compagnie de Téléphone de Lambton Inc. TN 38, MTS Allstream Inc. TN 591, North Frontenac Telephone Corporation Ltd. TN 28, Northwestel Inc. TN 830, Saskatchewan Telecommunications TN 112, Sogetel inc. TN 127 and TELUS Communications Company TN 423 (TCQ). (streamlined order)

2006-176 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff application: TELUS Communications Company TN 226. (streamlined order)

2006-177 - The Commission approves on an interim basis, effective 14 July 2006, the ex parte application by Bell Canada, dated 29 June 2006. (streamlined order) Reference: TN 875 (NST).

2006-178 - The Commission approves on an interim basis, with changes, an application by Aliant Telecom Inc. dated 18 October 2005, as amended on 24 October 2005 and 21 April 2006, to introduce the General Tariff item 626, ADSL Access Service. Reference: TNs 180, 180A and 180B.

2006-179 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Canada TN 6963, Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 13 and 14 and MTS Allstream Inc. TN 592. (streamlined order)

2006-180 - Revisions to rates for certain services in the former TELUS Communications (Québec) Inc.'s Residential Optional Local Services in High-cost Serving Areas sub-basket, Single and Multi-line Business Local Exchange Services basket, and Other Capped Services basket. Reference: TN 421.

2006-181 - The Commission approves on a final basis an application by TELUS Communications Company dated 30 May 2006, and ratifies the charging of the monthly rate approved in Telecom Order CRTC 2002-455, 9 December 2002, from 9 December 2005 to 14 June 2006. Reference: TN 217.

2006-182 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Canada TNs 6956, 6957 and 6958, MTS Allstream Inc. TN 590, Compagnie de téléphone Nantes inc. TN 22, Ontera TN 116, Roxborough Telephone Company Limited TN 9, Société d'administration des tarifs d'accès des télécommunicateurs TNs 42 and 43, Sogetel inc. TN 128, Téléphone Milot inc. TN 30, TELUS Communications Company TNs 221, 222, 424 (TCQ), 425 (TCQ), 426 (TCQ) and 427 (TCQ) and Westport Telephone Company Limited TN 31. (streamlined order)

2006-183 - The Commission approves with modifications an application by Bell Canada, dated 15 May 2006, proposing revisions to its Access Services Tariff, item 130, Competitor Digital Network Services. Reference: Tariff Notice 6948.

2006-184 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Aliant Telecom Inc. TN 204, Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 15, 16, 16A and 19, Bell Canada TNs 6964, 6965 and 6968 and La Compagnie de Téléphone de Lambton Inc. TN 39. (streamlined order)

2006-185 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an application by Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel), dated 16 June 2006, proposing revisions to its General Tariff - Basic Services item 105.16, SaskTel Unserved Premises Improvement Tariff, to extend the availability of this tariff from 1 June 2006 to 31 May 2008. Reference: TN 113.

2006-186 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the Interconnection Agreement for the Provision of 9-1-1 Service to a Competitive Local Exchange Carrier and the Master Agreement for CLEC-IXC Interconnection between Téléphone Drummond Inc. and Bell Canada. Reference: 8340-T101-200609100 and 8340-T101-200609117. (streamlined order)

2006-187 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff application: Bell Canada TN 6943. (streamlined order)

2006-188 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bruce Telecom TN 120, TELUS Communications Company TN 565A and La Compagnie de Téléphone Upton Inc. TN 39. (streamlined order)

2006-189 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an application by Bell Canada, dated 14 June 2004, as amended on 19 October and 1 November 2004, to introduce item 124, Ethernet T1 Access, to its Access Services Tariff. Reference: TNs 6823, 6823A and 6823B.

2006-190 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Saskatchewan Telecommunications TN 114 and TELUS Communications Company TNs 223 and 224. (streamlined order)

2006-191 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TN 17 and Bell Canada TN 6966. (streamlined order)

2006-192 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an application by Saskatchewan Telecommunications, dated 6 July 2006, in order to remove the community of Pike Lake's status as an island base rate area. Reference: TN 116.

2006-193 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TN 20, Bell Canada TN 6969, TELUS Communications Company TNs 4254 (TCBC), 228 and 566. (streamlined order)

2006-194 - Introduction of Bell Aliant's General Tariff, Exchange Services Tariff, Access Services Tariff, and Special Facilities Tariff, and revisions to Bell Canada's General Tariff and National Services Tariff. Reference: Bell Communications TNs 1, 1A, 1B, 2, 2A, 3, 4, 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D, 5, 5A, 6, 6A, and 7, and related agreements; Bell Canada TNs 6935, 6944, 6944A, and 6952; Bell Canada TN 873 (NST) and Master Interconnection Agreement.

2006-194-1 - The Commission is issuing corrections to paragraph 7 of BellCanada - Introduction of Bell Aliant's General Tariff, Exchange Services Tariff, Access Services Tariff, and Special Facilities Tariff, and revisions to Bell Canada's General Tariff and National Services Tariff, Telecom Order CRTC 2006-194, 26 July 2006. Reference: Bell Communications TNs 1, 1A, 1B, 2, 2A, 3, 4, 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D, 5, 5A, 6, 6A, and 7, and related agreements, Bell Canada TNs 6935, 6944, 6944A, and 6952, Bell Canada (NST) TN 873 and Master Interconnection Agreement.

