Differences between nigrostriatal and mesocorticolimbic dopamine systems
The dopaminergic neurons in the ventral tegmental area and the substantia nigra, pars compacta, provide the majority of dopaminergic innervation to the forebrain. The ventral tegmental area projects to the nucleus accumbens, the cortex, and many limbic regions (mesocorticolimbic system), while the substantia nigra, pars compacta, projects primarily to the dorsal striatum (nigrostriatal system)
(67). These two parallel systems subserve limbic and motor functions, respectively (
figure 2). Nicotine treatment appears to differentially affect dopamine release, dopamine metabolism, and the electrophysiological properties of dopamine neurons in these two functional systems.
Ventral tegmental area neurons and substantia nigra, pars compacta, neurons display basal firing rates with brief periods of very rapid firing (burst firing). Acute nicotine treatment causes an increase in both the firing rate and burst firing of substantia nigra, pars compacta, neurons but only an increase in burst firing of ventral tegmental area neurons
(68, 69). Acute treatment with mecamylamine, a nicotine receptor antagonist, causes a decrease in basal firing rate in ventral tegmental area neurons but not in substantia nigra, pars compacta, neurons
(68). It is interesting that chronic continuous nicotine administration has the same electrophysiological effect as the antagonist mecamylamine; this is thought to be due to desensitization of the nicotinic receptor (70).
Taken together, these studies suggest the presence of maximally driven tonic cholinergic input to the ventral tegmental area, mediated by nicotinic receptors, such that the basal firing rate of ventral tegmental area neurons is not increased by exogenous nicotine. This is in contrast to the substantia nigra, pars compacta, where there does not appear to be tonic cholinergic input. Consistent with this interpretation is the relative insensitivity to up-regulation of nicotinic receptors on ventral tegmental area neurons in comparison with substantia nigra, pars compacta, neurons
(71). In addition, the differences in firing rates and burst firing result in differential dopamine release from cells originating in the ventral tegmental area and substantia nigra, pars compacta. Specifically, nicotine treatment much more efficiently causes dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens than in the dorsal striatum
(72, 73) (
figure 3).
Further, dopamine metabolism also appears to be differentially regulated in limbic and motor systems by nicotine treatment. Animal studies indicate that acute nicotine treatment increases dopamine synthesis and catabolism in the nucleus accumbens but not in the dorsal striatum
(74, 75). On the other hand, chronic continuous nicotine treatment decreases dopamine catabolism in the dorsal striatum but not in the nucleus accumbens
(76). A precedent for altered dopamine metabolism exists in humans as well. The 40% decrease in monoamine oxidase B activity in the brains of smokers compared with nonsmokers may provide an additional mechanism for enhancing the effects of nicotine-related dopamine release
The net effect of nicotine on dopaminergic neuron firing and dopamine turnover is to enhance dopamine levels in the nucleus accumbens relative to the dorsal striatum. These activities are believed to be an important part of the neurobiological substrate of nicotine’s addictive properties
(78). As such, these effects may not have any specific relevance to schizophrenia. On the other hand, it is possible that the anhedonic, amotivational negative symptoms of schizophrenia are a manifestation of an abnormal reward-reinforcement system
(79). In that case, the observation that smokers with schizophrenia have more negative symptoms than nonsmokers with the illness suggests that smoking may be an attempt to self-medicate a disturbance in the reward circuitry in the ventral striatum. This is a speculative interpretation, and it is confounded by the ubiquitous use of antipsychotic medications, since these also affect dopaminergic systems. An alternative view is that smoking may represent an effort to overcome medication-related accumbens dopaminergic blockade
In addition to differential cholinergic input, these differences in dopamine metabolism and release in the nigrostriatal and mesocorticolimbic systems may be mediated by differences in the subunit composition of nicotinic receptors in these different brain regions. Functional measures of nicotine response provide indirect evidence for heterogeneity in nicotinic receptor pharmacology, since different subunit combinations probably confer unique pharmacological properties. In particular, a potential substrate for pharmacological differences may be the difference in neuroanatomical distribution of the α3 subunit. ABT-418 and isoarecolone are nicotinic receptor agonists with a much higher affinity for receptors that contain the α4 subunit than those containing the α3 subunit
(80, 81). Treatment with ABT-418 is three times less potent at activating ventral tegmental area neurons than nicotine
(80), while isoarecolone is much less potent than nicotine at stimulating dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens
(81). On the basis of these findings, it is conceivable that there are more α3-subunit-containing receptors in the accumbens than in the dorsal striatum, which mediates this pattern of differential dopamine release in those regions by nicotine. A potential subpopulation of receptors fitting this profile has been identified in a study by Schulz et al.
