College of Science

Ocean Science REU

REU Alumni

What do students say about their REU experience? Check out our FAQ page for student quotes and advice to future students from previous REU students.

    Rebecca Alisandratos
    Photo by: Rebecca Alisandratos

    Rebecca Alisandratos

    Home Campus: Macaulay Honors College at Hunter College

    Research Facility: Moss Landing Marine Labs

    Research Mentor(s): Dr. Gitte McDonald

    Project: The Effects of Dive Behavior on the Heart Rates of Northern Elephant Seals

    Nicholas Anaya-Licea
    Photo by: Laura Good

    Nicholas Anaya-Licea

    Home Campus: California State University Dominguez Hills

    Research Facility: Hopkins Marine Station

    Research Mentor(s): Dr. Chris Lowe

    Project: The organization of the nervous system in a Hemichordate species, Saccoglossus kowalevskii.

    Morganne Borsh
    Photo by: Laura Good

    Morganne Borsh

    Home Campus: University of Northern Iowa

    Research Facility: California State University, Monterey Bay

    Research Mentors(s): Dr. Alison Haupt

    Project: Implications of purple sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus purpuratus) population dynamics on giant kelp forests in Southern California.

    Samantha Champ
    Photo by: Samantha Champ

    Samantha Champ

    Home Campus: Monterey Peninsula College

    Research Facility: California State University, Monterey Bay

    Research Mentor(s): Dr. Arlene Haffa

    Project: Testing for Water and Sediment Contamination in the Monterey Peninsula and Salinas Watershed for Select Persistent Organic Pollutants.

    Lucero Dorantes
    Photo by: Lucero Dorantes

    Lucero Dorantes

    Home Campus: Cornell University

    Research Facility: Naval Postgraduate School

    Research Mentor(s): Dr. Jamie MacMahan

    Project: Wave Energy Reflection at a Rocky Coast.

    Ciara Dorsay
    Photo by: Laura Good

    Ciara Dorsay

    Home Campus: University of California Berkeley

    Research Facility: Naval Postgraduate School

    Research Mentor(s): Dr. Tom Murphree

    Project: Predicting Wildfire Favorable Conditions in California at Sub Seasonal Lead Times Using Remote Predictors.

    Cindy Matuch
    Photo by: Laura Good

    Cindy Matuch

    Home Campus: Orange Coast College

    Research Facility: Hopkins Marine Station

    Research Mentor(s): Dr. Larry Crowder

    Project: Life history patterns and spatio-temporal shifts in the diets of albacore tuna (Thunnus alalunga) from a global literature analysis.

    Kelsey Nichols
    Photo by: Kelsey Nichols

    Kelsey Nichols

    Home Campus: University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa

    Research Facility: Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute

    Research Mentor(s): Dr. Jim Barry & Dr. Steve Litvin

    Project: The effect of predator presence and environmental conditions on the metabolic rate of red abalone, Haliotis Rufescens.

    Hayden Smith
    Photo by: Hayden Smith

    Hayden Smith

    Home Campus: Southwestern University

    Research Facility: Hopkins Marine Station

    Research Mentor(s): Dr. Jeremy Goldbogen

    Project: The Physics of Whale Movement: Drag and Thrust Calculations to Measure Whale Efficiency

    Norman Sween
    Photo by: Norman Sween

    Norman Sween

    Home Campus: Santa Rosa Junior College

    Research Facility: Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute

    Research Mentor(s): Dr. Ken Smith & Dr. Crissy Huffard

    Project: Munidopsis Density Relating to Particulate Organic Carbon Flux Events between Time Periods [1989-2010] to [2011-2017].

    Cami Wilson
    Photo by: Cami Wilson

    Cami Wilson

    Home Campus: University of South Florida

    Research Facility: Moss Landing Marine Labs

    Research Mentor(s): Dr. Holly Bowers

    Project: Detection of Harmful Algal Bloom Species On Site Through Optimal DNA Extraction Methodology Coupled with qPCR.

