DGGS PIR 2015-5
Energy-related studies during the 2014 field season, western Cook Inlet, Alaska
Bibliographic Reference
Wartes, M.A., ed., 2015, Energy-related studies during the 2014 field season, western Cook Inlet, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Preliminary Interpretive Report 2015-5, 62 p. https://doi.org/10.14509/29455
Publication Products
Report Information
Chapter information:
PIR 2015-5-1
Wartes, M.A., 2015, An introduction to 2014 field studies in western Cook Inlet, Alaska, p. 1-4.
PIR 2015-5-2
Betka, P.M., and Gillis, R.J., 2015, The superposition of strike-slip and reverse-slip faults in the Bruin Bay fault system, Ursus Head, lower Cook Inlet, p. 5-8.
PIR 2015-5-3
Rosenthal, J.L., Betka, P.M., Gillis, R.J., and Nadin, Elisabeth, 2015, Preliminary investigation of fracture populations in Mesozoic strata of the Cook Inlet forearc basin: Iniskin Peninsula and Lake Clark National Park, Alaska, p. 9-13.
PIR 2015-5-4
Bull, K.F., 2015, Preliminary observations: Continued facies analysis of the Lower Jurassic Talkeetna Formation, north Chinitna Bay, Alaska, p. 15-22.
PIR 2015-5-5
LePain, D.L., and Stanley, R.G., 2015, Stratigraphic reconnaissance of the Middle Jurassic Red Glacier Formation, Tuxedni Group, at Red Glacier, Cook Inlet, Alaska, p. 23-28.
PIR 2015-5-6
Stanley, R.G., Helmold, K.P., and LePain, D.L., 2015, Storm-influenced deltaic deposits of the Middle Jurassic Gaikema Sandstone in a measured section of the northern Iniskin Peninsula, Cook Inlet basin, Alaska, p. 29-42.
PIR 2015-5-7
Helmold, K.P., and Stanley, R.G., 2015, Petrology and reservoir quality of the Gaikema Sandstone: Initial impressions, p. 43-48.
PIR 2015-5-8
Wartes, M.A., Decker, P.L., Herriott, T.M., and Helmold, K.P., 2015, Preliminary facies analysis of the lower sandstone member of the Upper Jurassic Naknek Formation, northern Chinitna Bay, Alaska, p. 49-55.
PIR 2015-5-9
Herriott, T.M., Decker, P.L., and Wartes, M.A., 2015, Evidence of a submarine canyon in the Snug Harbor Siltstone and Pomeroy Arkose Members, Naknek Formation, south-central Alaska: Implications for the distribution of coarse-grained sediment in Upper Jurassic strata of Cook Inlet, p. 57-62.
Alaska Range Batholith; Arkose; Bajocian; Batholith; Bathonian; Bruin Bay Fault; Callovian; Channel; Chinitna Bay; Chinitna Formation; Chisik Conglomerate Member; Contact Metamorphism; Cook Inlet; Cook Inlet Basin; Cynthia Falls Sandstone; Dissected Arc; Early Jurassic; Energy; Energy Resources; Exploration; Facies Analysis; Fault Displacement; Faulting; Feldspar; Folds; Forearc Basin; Fossils; Gaikema Sandstone; Gas; Geochemistry; Geology; Hydrocarbon; Hydrocarbon Potential; Iliamna Volcano; Iniskin Bay; Iniskin Peninsula; Jurassic; Kimmeridgian; Late Jurassic; Late Triassic; Laumontite; Limestone; lower sandstone member; Marine Sedimentation; Marine Transgressions; Measured Sections; Mesozoic; Middle Jurassic; Naknek Formation; Oil and Gas; Oil and Gas Basin; Oxfordian; Paveloff Siltstone Member; Permeability; Petrography; Petroleum; Plutonic; Point Count; Pomeroy Arkose Member; Porosity; Pyroclastic Flow; Pyrolysis; Quartz; Red Glacier; Red Glacier Formation; Redoubt; Reservoir; Reservoir Quality; Rock-Eval Pyrolysis; Sandstone; Sediment Gravity Flow; Sedimentary; Sedimentology; Sequence Stratigraphy; Slope; Snug Harbor Siltstone Member; Source Rock; Strike-Slip Fault; Talkeetna Arc; Talkeetna Formation; Tuxedni Bay; Tuxedni Group; Type Section; Unconformity; Undissected Arc; Uplift; Ursus Head; Ursus Member; Volcanic; Volcanic Arc; Volcanic Rocks; Volcaniclastics
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