Gemini Observatory currently has two operational adaptive optics systems, MCAO with GeMS on Gemini South and SCAO with ALTAIR on Gemini North, and plans to host multiple new AO systems in the coming years including the in-development MCAO system GNAO. With the great advances in CPU technology over the last decade, CPUs have become a viable platform for AO RTCs for large telescopes including current 8-m class telescopes and future Extremely Large Telescopes. This has opened up new opportunities to develop adaptive optics real time control systems using common CPU platforms and operating systems, providing simplified development paths and increased maintainability. Gemini plans to provide a CPU based AO RTC that can be feasibly used to upgrade the RTCs of both GeMS and ALTAIR and also provide an adaptable platform for future Gemini AO systems. To this end, a feasibility study was undertaken to asses the suitability of the open source DARC RTC software as a baseline for the Gemini AO systems. The results of this study were used to influence the procurement of an externally developed CPU-based RTC to provide for current and in-development Gemini AO systems and to act as a template for future systems.