  • Cecelia Batterbee
    Photo by: Cecelia Batterbee

    Cecelia Batterbee

    Home Campus: University of Michigan

    Research Facility: Moss Landing Marine Labs

    Research Mentor(s): Dr. Kim Null

    Project: Effects of a Treatment Wetland-Bioreactor System on Nutrient Loading in a Central California Coast Watershed

    Arelys Chaparro
    Photo by: Laura Good

    Arelys Chaparro

    Home Campus: University of South Carolina

    Research Facility: California State University, Monterey Bay

    Research Mentor(s): Dr. Eric Crandall

    Project: A Possible New Species of Lottia Limpet from the Northeast Pacific

    Sarah Dahl
    Photo by: Laura Good

    Sarah Dahl

    Home Campus: University of California, Santa Barbara

    Research Facility: Naval Postgraduate School

    Research Mentor(s): Dr. Wendell Nuss

    Project: Stratocumulus clouds along the California Coast

    Nicholas Kolasa-Lenarz
    Photo by: Nicholas Kolasa-Lenarz

    Nicholas Kolasa-Lenarz

    Home Campus: University of St. Thomas

    Research Facility: Hopkins Marine Station

    Research Mentor(s): Dr. Giulio De Leo

    Project: Environmental Drivers of Toxic Pseudo-nitzschia Blooms

    Zachary Mize
    Photo by: Corey Garza

    Zachary Mize

    Home Campus: Treasure Valley Community College

    Research Facility: Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve

    Research Mentor(s): Dr. Rikke Jeppesen & Dr. Kerstin Wasson

    Project: Crab species richness and abundance within Elkhorn Slough with a focus on key species Pachygrapsus crassipes, Hemigrapsus oregonensis, Carcinus maenas.

    Larissa Neilson
    Photo by: Corey Garza

    Larissa Neilson

    Home Campus: California State University, Monterey Bay

    Research Facility: Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute

    Research Mentor(s): Dr. Jim Barry & Dr. Steve Litvin

    Project: Effects of current and future upwelling conditions on the growth and survivorship of Haliotis rufescens

    Alex Otto
    Photo by: Corey Garza

    Alex Otto

    Home Campus: University of Nebraska-Lincoln

    Research Facility: Moss Landing Marine Labs

    Research Mentor(s): Dr. Gitte McDonald

    Project: Heart Rate in Northern Elephant Seals under Different Handling Conditions

    Luis Pérez
    Photo by: Luis Pérez

    Luis Pérez

    Home Campus: University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus

    Research Facility: Naval Postgraduate School

    Research Mentor(s): Dr. James MacMahan

    Project: Observations of infragravity (30s-5min) surges (waves) in intertidal rocky channels

    Omar Ramzy
    Photo by: Laura Good

    Omar Ramzy

    Home Campus: Stony Brook University

    Research Facility: California State University, Monterey Bay

    Research Mentor(s): Dr. James Lindholm

    Project: Habitat Associations and Behavior of Halfbanded Rockfish (Sebastes semicinctus) in the mid-depth Photic Zone of the Carmel Undersea Canyon

    Richard Rodriguez
    Photo by: Corey Garza

    Richard Rodriguez

    Home Campus: Ventura College

    Research Facility: Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute

    Research Mentor(s): Dr. Kakani Katija

    Project: Development Of A Tag Release Mechanism For Soft-Bodied Invertebrates

    Julia Stanganelli
    Photo by: Julia Stanganelli

    Julia Stanganelli

    Home Campus: University of Virginia

    Research Facility: Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve

    Research Mentor(s): Dr. Rikke Jeppesen & Dr. Kerstin Wasson

    Project: Factors Influencing the Abundance of an Invasive Mud Snail at Elkhorn Slough

    Brianna Villalon
    Photo by: Laura Good

    Brianna Villalon

    Home Campus: Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi

    Research Facility: Hopkins Marine Station

    Research Mentor(s): Dr. Larry Crowder

    Project: Socio-ecological Interactions within Small-Scale Fisheries and Vessel Tracking in the Gulf of California

  • Olivia Arredondo

    Home Campus: Hartnell Community College

    Research Facility: Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve

    Research Mentor(s): Dr. Rikke Jeppesen

    Project: Ecotone plant community zonation and salinity tolerance at Hester Marsh, Elkhorn Slough

    Isaac Arseneau

    Home Campus: Valparaiso University

    Research Facility: Naval Postgraduate School

    Research Mentor(s): Wendell Nuss

    Project: A case study of four atmospheric river events over the Pacific west coast of the United States

    Victoria Asaad

    Home Campus: California State University, Monterey Bay

    Research Facility: Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute

    Research Mentor(s): Dr. Ken Smith and Dr. Chrissy Huffard

    Project: Tergivelum baldwinae, a benthic acorn worm's behavior in relation to structure and food supply