2006-195 - The Commission approves an application by Bell Canada, dated 12 April 2006, proposing revisions to General Tariff item 100, Work Function Structure, related to service charges applicable for residence individual line service. Reference: TN 6940.

2006-196 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff application: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TN 21. (streamlined order)

2006-197 - The Commission approves on an interim basis, effective 31 July 2006, the ex parte application by Bell Canada dated 17 July 2006. Reference: TN 876 (NST).

2006-198 - The Commission approves on a final basis the Agreement Specifying the Procedures of the Interexchange Carrier Group between Saskatchewan Telecommunications and Shaw Telecom Inc. Reference: 8340-S22-200608333. (streamlined order)

2006-199 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Gosfield North Communications Co-operative Limited TN 14, NorthernTel Limited Partnership TNs 228 and 228A and TELUS Communications Company TNs 428 (TCQ), 225 and 225A. (streamlined order)

2006-200 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff application: TELUS Communications Company TN 226. (streamlined order)

2006-201 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TN 22, Bell Canada TN 6970, Cochrane Telecom Services TN 56, Kenora Municipal Telephone System TN 42, Saskatchewan Telecommunications TNs 115 and 117 and TELUS Communications Company TN 229. (streamlined order)

2006-202 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following agreements: Saskatchewan Telecommunications; Shaw Telecom Inc./Saskatchewan Telecommunications; and TELUS Communications Company/Cogeco Cable Canada Inc. Reference: 8340-S22-200609323; 8340-S61-200609448; and 8340-T66-200609331. (streamlined order)

2006-203 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Canada TN 6963, Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 13 and 14 and MTS Allstream Inc. TN 592. (streamlined order)

2006-204 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Canada TN 877 (NST), Kenora Municipal Telephone System TNs 43 and 43A, MTS Allstream Inc. TN 593, Shaw Telecom Inc. TNs 6 and 6A and TELUS Communications Company TN 567. (streamlined order)

2006-205 - The Commission approves on a final basis the applications by Bell Canada to revise Bell Aliant's and Bell Canada's tariffs. Reference: Bell Communications TNs 8, 9, 10 and 12 and Bell Canada TN 6961.

2006-205-1 - The Commission is issuing corrections to paragraph 7 of Revisions to Bell Aliant's and Bell Canada's tariffs, Telecom Order CRTC 2006-205, 9 August 2006. Reference: Bell Communications TNs 8, 9, 10 and 12, and Bell Canada TN 6961.

2006-206 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the Master Agreement for Interconnection between Saskatchewan Telecommunications and Shaw Telecom Inc. Reference: 8340-S22-200609688. (streamlined order)

2006-207 - The Commission approves on a final basis Saskatchewan Telecommunications TN 116. (streamlined order)

2006-208 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Aliant Telecom Inc. TN 202, Bruce Telecom TN 120 and La Compagnie de Téléphone Upton Inc. TN 39. (streamlined order)

2006-209 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff application: Bell Canada TN 6973 and 6973A. (streamlined order)

2006-210 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Aliant Telecom Inc. TN 204; Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 15, 16, 16A and 19; Bell Canada TNs 875 (NST), 6964, 6965 and 6968; and La Compagnie de Téléphone de Lambton Inc. TN 39. (streamlined order)

2006-211 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TN 20, Bell Canada TN 6969 and TELUS Communications Company TNs 4254 (TCBC) and 228. (streamlined order)

2006-212 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Aliant Telecom Inc. TN 206, Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TN 25, Bell Canada TNs 6974 and 6975, Bruce Telecom TNs 121 and 121A and Vidéotron ltée TN 18. (streamlined order)

2006-213 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the Agreement to Provision Provincial 9-1-1 Service of TELUS Communications Company. Reference: 8340-T66-200609761. (streamlined order)

2006-214 - The Commission approves on a final basis the Interconnection Agreement for the Provision of 9-1-1 Service to a Competitive Local Exchange Carrier and the Master Agreement for CLEC-IXC Interconnection between Téléphone Drummond Inc. and Bell Canada. Reference: 8340-T101-200609100 and 8340-T101-200609117. (streamlined order)

2006-215 - The Commission approves on a final basis an application by Bell Canada, dated 2 March 2006 and amended 30 May 2006, in which the company proposed revisions to its General Tariff item 24 - Resale and Sharing as well as to its Access Services Tariff item 315 - Zero-Dialed Emergency Call Routing Service in order to reflect the Commission's directives in VoIP 9-1-1 call routing, Telecom Decision CRTC 2006-5. Reference: TNs 6929 and 6929A.

2006-216 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following agreements: Saskatchewan Telecommunications; Shaw Telecom Inc. and Saskatchewan Telecommunications; and TELUS Communications Company and Cogeco Cable Canada Inc. Reference: 8340-S22-200609323, 8340-S61-200609448 and 8340-T66-200609331. (streamlined order)

2006-217 - The Commission approves on an interim basis, subject to modifications, an application by Aliant Telecom Inc., now Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership, dated 29 May 2006, to introduce General Tariff item 624, ADSL WAN Service. Reference: TN 200.

2006-217-1 - Erratum - Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership - Asymmetric digital subscriber line wide area network service. Reference: TN 200.