(82) of the effects of aging on dopamine release. These investigators found a 2.5-fold difference in dopamine release in striatal slices from young rats in comparison with those from old rats. They suggested that diminished release in the old rats was due to an 80% reduction in a subpopulation of α3-subunit-containing receptors, determined by neuronal bungarotoxin binding. The fact that there is an appreciable effect on dopamine release when receptor composition changes provides support for the hypothesis that subunit differences may mediate regionally specific patterns of dopamine release.
The regional specificity of nicotinic receptor distribution is also supported by several studies which suggest that individual brain regions express different nicotinic receptor subunit mRNAs. The most common nicotine receptor subunits are α4 and β2, and high-affinity nicotine binding sites are associated with the concomitant presence of both
(59). However, the ratio of α4 mRNA to β2 mRNA varies in different brain regions, suggesting that there are other subunits co-assembled in the final receptors in these regions
(83). There is evidence to support the inclusion of other β subunits and/or α subunits in the final receptor. Nicotinic receptors composed of α4α4β2β3β4 have been recently isolated from rat striatum and shown to have high affinity for nicotine
(84). In addition, midbrain dopaminergic nuclei have higher levels of α5, α6, and β3 subunits than α4 or β2 subunits
(85), so there remains the potential for unique combinations of nicotinic receptor subunits and considerable complexity of nicotinic receptors. These subunit combinations may confer unique pharmacological properties.
The total nicotinic activation in a region appears to be determined by the relative proportions of different populations of nicotinic receptors with varying subunit composition. This diversity may explain some of the differences of nicotine response in limbic versus motor dopamine systems, but the confirmation of this explanation awaits further study of the specific subunit composition of nicotinic receptors in these regions. Given the evidence that at least one subtype of nicotinic receptor is differentially expressed in schizophrenia
(44), it is tempting to speculate that different combinations of nicotinic receptor subunits may exist between schizophrenic and normal subjects and possibly between schizophrenic smokers and schizophrenic nonsmokers. Investigation of such potential differences would have implications for our understanding of both schizophrenia and nicotine addiction.
Differences between cortical and subcortical dopamine activity
In addition to the dissociation of nicotinic modulation of mesocorticolimbic and nigrostriatal dopaminergic systems, there appear to be significant differences in nicotinic regulation of cortical and subcortical dopamine activity. Acute nicotine treatment increases dopamine levels in the dorsal striatum and prefrontal cortex
(86), while chronic nicotine treatment does not affect dopamine levels in either region
(76). However, acute challenge with nicotine after chronic treatment causes an increase in dopamine levels in the prefrontal cortex but not in the nucleus accumbens
(86), suggesting that chronic nicotine treatment produces an alteration in cortical nicotinic receptor activity that results in altered sensitivity to nicotine. Consistent with this idea, nicotine-mediated dopamine metabolism differs in the cortex and the striatum. Acute nicotine treatment regulates dopamine synthesis and catabolism in the nucleus accumbens but not in the prefrontal cortex
(87). Conversely, both chronic intermittent and chronic continuous nicotine treatment change dopamine metabolism in the prefrontal cortex but not in the dorsal striatum
Again, pharmacological data suggest that these differences in dopaminergic modulation may be due to differential subunit composition of the nicotinic receptors. Measures of agonist-induced dopamine release in cortical versus striatal synaptosomes suggest that nicotinic receptors in the cortex have a higher affinity for nicotine, but a quicker onset of desensitization after acute nicotinic agonist treatment, than subcortical nicotinic receptors
(88). Hence, the different patterns of nicotine-stimulated dopamine release in cortical and subcortical structures may be due to different pharmacological properties of nicotinic receptors in these regions, which in turn are likely determined by different subunit composition.
Differences in neural plasticity may also distinguish cortical and subcortical nicotinic receptors. Several studies suggest that cortical nicotinic receptor expression is regulated by chronic nicotine treatment
(89, 90). Further, this change in expression appears to result in electrophysiological activity of cortical neurons
(91) and enhanced cortical dopamine release in response to nicotine challenge
(86). These preclinical data suggest that chronic nicotine treatment affects cortical sensitivity to nicotine challenges to a greater extent than treatment does for subcortical nicotinic receptors. This is consistent with the hypothesis that schizophrenia is associated with a dissociation of cortical-subcortical dopamine activity
(53). Perhaps schizophrenic individuals smoke to stimulate cortical activity without altering subcortical activity.