    Madison Bashford

    Home Campus: California State University, Monterey Bay

    Research Facility: Hopkins Marine Station

    Research Mentor(s): Dr. Nick Carey

    Project: Temperature effects on swimming kinematics of foraging behavior in the Northern Anchovy, Engraulis mordax

    Daniel De Leon

    Home Campus: Cabrillo College

    Research Facility: Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute

    Research Mentor(s): Dr. John Ryne and Danelle Cline

    Project: Passive acoustic monitoring of blue and fin whale species through machine learning

    Brett McKim

    Home Campus: University of California, Santa Barbara

    Research Facility: Naval Postgraduate School

    Research Mentor(s): Dr. Jeff Paduan

    Project: Relationship between biological variables and surface water origins in Monterey Bay, CA based on water-trajectory analysis

    Emily Pope

    Home Campus: Nova Southeastern University

    Research Facility: California State University, Monterey Bay

    Research Mentor(s): Dr. John Goeltz

    Project: Dependence of boric acid equilibria on hydroxide ions or hydrogen ions and its application to ocean acidification

    Lucas Principe

    Home Campus: Northeastern University

    Research Facility: Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve

    Research Mentor(s): Dr. Rikke Jeppesen and Dr. Kerstin Wasson

    Project: Animal use of salt marsh habitat at Elkhorn Slough: Investigating crab, insect and small mammal community abundance and distribution in an estuarine ecosystem

    Veronica Rodriguez-Jurado

    Home Institution: University of Maryland

    Research Facility: Hopkins Marine Station

    Research Mentor(s): Dr. Steve Palumbi and Beth Sheets

    Project: Effects of shark-fin processing level on barcoding success rate

    Ash Sanchez

    Home Campus: Rutgers State University

    Research Facility: Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute

    Research Mentor(s): Dr. Monique Messie and Dr. Francisco Chavez

    Project: Environmental factors influencing zooplankton diel vertical migration in Monterey Bay, California

    Marisa Thompson

    Home Campus: California State University, Monterey Bay

    Research Facility: Moss Landing Marine Laboratories

    Research Mentor(s): Dr. Scott Hamelton and June Shrestha

    Project: Effect of feeding time on nutrient excretion rate by Gopher rockfish (Sebastes carnatus)

    Grant Voirol

    Home Campus: University of Miami

    Research Facility: Moss Landing Marine Laboratories

    Research Mentor(s): Dr. Gitte McDonald and Stephanie Schneider

    Project: Do non-breeding Emperor penguins (Aptenodytes forsteri) huddle during the long foraging migration?

  • Miranda collecting water samples by kayak

    Miranda Baker

    Home Campus: Haverford College

    REU Research Facility: Moss Landing Marine Laboratories (MLML)

    REU Mentor(s): Dr. Tom Connolly and Dr. Kim Null

    Project: Effects of Tidal Management on Salinity and Nutrient Concentrations in a Low-Flow Estuary

    Bryce shows off a marine animal during a kayak trip

    Bryce Corbett

    Home Campus: Southern Illinois University-Carbondale

    REU Research Facility: Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI)

    REU Mentor(s): Dr. Francisco Chavez

    Project: Exploring eDNA methodologies as a way to detect relationship between Anchovies and Krill in Monterey Bay Canyon

    Aaron at the molecular bench

    Aaron Cristan

    Home Campus: Del Mar College

    REU Research Facility: Moss Landing Marine Laboratories (MLML)

    REU Mentor(s): Dr. G. Jason Smith

    Project: Marine Algal Parasite Hunting: Oomycete and Chytrids Detection in Marine Environments, Classification and Sequencing

    Darimar collecting samples in the intertidal

    Darimar Davila

    Home Campus: University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras campus

    REU Research Facility: California State University, Monterey Bay

    REU Mentor(s): Dr. Corey Garza and Dan Orr

    Project: How species diversity is influenced by landscape characteristics in rocky intertidal communities at multiple scales



    Jay Lowe

    Home Campus: CSU Monterey Bay

    REU Research Facility: Naval Postgraduate School (NPS)

    REU Mentor(s): Dr. Tim Stanton

    Project: Turbulent Transfer of Heat and Salt in Weak Ocean Density Layers

    Melia collecting diatom samples at Moss Landing

    Melia Paguirigan

    Home Campus: The Evergreen State College

    REU Research Facility: Moss Landing Marine Laboratories (MLML)