2006-218 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an ex parte application by Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership, dated 14 August 2006. Reference: TN 27. Eff. date = 28.08.2006. (streamlined order)

2006-219 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an ex parte application by Bell Canada, dated 14 August 2006. Reference: TN 6977. Eff. date = 28.08.2006. (streamlined order)

2006-220 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Canada TN 6976, Bell Canada TN 878 (NST), Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 26 and 28, Maskatel inc. TN 9 and Téléphone Drummond Inc. TN 3. (streamlined order)

2006-221 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff application: TELUS Communications Company TN 4251 (TCBC). (streamlined order)

2006-222 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff application: Bell Canada TNs 6839 and 6839A. (streamlined order)

2006-223 - The Commission approves, with some modifications, an application by Sogetel inc., on behalf of itself and Téléphone Milot inc., dated 27 April 2006, requesting that the Commission approve, pursuant to section 29 of the Telecommunications Act, a proposed support structure agreement. Reference: 8340-S4-200605405.

2006-224 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TN 22, Bell Canada TN 6970, Cochrane Telecom Services TN 56, Kenora Municipal Telephone System TNs 42, 43 and 43A, MTS Allstream Inc. TN 593, Saskatchewan Telecommunications TNs 115 and 117 and TELUS Communications Company TNs 566 and 567. (streamlined order)

2006-225 - The Commission approves on a final basis the Master Agreement for Interconnection between Saskatchewan Telecommunications and Shaw Telecom Inc. Reference: 8340-S22-200609688. (streamlined order)

2006-226 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TN 29, Bell Canada TN 6978 and MTS Allstream Inc. TN 594. (streamlined order)

2006-227 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the Telecommunications Interconnection Agreement between Bell Canada and Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership. Reference: 8340-B2-200610338. (streamlined order)

2006-228 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff application: MTS Allstream Inc. TNs 595 and 595A. (streamlined order)

2006-229 - The Commission approves on a final basis the Agreement to Provision Provincial 9-1-1 Service for TELUS Communications Company. Reference: 8340-T66-200609761. (streamlined order)

2006-230 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff application: Bell Canada TN 876 (NST). (streamlined order)

2006-231 - The Commission approves on an interim basis TELUS Communications Company's proposed revisions to its Special Facilities Tariff item 201, effective the date of this Order, and ratifies the charging of the expired rates from 1 January 2006 to the date of this Order. Reference: TN 230.

2006-232 - The Commission approves on an interim basis Saskatchewan Telecommunications' (SaskTel) Ethernet Transport Service component of the Ethernet Access Services and Agreement. SaskTel filed Tariff Notices 69A and 69B on 15 March and 5 June 2006 respectively. Reference: TNs 69A and 69B.

2006-233 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Canada TNs 6973 and 6973A and TELUS Communications Company TN 142. (streamlined order)

2006-234 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 207 (Aliant Telecom Inc.) and TN 32. (streamlined order)

2006-235 - The Commission approves the following tariff application: Bell Canada TN 872 (NST). (streamlined order)

2006-236 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 30, 31, 33 and 34, Bell Canada TN 6979, EastLink TN 18, ExaTEL Inc. TNs 10 and 10A, Globility Communications Corporation TNs 9 and 9A, MTS Allstream Inc. TNs 25 and 596, Northwestel Inc. TN 835, Saskatchewan Telecommunications TNs 119 and 119A and TELUS Communications Company TNs 429 (TCQ), 231 and 232. (streamlined order)

2006-237 - The Commission approves TELUS Communications Company's application to destandardize TCBC General Tariff item 370, Data Access System service, in British Columbia. Reference: TN 4253.

2006-238 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 206 (Aliant Telecom Inc.) and 25 and Bell Canada TNs 6974, 6975 and 877 (NST). (streamlined order)

2006-239 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Northwestel Inc. TN 836 and TELUS Communications Company TN 233. (streamined order)

2006-240 - The Commission approves on an interim basis, with amendments, an application from Saskatchewan Telecommunications, dated 4 August 2006 and amended on 30 August 2006, to introduce OC-12 central office channelization features for competitors. Reference: TNs 118 and 118A.

2006-241 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Canada TNs 6976 and 878 (NST) and Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 26 and 28. (streamlined order)

2006-242 - The Commission approves on an interim basis two agreements between the following parties: Rogers Cable Communications Inc. and Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership. Reference: 8340-R31-200611021 and 8340-R31-200611047. (streamlined order)

2006-243 - The Commission approves the following tariff application: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TN 205 (Aliant Telecom Inc.). (streamlined order)

2006-244 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 208 (Aliant Telecom Inc.) and 35, Bell Canada TN 6980, MTS Allstream Inc. TN 597 and Saskatchewan Telecommunications TN 121. (streamlined order)

2006-245 - The Commission approves on a final basis the Telecommunications Interconnection Agreement betweem Bell Canada and Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership. Reference: 8340-B2-200610338. (streamlined order)

2006-246 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: TBayTel TN 126 and TELUS Communications Company TNs 569 (former TCI), 4256 (TCBC) and 430 (TCQ). (streamlined order)

2006-247 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 37 and 38, Bell Canada TN 6982, Saskatchewan Telecommunications TN 122 and TELUS Communications Company TNs 4257 (TCBC), 570 and 571 (former TCI), and 431 and 432 (TCQ). (streamlined order)

2006-248 - The Commission approves the following tariff applications: Gosfield North Communications Co-operative Limited TN 15 and Northwestel Inc. TN 833. (streamlined order)

