The Presidential Primary Sources Project offers a series of free, standards-aligned, 45-minute interactive webinars for students in grades 4-12.
Tag: clinton_library
Summer 2021 Professional Development
Find summer professional development opportunities about news literacy, presidents and the Constitution, historical injustices, and youth activism!
What Happens in Washington?: A New Distance Learning Program
Sign up for our new "What Happens in Washington?" online program for K-2 students, or for one of our other K-12 distance learning options.
Free Online Programs on the Presidency Begin January 19th
Sign up for free, standards-aligned, 45-minute interactive videoconferencing programs aimed at students in grades 4-12.
Teaching about Elections & Voting
Find primary sources and teaching activities related to elections and voting on our new DocsTeach page.
Summer Professional Development Around the National Archives
This summer, join us for one of our professional development workshops for educators. Professional Development Webinars Visit the National Archives without leaving your school or home! Our interactive webinars feature resources and strategies for bringing primary sources into your classroom: An Introduction to and Online Resources from the National Archives, August 13 & 17 … Continue reading Summer Professional Development Around the National Archives
Titanic Traveling Trunks Available
Titanic traveling trunks aim to teach students how to examine artifacts and compare the past to the present.
Join us at NCSS!
Find National Archives and Presidential Libraries sessions at the 2017 NCSS conference.
Congratulations NHD Winners!
To those students who were involved in National History Day this year, a job well done! We are especially delighted to send our warmest congratulations to students who attended workshops or researched at our National Archives or Presidential Library locations and took their projects all the way to the national contest in College Park, MD, last … Continue reading Congratulations NHD Winners!