    REU Mentor(s): Dr. Colleen Durkin

    Project: Influence of diatom morphology and community composition on aggregation in Monterey Bay, California

    Mackenzie in three pictures performing her research on rockfish

    Mackenzie Peck

    Home Campus: Millikin University

    REU Research Facility: California State University, Monterey Bay

    REU Mentor(s): Dr. Cheryl Logan and Kirsten Boyer

    Project: Maternal effects of ocean acidification and hypoxia on metabolic performance in larval brown rockfish, Sebastes auriculatus



    Emily Peterson

    Home Campus: University of Portland

    REU Research Facility: Naval Postgraduate School (NPS)

    REU Mentor(s): Dr. Tim Stanton

    Project: Comparing the Accuracy of AMSRE, AMSR2, SSMI and SSMIS Satellite Radiometer Ice Concentration Products with One-Meter Resolution Visible Imagery in the Arctic

    Lance presenting his research talk at the final symposium

    Lance Rodriguez

    Home Campus: Fresno City College

    REU Research Facility: Moss Landing Marine Laboratories (MLML)

    REU Mentor(s): Dr. Ivano Aiello and Tyler Barnes

    Project: Beach recovery in southern Monterey Bay during summer 2016

    Aileen showing off her tanks of abalone

    Aileen San

    Home Campus: CSU Monterey Bay

    REU Research Facility: Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI)

    REU Mentor(s): Dr. Charles Boch

    Project: Carry-over effects of fertilization in stressful conditions on red abalone, Haliotis rufescens, larval development



    Aaron Updike

    Home Campus: Valparaiso University

    REU Research Facility: Naval Postgraduate School (NPS)

    REU Mentor(s): Dr. Wendell Nuss

    Project: Characterizing and predicting along-coast and diurnal marine stratus variability on the U.S. West Coast

  • Kirby bartlett building experiment

    Kirby Bartlett

    Home Campus: Cabrillo Community College

    REU Research Facility: Moss Landing Marine Laboratories (MLML)

    REU Mentor(s): Dr. Diana Steller, Angela Zepp (graduate student)

    Project: Comparison of pH concentrations within regions of the thallus in Desmarestia ligulata in relation to urchin grazing preferences

    Chelsea Burgess

    Chelsea Burgess

    Home Campus: Haskell Indian Nations University

    REU Research Facility: California State University, Monterey Bay

    REU Mentor(s): Dr. Corey Garza, Dr. Michael Navarro (post-doctoral fellow)

    Project: Novel Bat Star, Patiria miniata, Habitat Associations

    Robert Chavez working in research lab

    Robert Chavez

    Home Campus: Hartnell College

    REU Research Facility: Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI)

    REU Mentor(s): Brett Hobson

    Project: A Method for Accurate Ballasting of an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle

    reu student snorkelling

    Enrika espiritu

    Home Campus: University of Guam

    REU Research Facility: California State University, Monterey Bay

    REU Mentor(s): Dr. Alison Haupt

    Project: The Correlation Between Anthropogenic Factors: Fishing and Pollution, with Kelp Biomass Along the Coast of California

    collage of reu student colleen flynn working in her lab

    Colleen Flynn

    Home Campus: College of William and Mary

    REU Research Facility: Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University

    REU Mentor(s): Dr. Mark Denny, Diana LaScala-Gruenewald (graduate student)

    Project: The effects of food distribution on the homing behavior of the limpet Lottia scabra

    student looking through sighting scope

    Katherine Gregory

    Home Campus: Stony Brook University

    REU Research Facility: Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve

    REU Mentor(s): Dr. Kirsten Wasson, Dr. Rikke Jeppesen

    Project: Spatial and temporal variation in crab communities across an estuarine gradient

    Madison and her mentor at MBARI, Dr. Jim Barry
    Madison and her mentor at MBARI, Dr. Jim Barry

    Madison Heard

    Home Campus: California State University, Monterey Bay

    REU Research Facility: Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI)

    REU Mentor(s): Dr. Jim Barry, Dr. Charlie Boch (post-doctoral fellow)

    Project: Effects of Multiple Climate Change-Related Stressors on Larval Development of the Red Abalone, Haliotis rufescens

    Article Featuring Madison's REU Research
    Shots from student lab at Hopkins

    Alia Hidayat

    Home Campus: University of Washington

    REU Research Facility: Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University

    REU Mentor(s): Dr. Chris Lowe, Dr. Paul Minor (post-doctoral fellow)

    Project: Conserved hox gene expression during larval stagesin the bat star, Patiria miniata

    REU student profile picture. Student in life jacket and helmet.