2006-249 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 27A and 40, Bell Canada TNs 6977A and 6983, MTS Allstream Inc. TN 599 and TELUS Communications Company TNs 433 (TCQ) and 234. (streamlined order)

2006-250 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 207 (Aliant Telecom Inc.) and 32 and MTS Allstream Inc. TNs 595 and 595A. (streamlined order)

2006-251 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 210 (Aliant Telecom Inc.) and 39 and 39A, and Bell Canada TN 6984. (streamlined order)

2006-252 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the Master Agreement for Interconnection between Téléphone Drummond Inc. and Bell Canada. Reference: 8340-T101-200609092. (streamlined order)

2006-253 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TN 31, MTS Allstream Inc. TN 596 and Northwestel Inc. TN 835. (streamlined order)

2006-251 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 210 (Aliant Telecom Inc.) and 39 and 39A, and Bell Canada TN 6984. (streamlined order)

2006-252 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the Master Agreement for Interconnection between Téléphone Drummond Inc. and Bell Canada. Reference: 8340-T101-200609092. (streamlined order)

2006-253 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TN 31, MTS Allstream Inc. TN 596 and Northwestel Inc. TN 835. (streamlined order)

2006-254 - The Commission approves on a final basis, with a condition, an application by Bell Canada, dated 30 May 2006, proposing revisions to its VoIP 9-1-1 Call Routing Service to add a provision that would clearly identify the service as discretionary and available in parallel with its Zero-Dialed Emergency Call Routing Service. Reference: TN 6953.

2006-255 - The Commission approves on an interim basis, with changes, an application by Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership dated 26 July 2006, as amended on 6 September 2006, which proposed to revise its Gateway Access Service, to upgrade a number of the transmission speeds without rate changes. Reference: TNs 24 and 24A.

2006-256 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: MTS Allstream Inc. TN 594, Northwestel Inc. TN 836 and TELUS Communications Company TN 233. (streamlined order)

2006-257 - The Commission approves on a final basis two agreements between Rogers Cable Communications Inc. and Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership. Reference: 8340-R31-200611021 and 8340-R31-200611047. (streamlined order)

2006-258 - The Commission approves on an interim basis, with changes, an application by Bell Canada dated 26 July 2006, as amended on 6 September 2006, which proposed to revise its Gateway Access Service to upgrade a number of the transmission speeds without rate changes. Reference: TNs 6972 and 6972A.

2006-259 - The Commission approves the following tariff application: Northwestel Inc. TN 834. (streamlined order)

2006-260 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 211 and 212 (Aliant Telecom Inc.), 41, 42 and 42A, 43 and 44, Bell Canada TNs 6985, 6986, 6987, 6988 and 6989, and Northwestel Inc. TN 837. (streamlined order)

2006-261 - The Commission approves on an interim basis, effective 4 October 2006, the ex parte application by Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership, dated 14 September 2006. Reference: Aliant Telecom Inc.TN 209. (streamlined order)

2006-262 - The Commission approves on an interim basis two agreements between IVIC Télécom s.e.n.c. and Bell Canada. Reference: 8340-J63-200612053 and 8340-J63-200612061. (streamlined order)

2006-263 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications. Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 208 (Aliant Telecom Inc.) and 35, Bell Canada TN 6980, MTS Allstream Inc. TN 597 and Saskatchewan Telecommunications TN 121. (streamlined order)

2006-264 - The Commission approves on an interim basis Westport Telephone Company Limited TN 32. (streamlined order)

2006-265 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: TbayTel TN 126 and TELUS Communications Company TNs 569 (former TCI), 4256 (TCBC) and 430 (TCQ). (streamlined order)

2006-266 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an application by Videotron Ltd., dated 25 September 2006, with respect to competitive local exchange carrier rates for interconnection. Reference: TN 19.

2006-267 - The Commission approves on an interim basis Northwestel Inc. TN 838. (streamlined order)

2006-268 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the Basic Listing Interchange File Agreement filed by Westport Telephone Company Limited. Reference: 8340-W3-200612235. (streamlined order)

2006-269 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 37 and 38, Bell Canada TN 6982, Saskatchewan Telecommunications TN 122 and TELUS Communications Company TNs 570 (former TCI), 431 (TCQ) and 432 (TCQ). (streamlined order)

2006-270 - The Commission approves an application by TELUS Communications Inc., now TELUS Communications Company (TCC), proposing to expand the local calling area between the Sept-Îles and Pentecôte exchanges in the serving territory of TCC in the province of Quebec. Reference: TN 414 (TCQ). Eff. date = 13.10.06.

2006-271 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Allotel Telecommunications Inc. TN 3, Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TN 45, Bell Canada TN 6990, Mornington Communications Co-operative Limited TN 41, MTS Allstream Inc. TN 601 and NorthernTel, Limited Partnership TN 229. (streamlined order)

2006-272 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an application by EastLink, dated 29 September 2006, with respect to competitive local exchange carrier rates for interconnection. Reference: TN 19.

2006-273 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an application by MTS Allstream Inc., dated 28 July 2006 and amended on 27 September and 6 October 2006, with respect to competitive local exchange carrier rates for interconnection. Reference: TNs 24, 24A and 24B.

