Biocities Facility

EFI’s new Biocities Facility in Rome, Italy, is a global reference in generating and communicating relevant scientific knowledge on the potential of the circular bioeconomy concept to rethink urban areas, particularly based on forest-based solutions.

The Facility is a leader in developing a new and holistic conceptual framework for the use of green infrastructures and biobased solutions in urban environments, to tackle climate change and other global challenges.

Increasingly relevant “urban” sectors and challenges such as building construction (e.g., the New European Bauhaus initiative), fashion, transport, packaging, waste and human health and wellbeing directly benefit from the knowledge and activities generated.

Urban area with forest
Urban garden rooftop
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Our work

The Biocities Facility addresses the following priority topic: 

  • Circular Biocities: from a concept to the new urban reality 

The Facility implements the following key activities: 

  • Science-policy-business reports to connect the dots between disciplines and sectors that can catalyse transformational change in urban environments.
  • Science-policy-business events and to raise awareness and create a new and informed debate on Circular Biocities around key sectors.
  • A range of raising awareness communication activities engaging journalists, using different communication platforms and tools: from blogs, exhibitions, awards, etc.

Recommended reading

van der Bosch et al. 2024. The evolution and future of research on Nature-based Solutions to address societal challenges. 

Scarascia-Mugnozza et al. 2023. Transforming Biocities: Designing Urban Spaces Inspired by Nature. 

Wilkes-Allemann et al. 2022.  Research Agenda – Biocities of the future. or you can also download a briefing of the Research agenda.

Ten key ideas for Biocities

Pathways for transition to Biocities

Antoniella et al. 2024. Do poplar plantations enhance organic carbon stocks in arable soils? A comprehensive study from Northern Italy. Journal of Environmental Management, 370, 122882.

De Carolis et al. 2024 First insights of cotton intercropping with peach trees under Mediterranean conditions. Agroforesty Systems.

Chiti et al. 2024. How can carbon farming in forests contribute to carbon neutrality? Policy Brief 10. European Forest Institute.

Chiti et al. 2024. Come può il carbon farming nel settore forestale contribuire alla neutralità carbonica? Policy Brief 10. Istituto Forestale Europeo.

Garofalo et al. 2024. Explainable Artificial Intelligence to Predict the Water Status of Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L., 1763) from Sentinel-2 Images in the Mediterranean Area. Plants, 13(23), 3325.



Webinar - Mediterranean stone pines under attack: the invasion of the pine tortoise scale 
2 May 2024 (14:00 - 16.00 CEST) 



Carbon Farming per le foreste europee e italiane 19.11.2024

 Bioeconomia forestale e filiera del legno: opportunità e sfide, 26.11.2024

Festival del Verde e del Paesaggio 5.4.2025,  with Matilda van den Bosch addressing the impact of urban nature on human health. View programme here (in Italian).

Sustainable Fashion: from innovation and research to the catwalk, 16.4.2025, co-organized together with CNR, CREA, Beste and Armani. See poster here

Press releases


Il nuovo Policy Brief dell’Istituto Forestale Europeo (EFI) mostra come alberi e foreste urbane combattano i problemi di salute pubblica (11 July 2024)

Related publications: 

Buildings integrated in forest

Meet our experts on forest-based solutions for urban areas.

First image: Courtesy of Fritzell & Pantzar/Folkhem trä/Land arkitektur/HISM
Second image: Courtesy of CHYBIK + KRISTOF Architects, Forestry in the forest