Select from the current SDSS-V run2d (v6_0_4), or SDSS-IV and SDSS-III (e.g. v5_13_2, 26, 103 or 104) spectroscopic pipeline version.
Set the pulldown to one of: DEEP_QSO, Orion_Taurus, RM, SEGUE_GES, SEQUELS_ELG, XMMXLL, apbias, boss, boss_lofar, commissioning, disk, fstars, hyades, legacy, lowz, lowz_loveday, lowz_lrg, m31_fstars, msturnoff, orion, perseus, photoz, preboss, premarvels_preselection, reddening, segcluster, segclusterf, seglowlat, seglowlatf, segpointed, segpointedf, segtest, segtestf, segue, segue2, seguefaint, sequels, southern, special_elg, special_plates_NGC, special_plates_S82, special_plates_TDSS_SPIDERS, special_plates_W1, special_plates_W3, special_sky, taurus.