2006-274 - The Commission approves Gosfield North Communications Co-operative Limited TN 16. (streamlined order)

2006-275 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 27 and 27A, Bell Canada TNs 6977 and 6977A and TELUS Communications Company TNs 433 (TCQ) and 234. (streamlined order)

2006-276 - The Commission approves on a final basis the Master Agreement for Interconnection between Téléphone Drummond Inc. and Bell Canada. Reference: 8340-T101-200609092. (streamlined order)

2006-277 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: TELUS Communications Company TNs 235 and 236. (streamlined order)

2006-278 - The Commission approves on a final basis two agreements between IVIC Télécom s.e.n.c. and Bell Canada. Reference: 8340-J63-200612053 and 8340-J63-200612061. (streamlined order)

2006-279 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TN 46, Bell Canada TN 6946A, and MTS Allstream Inc. TNs 26 and 26A (Allstream), 598 and 598A, and 602. (streamlined order)

2006-280 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TN 210 (Aliant Telecom) and Bell Canada TN 6984. (streamlined order)

2006-281 - The Commission approves on a final basis applications by Bell Canada and Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership (Bell Aliant), both dated 7 July 2006, in which Bell Canada proposed changes to its Exchange Services Tariff item 350 - Enhanced Exchange-Wide Dial (EEWD) Service and its General Tariff item 675 - Centrex III Service - Rates and Charges, and Bell Aliant proposed changes to its General Tariff item 675 - Centrex III Service - Rates and Charges. Reference: Bell Canada TN 6966 and Bell Aliant TN 17.

2006-282 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bruce Telecom TN 122, Distributel Communications Limited TN 1 and WTC Communications (formerly Westport Telephone Company Limited) TN 33. (streamlined order)

2006-283 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the Basic Listing Interchange File Agreement filed by Mornington Communications Co-operative Limited. Reference: 8340-M5-200612665. (streamlined order)

2006-284 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the Basic Listing Interchange File Agreement filed by Huron Telecommunications Co-operative Limited. Reference: 8340-H4-200612839. (streamlined order)

2006-285 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff application: TELUS Communications Company TN 4259 (TCBC). (streamlined order)

2006-286 - The Commission approves on an interim basis with changes Persona Communications Corp.'s proposed revisions to its General Tariff to introduce Lite Speed and Extreme Speed service levels for third-party Internet access. Reference: TN 3. Eff. date = 27.10.2006.

2006-287 - The Commission approves on a final basis the Basic Listing Interchange File Agreement filed by WTC Communications (formerly Westport Telephone Company Limited). Reference: 8340-W3-200612235. (streamlined order)

2006-288 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 212 (Aliant Telecom), 41, 42, 42A and 43, Bell Canada TNs 6985, 6986, 6987 and 6989, and Northwestel Inc. TN 837. (streamlined order)

2006-289 - The Commission approves on an interim basis agreements between the following parties: Bruce Telecom and Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership, and Basic Listing Interchange File Agreements filed by Distributel Communications Limited, Nexicom Telecommunications Inc. and North Renfrew Telephone Company Limited. Reference: 8340-B7-200612855, 8340-B7-200612871, 8340-B7-200612897, 8340-D11-200613027, 8340-N24-200612912 and 8340-N10-200612946. (streamlined order)

2006-290 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: MTS Allstream Inc. TNs 27 and 603. (streamlined order)

2006-291 - The Commission approves on an interim basis, effective 1 November 2006, the ex parte application by Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership dated 16 October 2006 and amended on 23 October 2006.

2006-292 - The Commission approves on an interim basis, effective 1 November 2006, the ex parte application by Bell Canada dated 16 October 2006 and amended on 23 October 2006.

2006-293 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an application by Bell Canada, dated 18 October 2006, with respect to competitive local exchange carrier rates for interconnection. Reference: TN 6992.

2006-294 - The Commission approves Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership's application to destandardize Type C local loop service. Reference: TN 23.

2006-295 - The Commission approves Bell Canada's application to destandardize Type C local loop service. Reference: TN 6971.

2006-296 - The Commission approves on a final basis MTS Allstream Inc. TN 601. (streamlined order)

2006-297 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Canada TN 879 (NST), MTS Allstream Inc. TN 604, Nexicom Telecommunications Inc. TN 32, North Renfrew Telephone Company Limited TN 31 and Saskatchewan Telecommunications TNs 123 and 124. (streamlined order)

2006-298 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the Master Agreement for Interconnection between Bruce Telecom and Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership (MALI). Reference: 8340-B7-200613192. (streamlined order)

2006-299 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an application by Shaw Telecom Inc., dated 23 October 2006, with repect to competitive local exchange carrier rates for interconnection services. Reference: TN 7. (streamlined order)

2006-300 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TN 209 (Aliant Telecom) and TELUS Communications Company TN 236. (streamlined order)

2006-301 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Canada TNs 880 (NST) and 6994. (streamlined order)

2006-302 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an application by TELUS Communications Company, dated 27 October 2006, with respect to competitive local exchange carrier rates for interconnection. Reference: TN 238.

2006-303 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an application by TELUS Communications Company, dated 27 October 2006, with respect to competitive local exchange carrier rates for interconnection. Reference: TN 436 (TCQ).

2006-304 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: TELUS Communications Company TN 4259 (TCBC) and WTC Communications (formerly Westport Telephone Company Limited TN 33). (streamlined order)

2006-305 - The Commission approves on a final basis the Basic Listing Interchange File Agreement filed by Mornington Communications Co-operative Limited. Reference: 8340-M5-200612665. (streamlined order)

2006-306 - The Commission approves TELUS Communications Company's two applications to destandardize its Switched 56 Digital Service in Alberta and its Datadial Service in British Columbia. Reference: Former TCI TN 568 and TCBC TN 4255.

