Storm drains and roadside ditches lead directly, without prior treatment, to our streams, rivers, lakes and bays. When we replace our natural landscape with impervious (hardened or paved) surfaces like asphalt, buildings, and roadways, stormwater can’t soak into the ground. During a storm event, runoff collects pollutants, such as sediment from construction sites, nutrients from excess fertilizer use, bacteria from pet waste, and oil and grease from motor vehicles. As our footprint of impervious areas increase, the amount and speed of runoff also increases. This process alters the natural flow of our waterways and can cause widespread erosion.
Clean Water
Starts with YOU!
Although DelDOT has two stormwater permits, the entire community is responsible for helping to maintain our waterways. Unlike wastewater (sewers), stormwater is not treated by water treatment facilities before flowing into our ecosystem. This is why it is it is extremely important that everyone get involved.
Learn about the origin of stormwater pollution
Stormwater runoff is the fastest growing source of pollution to our local waterways.
The mission of DelDOT's Stormwater Quality Program is to minimize the runoff of pollutants from the roadway drainage system into surface waters of the State of Delaware.