Some years are pivotal in the history of publishing. Take, for instance, 1543. This was the year that Nicolaus Copernicus's De revolutionibus orbium coelestium (On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres) transformed the way man...
moreSome years are pivotal in the history of publishing. Take, for instance, 1543. This was the year that Nicolaus Copernicus's De revolutionibus orbium coelestium (On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres) transformed the way man understood his place in the macrocosm; likewise, this was the year that Andreas Vesalius's De humani corporis fabrica libri septem (On the Fabric of the Human Body) excavated man's microcosm to see what makes a human being " tick. " 1 In the medical world, knowledge was no longer to be gained by pouring over the books of revered past physicians, Vesalius claimed, but by uncovering with one's hands, layer after layer, the unexplored mysteries of the human body. Dissection became a performative act that required a large audience and a theater. Such performances turned out to be so successful that they had to be repeated, and an array of books came out, whose fron-tispieces visualized a splayed male or female cadaver, revealing its cavities to a voyeuristic assembly of male onlookers. In the process of peeling away identities, eager anatomists opened for all to see the new human continent that once proclaimed only God's handiwork. These decades were also the times of discoveries of new regions, different people, novel ways of life. As Columbus and European navigators rushed to locate, conquer, and name new lands — or to rename them for the kings, princes, and noblemen sponsoring their navigations — so the rush to get hold of bodies to dissect legitimized the desire of the new anatomists — the Columbuses of the fleshly terra firma — to see, check, finger, cut, discover , and then name or rename flesh, bones, muscles, organs, nerves, and tissues that knew no boundaries. For Vesalius, the question that tantalized him as a newly minted professor of surgery and anatomy at the University of Padua (his title was explicator chirurgiae) was staged in the title-page image of his watershed opus, the Fabrica: how to understand and master the human body, starting JMEMS481_01Finucci_1PP.indd 1 9/1/17 8:47 AM