If are real and positive, then (19.22.18)–(19.22.21)
are ascending Landen transformations when
(implying ), and descending Gauss transformations when
(implying ). Ascent and descent correspond
respectively to increase and decrease of in Legendre’s notation. Descending
Gauss transformations include, as special cases, transformations of complete
integrals into complete integrals; ascending Landen transformations do not.
If or , then (19.22.20) reduces to by
(19.20.13), and if or then (19.22.19)
reduces to by (19.20.20) and (19.22.22). If
or , then and are complex conjugates.
However, if and are complex conjugates and and are real, then
the right-hand sides of all transformations in §§19.22(i) and
19.22(iii)—except (19.22.3) and (19.22.22)—are
free of complex numbers and .
The transformations inverse to the ones just described are the descending
Landen transformations and the ascending Gauss transformations. The equations
inverse to (19.22.5) and (19.22.16) are given by
19.22.23 |
and the corresponding equations with , , and replaced by ,
, and , respectively. These relations need to be used with
caution because is negative when