Your first name.
Your last name.
The email address is not made public. It will only be used if you need to be contacted about your account or for opted-in notifications.
Several special characters are allowed, including space, period (.), hyphen (-), apostrophe ('), underscore (_), and the @ sign.
This account's preferred language for emails and site presentation. This is also assumed to be the primary language of this account's profile information.
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Create a developer account

With an account, you can access more in-depth information and start managing your access to our APIs.

Verify your developer account

We'll send you an e-mail to verify your application. Open the email and click on the verify link. This will activate your account. (Check your spam folder if you can't find the e-mail message.)

Create your applications

As soon as your account is active, you can start managing your access to the APIs. For example, you can request API keys for applications you've created. Note: additional verification steps may be required for some of our APIs.