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- 絞込み
- S
- SA
- SB
- SC
- SD
- SE
- SF
- SG
- SH
- SI
- SJ
- SK
- SL
- SM
- SN
- SO
- SP
- SQ
- SR
- SS
- ST
- SU
- SV
- SW
- SX
- SY
- SZ
- S(50音)
- S(タイ文字)
- S(数字)
- S(記号)
- saddled with debt
- safety in numbers
- sail close to the wind
- salt of the earth
- sauce for the goose
- sausage party
- save one's ass
- save the day
- save your breath
- say a good word for a person
- say a mouthful
- scales fall from your eyes
- scarce as hen's teeth
- scare out of one's wits
- scare the daylights out of
- school of hard knocks
- scratch the surface of
- sea wall
- search warrant
- securities industry
- see error of one's ways
- see light at end of tunnel
- see one off
- see round
- see someone
- see someone off
- see the colour of money
- see the error of ways
- see through someone
- see to
- see which way the cat will jump
- see you tomorrow
- seem to
- seems to
- seize hold of
- sell down the river
- sell ice to Eskimos
- sell someone out
- sell your soul
- semester system
- send a shiver down your spine
- send packing
- send someone around the bend
- separate sheep from goats
- set oneself right
- set someone back
- set straight
- set the alarm bells ringing
- set the stage
- set you back
- settle a score
- shape of things to come
- shape up or ship out
- share with B
- sharp as a tack
- sharp as razor
- sharp cookie
- shatter cone
- she needs something like a whole in the head
- she needs that like she needs a whole in the head
- shed light on
- shield volcano
- shift gears
- shit happens
- shoe is on the other foot
- shoot oneself in the foot
- shoot yourself in the foot
- shooting star
- short fuse
- shotgun approach
- shouting match
- show one's colors
- show one's paces
- show one's true colours
- show someone the ropes
- show someone's true colours
- show up
- shown the door
- shrug something off
- shut one's eyes to
- shut the door on
- shut the stable door after the horse has bolted
- shut your trap
- sign on dotted line
- sign own death warrant
- simplicity itself
- sing a different tune
- sink one's differences
- sink your teeth into
- sit pretty
- sit through
- skating on thin ice
- skin a cat
- skin in the game
- skin someone alive
- slap on the wrist
- sledgehammer to crack a nut
- sleep on it
- slice of the cake