2006-307 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following agreements: Bruce Telecom/Navigata Communications Ltd.; Téléphone Drummond Inc./Bell Canada; and the Téléphone Drummond Inc. BLIF agreement. Reference: 8740-B7-200613910, 8340-T101-200614025 and 8340-T101-200614041. (streamlined order)

2006-308 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an application by Fido Solutions Inc. with respect to competitive local exchange carrier rates for interconnection. Reference: TNs 13 and 13A.

2006-309 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an application by Globility Communications Corporation with respect to competitive local exchange carrier rates for interconnection. Reference: TNs 10, 10A and 10B.

2006-310 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 50 and 215 (Aliant Telecom), Execulink Telecom Inc. TN 47, Rogers Home Phone Inc. TN 27, Société en commandite Télébec TNs 337 and 338, and TELUS Communications Company TN 575. (streamlined order)

2006-311 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an application by Rogers Cable Communications Inc., dated 27 October 2006, as amended on 8 November 2006, with respect to competitive local exchange carrier rates for interconnection. Reference: TNs 6 and 6A.

2006-312 - The Commission approves on a final basis an application by Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership, dated 28 August 2006, to revise General Tariff item 100, Work-Function Structure. Reference: TN 34.

2006-313 - The Commission approves on a final basis, with modifications, an application by Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership, dated 23 August 2006, to revise General Tariff item 24, Resale and Sharing, Access Services Tariff item 315, Zero-Dialed Emergency Call Routing Service, and Access Services Tariff item 320, Voice over IP 9-1-1 Call Routing Service. Reference: TN 30.

2006-314 - The Commission approves on a final basis the Master Agreement for Interconnection between LECs between Bruce Telecom and Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership; and the Huron Telecommunications Co-operative Limited Basic Listing Interchange File Agreement. Reference: 8340-B7-200613192 and 8340-H4-200612839. (streamlined order)

2006-315 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 211A (Aliant Telecom), 51, 52, 53 and 54; Bell Canada TNs 6996, 6997, 6998 and 6999; Huron Telecommunications Co-operative Limited TN 29; North Renfrew Telephone Company Limited TN 32; Northwestel Inc. TN 839; Téléphone Drummond Inc. TN 4; and TELUS Communications Company TN 239. (streamlined order)

2006-316 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an application by Maskatel inc., dated 8 November 2006, with respect to competitive local exchange carrier rates for interconnection. Reference: TN 10.

2006-317 - The Commission approves on a final basis an application by Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership, dated 15 September 2006 and amended 21 September 2006, proposing revisions to several General Tariff, Access Services Tariff and Special Facilities Tariff items to bring them in line with the corresponding Bell Canada tariffs. Reference: Tariff Notices 39 and 39A.

2006-318 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff application: MTS Allstream Inc. TN 603. (streamlined order)

2006-319 - The Commission approves on a final basis agreements between the following parties: Bruce Telecom and Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership , and Basic Listing Interchange File Agreements filed by Distributel Communications Limited, Nexicom Telecommunications Inc. and North Renfrew Telephone Company Limited. Reference: 8340-B7-200612855, 8340-B7-200612871, 8340-B7-200612897, 8340-D11-200613027, 8340-N24-200612912 and 8340-N10-200612946. (streamlined order)

2006-319-1 - Erratum - The Commission is issuing a revised order to correct Telecom Order CRTC 2006-319, 20 November 2006. (streamlined order)

2006-320 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TN 40, Bell Canada TN 6983 and MTS Allstream Inc. TN 599. (streamlined order)

2006-321 - The Commission denies an application by Bell Canada, dated 11 May 2006, to revise its General Tariff item 2180 - PrimeLine Executive service. Reference: Tariff Notice 6947.

2006-322 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications : Bell Canada TN 879 (NST), 6946 and 6946A, MTS Allstream Inc. TN 604, North Renfrew Telephone Company Limited TN 31 and Saskatchewan Telecommunications TNs 107, 123 and 124. (streamlined order)

2006-323 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TN 56, Bell Canada TN 7001, MTS Allstream Inc. TN 606 and TELUS Communications Company TNs 237 and 237A. (streamlined order)

2006-324 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff application: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TN 217 (Aliant Telecom). (streamlined order)

2006-325 - The Commission approves on an interim basis agreements between WTC Communications (formerly Westport Telephone Company Limited) and Bell Canada, and a Basic Listing Interchange File Agreement filed by Tuckersmith Communications Co-operative Limited. Reference: 8340-W3-200614752, 8340-W3-200614760 and 8340-T7-200614710. (streamlined order)

2006-326 - The Commission approves on a final basis MTS Allstream Inc. TNs 598 and 598A. (streamlined order)

2006-327 - The Commission approves on an interim basis agreements between the following parties: Distributel Communications Ltd./Bell Canada; and Société en commandite Télébec/Rogers Wireless Partnership. Reference: 8340-D11-200615107 and 8340-T78-200614992. (streamlined order)

2006-328 - The Commission approves TELUS Communications Company TN 241. (streamlined order)

2006-329 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 47 and 47A; and Bell Canada TNs 6991 and 6991A. (streamlined order)

2006-330 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following agreements: Bruce Telecom/ Navigata Communications Ltd.; Téléphone Drummond Inc./Bell Canada; and the Téléphone Drummond Inc. BLIF agreement. Reference: 8340-B7-200613910, 8340-T101-200614025 and 8340-T101-200614041. (streamlined order)

2006-331 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TN 219 (Aliant Telecom); Northwestel Inc. TNs 840 and 840A; and TELUS Communications Company TN 438 (TCQ). (streamlined order)

2006-332 - Follow-up to Review of regulatory framework for Northwestel Inc., Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2006-1, 17 January 2006 - Interim residential and business service rate increases. Reference: 8663-C12-200600066.