    Mechelle Johnson

    Home Campus: Kirkwood Community College

    REU Research Facility: Moss Landing Marine Laboratories (MLML)

    REU Mentor(s): Dr. Kenneth Coale, Holly Chiswell, Alex Olsen (graduate students).

    Project: Dimethylmercury: A Source of Monomethylmercury in Fog

    reu student paris smalls

    Paris Smalls

    Home Campus: University of South Carolina

    REU Research Facility: Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI)

    REU Mentor(s): Dr. Charlie Paull

    Project: Benthic gouge marks in the Canadian Beaufort Sea: Associations between whales and methane seeps?

    collage of reu student catrin wendt at work

    Catrin Wendt

    Home Campus: California State University, Monterey Bay

    REU Research Facility: Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve

    REU Mentor(s): Dr. Kirsten Wasson, Dr. Rikke Jeppesen

    Project: European green crab distribution as an effect of water quality in an estuarine environment

  • Taylor Eddy Conference photo

    Taylor Eddy

    Home Campus: California State University, Monterey Bay

    REU Research Facility: Moss Landing Marine Laboratories (MLML)

    REU Mentor(s): Dr. Jim Harvey

    Project: Distributional changes of Humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) within feeding grounds off California

    dale reu student photo

    Dale Garcia

    Home Campus: Hartnell College

    REU Research Facility: California State University, Monterey Bay

    REU Mentor(s): Dr. Steve Moore

    Project: Underwater laser “tripwire” for detecting marine life

    mary colleen reu student photo

    Mary Colleen Hannon

    Home Campus: Humboldt State University

    REU Research Facility: Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University

    REU Mentor(s): Dr. Kakani Young

    Project: Jet-propelled swimming by siphonophores, a colonial gelatinous zooplankton

    REU logo

    Kayleigh Kavanagh

    Home Campus: Beloit College

    REU Research Facility: Moss Landing Marine Laboratories (MLML)

    REU Mentor(s): Dr. Ivano Aiello

    Project: Measuring the impacts of longshore transport on Monterey Bay beach morphology through terrestrial LiDAR

    anika reu student photo

    Anika knight

    Home Campus: Medaille College

    REU Research Facility: Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University

    REU Mentor(s): Dr. Giulio DeLeo

    Project: Schistosomiasis outbreaks and their spatial relationship with dams and prawns of the genus Macrobrachium in Sub-Saharan Africa

    Zena reu student photo

    Zena Jensvold

    Home Campus: The University of Oregon

    REU Research Facility: Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI)

    REU Mentor(s): Dr. Alexandra Worden

    Project: Physiological response of Ostreococcus to nutrient depletion

    jesse reu student photo

    Jesse Lafian

    Home Campus: Tompkins Cortland Community College

    REU Research Facility: Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI)

    REU Mentor(s): Dr. Francisco Chavez

    Project: Biological processes drive diel pH signals near shore

    Bryce Melzer reu student photo

    Bryce Melzer

    Home Campus: University of South Carolina

    REU Research Facility: Naval Postgraduate School (NPS)

    REU Mentor(s): Dr. Peter Chu

    Project: Methodology comparison on determination of global ocean mixed layer depth from temperature profiles

    danielle perry reu student photo

    Danielle Perry

    Home Campus: University of New Haven

    REU Research Facility: Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve

    REU Mentor(s): Dr. Kerstin Wasson

    Project: Macroalgal blooms over time and the effects of wrack on salt marsh in Elkhorn Slough Estuary

    REU logo

    Victor Tapia

    Home Campus: Santa Clara University

    REU Research Facility: Naval Postgraduate School (NPS)

    REU Mentor(s): Dr. Jeffrey Paduan

    Project: Analysis of Circulation Patterns in the Monterey Bay Region from High Frequency (HF) Radar

    REU logo

    Lisa Yamamoto

    Home Campus: Linfield College

    REU Research Facility: California State University, Monterey Bay

    REU Mentor(s): Dr. James Lindholm

    Project: Distribution of structure-forming invertebrates in the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary

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