2006-333 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 46, 50 and 215 (Aliant Telecom), Rogers Home Phone Inc. TN 27, Société en commandite Télébec TNs 337 and 338, and TELUS Communications Company TN 575. (streamlined order)

2006-334 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 211 and 211A (Aliant Telecom), 51, 52, 53 and 54, Bell Canada TNs 6996, 6997, 6998 and 6999, Northwestel Inc. TN 839, and TELUS Communications Company TN 239. (streamlined order)

2006-335 - The Commission approves on a final basis TELUS Communications Company's proposed revisions to its Special Facilities Tariff item 206, effective the date of this Order, and ratifies the charging of the rates for its E911 Emergency Service. Reference: TN 235.

2006-336 - The Commission approves on an interim basis Ontario Telecommunications Association TN 94. (streamlined order)

2006-337 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Canada TNs 880 (NST) and 6994. (streamlined order)

2006-338 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 221 (Aliant Telecom), 58 and 58A, and 59; and TELUS Communications Company TN 242. (streamlined order)

2006-339 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: MTS Allstream Inc. TN 606 and TELUS Communications Company TNs 237 and 237A. (streamlined order)

2006-340 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TN 60; Bell Canada TN 7003; Northwestel Inc. TN 841; Provincial Tel Inc. TN 2; and Société en commandite Télébec TN 339. (streamlined order)

2006-341 - The Commission approves on a final basis a Basic Listing Interchange File Agreement filed by Tuckersmith Communications Co-operative Limited and agreements between WTC Communications (formerly Westport Telephone Company Limited) and Bell Canada. Reference: 8340-T7-200614710, 8340-W3-200614752 and 8340-W3-200614760. (streamlined order)

2006-342 - The Commission approves Northwestel Inc.'s proposal to withdraw from providing telephone services in Nanisivik, Nunavut. Reference: TN 831.

2006-343 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TN 61, MTS Allstream Inc. TN 608 and TELUS Communications Company TNs 243, 243A and 244. (streamlined order)

2006-344 - The Commission approves on an interim basis agreements between the following parties: IVIC Télécom s.e.n.c. and Société en commandite Télébec; Sogetel Numérique and Société en commandite Télébec. Reference: 8340-J63-200616063, 8340-J63-200616089 and 8340-S74-200616105. (streamlined order)

2006-345 - The Commission approves on a final basis Saskatchewan Telecommunications TNs 118 and 118A. (streamlined order)

2006-346 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following agreements: Distributel Communications Ltd./Bell Canada; and Société en commandite Télébec/Rogers Wireless Partnership. Reference: 8340-D11-200615107 and 8340-T78-200614992. (streamlined order)

2006-347 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TN 217 (Aliant Telecom) and MTS Allstream Inc. TN 602. (streamlined order)

2006-348 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Canada TN 7004 and Société en commandite Télébec TN 339A. (streamlined order)

2006-349 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following agreements: 9163-7918 Québec Inc./Bell Canada; Sogetel Numérique/Bell Canada; Sogetel Numérique/Société en commandite Télébec; Sogetel Numérique/ 9164-3122 Québec Inc.; and WTC Communications (formerly Westport Telephone Company Limited)/Bell Canada. Reference: 8340-Q19-200616402, 8340-Q19-200616419, 8340-S74-200616120, 8340-S74-200616138, 8340-S74-200616146, 8340-S74-200616154, 8340-S74-200616170 and 8340-W3-200616196. (streamlined order)

2006-350 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TN 219 (Aliant Telecom) and TELUS Communications Company TN 438 (TCQ). (streamlined order)

2006-351 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following agreements: 9163-7918 Québec Inc./Bell Canada; ISP Telecom/ExaTEL Inc.; IVIC Télécom s.e.n.c./Bell Canada; and 9164-3122 Québec inc. (Sogetel Numérique)/Bell Canada. Reference: 8340-Q19-200616550, 8340-Q19-200616568, 8340-J34-200616435, 8340-J63-200616493, 8340-S74-200616097. (streamlined order)

2006-352 - The Commission approves the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TN 216 (Aliant Telecom) and TELUS Communications Company TN 435 (TCQ). (streamlined order)

2006-353 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: IVIC Télécom s.e.n.c. TN 1 and MTS Allstream Inc. TN 609. (streamlined order)

Telecom Costs Orders

2006-1 - The Commission approves an application for costs by the Public Interest Advocacy Centre on behalf of the Consumer Groups with respect to their participation in the proceeding initiated by Forbearance from regulation of local exchange services, Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2005-2. Reference: 8640-C12-200505076, 8640-A53-200403329 and 4754-258.

2006-2 - The Commission approves an application for costs by ARCH: A Legal Resource Centre for Persons with Disabilities with respect to its participation in the proceeding initiated by Forbearance from regulation of local exchange services , Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2005-2. Reference: 8640-C12-200505076, 8640-A53-200403329 and 4754-257.

2006-3 - The Commission approves an application for costs by the Public Interest Advocacy Centre on behalf of the Consumer Groups with respect to their joint intervention in the proceeding initiated by Implementation of wireless number portability , Telecom Public Notices CRTC 2005-14 and 2005-14-1. Reference: 8620-C12-200510934 and 4754-259.

2006-4 - The Commission approves an application for costs by the Public Interest Advocacy Centre on behalf of l'Union des consommateurs with respect to their joint intervention in the proceeding initiated by Review of regulatory framework for the small incumbent local exchange carriers, Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2005-10. Reference: 8663-C12-200509846 and 4754-260.

2006-5 - The Commission approves an application for costs by the Public Interest Advocacy Centre with respect to its participation in the proceeding initiated by Access to information contained in the incumbent local exchange carriers' Emergency 9-1-1 databases for the purpose of providing a Community Notification Service, Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2005-7, 22 June 2005. Reference: 8665-C12-20057212 and 4754-263.

2006-6 - The Commission approves an application for costs by the Public Interest Advocacy Centre with respect to its participation in the proceeding initiated by Bell Canada's exclusion application filed on 5 December 2005 pursuant to Retail quality of service rate adjustment plan and related issues , Telecom Decision CRTC 2005-17. Reference: 8660-B2-200514837 and 4754-264.

2006-7 - The Commission approves an application for costs by ARCH Disability Law Centre with respect to its participation in the CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee Accessibility Issues Ad-Hoc Working Group. Reference: 8663-C12-200402892 and 4754-265.

2006-8 - The Commission approves an application for costs by ARCH Disability Law Centre with respect to its participation in the proceeding initiated by Bell Canada and Saskatchewan Telecommunications' request that the Commission stop applying the local exchange service winback restrictions on the basis that they unjustifiably infringe the right to freedom of expression in section 2(b) of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Telecom Decision CRTC 2006-16, 6 April 2006. Reference: 8622-B2-200505068 and 4754-261.

2006-9 - The Commission approves an application for costs by the Canadian Association of the Deaf with respect to its participation in the CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee Accessibility Issues Ad-Hoc Working Group. Reference: 8663-C12-200402892 and 4754-266.

2006-10 - Application for costs by Mr. Mark Obermeyer on behalf of "97% of the People of Canada" – Proceeding to establish a national do not call list framework and to review the telemarketing rules, Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2006-4. Reference: 8665-C12-200601626 and 4754-267.

2006-11 - The Commission approves the application for costs by l'Union des consommateurs with respect to its participation in the proceeding initiated by Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2006-6. Reference: 8663-C12-200605587 and 4754-272.

2006-12 - The Commission approves the application for costs by the British Columbia Public Interest Advocacy Centre with respect to the participation of the British Columbia Old Age Pensioners' Organization et al. in the proceeding initiated Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2006-6. Reference: 8663-C12-200605587 and 4754-268.

2006-13 - The Commission approves the application for costs by the Utilities Consumers' Group with respect to its participation in the proceeding initiated by Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2006-1. Reference: 8663-C12-200600066 and 4754-276.

2006-14 - The Commission approves the application for costs by the Public Interest Advocacy Centre, on behalf of the Consumer Groups, with respect to their participation in the proceeding initiated by Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2006-1. Reference: 8663-C12-200600066 and 4754-277.

2006-15 - The Commission approves the application for costs by the Public Interest Advocacy Centre, on behalf of the Consumer Groups, with respect to their participation in the proceeding initiated by Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2006-6. Reference: 8663-C12-200605587 and 4754-271.

2006-16 - The Commission approves the application for costs by ARCH: A Legal Resource for Persons with Disabililities, with respect to its participation in the proceeding initiated by Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2006-6. Reference: 8663-C12-200605587 and 4754-273.

2006-17 - The Commission approves the application for costs by the Public Interest Advocacy Centre, on behalf of the Consumer Groups, with respect to their participation in the proceeding initiated by Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2006-8. Reference: 8661-C12-200606965 and 4754-278.

2006-18 - The Commission approves the application by l'Union des consommateurs for an award of costs with respect to its participation in the Public Notice 2006-4 proceeding. Reference: 8665-C12-200601626 and 4754-269.

2006-19 - The Commission approves the application by the Public Interest Advocacy Centre, on behalf of the Consumers' Association of Canada, for an award of costs with respect to its participation in the Public Notice 2006-4 proceeding. Reference: 8665-C12-200601626 and 4754-274.

2006-20 - The Commission approves the application by Public Interest Law Centre, on behalf of Consumers' Association of Canada (Manitoba Branch) and Manitoba Society of Seniors, for an award of costs with respect to their participation in the Public Notice 2006-4 proceeding. Reference: 8665-C12-200601626 and 4754-275.

2006-21 - The Commission approves the application by the BC Public Interest Advocacy Centre, on behalf of the BC Old Age Pensioners' Organization, BC Coalition of People with Disabilities, Council of Senior Citizens' Organizations of BC, End Legislated Poverty, federated anti-poverty groups of BC, Tenants' Rights Action Coalition, West End Seniors' Network and Active Support Against Poverty, for an award of costs with respect to their participation in the Public Notice 2006-4 proceeding. Reference: 8665-C12-200601626 and 4754-279.

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